Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1712: Old birthday star eats arsenic

Outside of the prohibition, everyone discussed in a low voice.

"You said, why did they suddenly run to absorb the robbery?" a fairy king asked in doubt.

Just now, they saw that within the restriction, several immortal kings suddenly rushed towards Xu Que for no reason, and then they began to use their true essence to draw the surrounding golden light, wanting to absorb the catastrophe.

"Ghost knows, I only know they are dead." Duan Jiude rolled his eyes and said.

He was in Tianzhou before, but he had seen with his own eyes how those immortal kings were chopped into pieces by the ancient catastrophe, and those whose cultivation bases were slightly poorer were directly chopped to death.

The tragic situation at that time is still vividly remembered to this day.

"I'll tell you that there was also an immortal king who didn't believe in evil, but he was directly smashed into flames and died suddenly on the spot!" Duan Jiude began to spread sensational remarks.

Er Gouzi, who hadn't spoken all the time, suddenly said, "From the perspective of the gods, they shouldn't think that even Xu Que can take it down. There is no reason why they can't resist it, right?"

Several people were taken aback for a moment, the more they thought about it, the more likely it was.

If they were in that situation, they might think so too.

After all, Xu Que is a big Luo Jinxian, but who are they?

The fairy king! Xianzun!

Which one does not need to be strong?

He can do it, why can't we do it? !

Maybe it's because we helped him share the catastrophe, so this guy can get through the catastrophe so easily!

"No...Isn't someone so unpredictable in their hearts?" Duan Jiude muttered.

Within the ban, several fairy kings are cheering for each other.

"Believe in yourself, we can!"

"Yes, this kid is just a big Luo Jinxian, we are all immortal kings, there is no reason why we can't resist!"

"That is, this celestial calamity is very good for the improvement of physique, and he must not let him alone.

This is what Duan Jiude said, there is no such group of people in his heart.

There were four or five immortal kings, and they came together to a place slightly lower than Xu Que.

As for the other people, watching them from below at this time, the body practice has already started to operate. ,

Just waiting for their successful experiment, they rushed up to **** those golden awns as soon as possible.

"Are you ready?" A fairy king asked, covering his body with true essence.

In this way, even if there is an accident, it can run the exercises to remedy it in time.

The others nodded vigorously: "Ready!"

"Okay, then we will start!"

Several people joined hands to construct a shield of true essence, which tightly envelops the body.

At this moment they didn't keep any hands. Although subconsciously felt that Xu Que was cheating to be able to absorb it, after all, it was an ancient catastrophe, and they did not dare to underestimate him.

Xu Que glanced at them, ignored them, and continued to absorb Jin Mang on his own.

Some people want to die, but he can't stop them.

Seeing that Xu Que ignored them, these immortal kings suddenly felt confident and even more energetic.

"He must feel that he will be discovered, so he has a guilty conscience!"

"Yes, I'll just say a big Luo Jinxian, how could he withstand the ancient catastrophe so easily!"

"Let's absorb it quickly, don't let him take all the benefits."

Several people whispered for a while, then let go of their hands and feet, and ejected the true yuan, trying to pull all the surrounding golden light.

Under the guidance of Zhenyuan, large expanses of golden light were attracted to them, like a golden lake.

Several people looked at each other, nodded vigorously, and at the same time withdrew the body protector Zhenyuan.

"Come on! Absorb it!"

A strong suction erupted from several people, and Jin Meng was immediately pulled into their bodies.


At the moment when Jin Mang entered his body, a series of electric arc bursts sounded.

The faces of a few people suddenly stiffened, they saw that the golden light was attached to their body surface, and they began to explode, even the body of the fairy king could not stop the damage.

"Damn it! What's going on... ahem!"

An immortal king roared halfway through, and suddenly bent down, coughing up blood.

I saw a puff of blue smoke rising from his seven orifices, his face was horrified, and he shouted in pain: "These golden lights...burning my meridians...Ah! It's painful! Who will save me!"

It is a pity that it is not just him, but one of the surrounding immortal kings who have absorbed the golden light, all of them are in the same state.

Several people wailed bitterly in the air, and burnt holes gradually appeared on their body surfaces, and long and thin golden arcs burst out from the inside out, circling and beating around them.

After a while, several people fell from the air and hit the ground heavily.

Looking closely, they found that these people had become a scorched corpse, and the blue smoke rose slowly, like the passing of life.

Everyone looked at each other, and their minds were a little confused for a while.

what's the situation?

Isn’t that okay, the ancient catastrophe is nothing but you, can I go to me?

Why did he suddenly die?

Xu Que looked at the scene below, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The sorrow and joy between people are not the same, and the experience between people is not the same.

If this group of guys hadn't suddenly become nervous and wanted to absorb the ancient catastrophe, they might not have died so fast.

You know, most of the reason why he himself was able to carry such a powerful ancient heavenly calamity was because his body was extremely powerful.

After having been baptized in the furnace of heaven and earth before, his physical body had completely crushed Mo Junchen's Dacheng Hades town prison body.

In addition, it has now been inherited by the ancient Buddha, and the system has integrated it into the righteous Qi Sealing Demon Sutra. Without knowing it, his body seems to have also integrated the Buddha's most outgoing golden body law to enter.

Although Xu Que is still a small Saint Body, if he fights with Mo Junchen completely physically, he doesn't even need to exert all his strength to crush the opponent.

Compared with their own bodies, the bodies of these guys are as weak as ants, so they dare to absorb the ancient catastrophe?

This is really an old birthday star eating arsenic-living impatiently. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Very well, this time I have absorbed a lot of ancient catastrophes, and I am further from my goal."

Feeling the ancient catastrophe that was constantly being filled in his body, Xu Que could not conceal the joy in his heart.

In the past, he used ordinary sky thunder to create a magic decision, and then thunder was consumed. After discovering the ancient catastrophe, Xu Que once again had the idea of ​​using the ancient catastrophe to create a magic decision.

The last time the Fivefold Heavenly Tribulation had actually been done, but that time was just a breakthrough to the Daluosan Wonderland, and the ancient catastrophe that came was insufficient in terms of quality and quantity.

Taking advantage of this breakthrough, Xu Que was ready to absorb the ancient catastrophe completely, striving to be able to use the ancient catastrophe to create a new method.

At that time, even if you don't use the Righteous Qi Sealing Magic Sutra, you can still rub these guys on the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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