Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1713: Mysterious old monk

"Good job!"

"If you don't die, you won't die..."

Outside of the prohibition, Duan Jiude and Er Gouzi unanimously applauded in a seal-like manner.

One thing to say is that they have seen many people who die, including themselves, are excellent models of death.

But like these immortal kings, it is really rare in the world to die to this point.

Actually want to use the flesh to absorb the ancient catastrophe?

Even if the Immortal Emperor of the Sifang Tianmen is here, I am afraid he will give his thumbs up and sigh from the bottom of his heart: "Good guy, it's a good job."

Duan Jiude carried his hands on his back, showing the vicissitudes of life, and said with emotion: "I have to say, this is what makes Jiangshan have talents from generation to generation, and the new generation replaces the old!"

Er Gouzi also got up, put on those flowery pants, and raised the cloak behind him: "Yes, as the saying goes, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves forward. Teacher Duan, we are all old."

"Yes, Teacher Ergou, it's time for us to think of some new tricks."

Upon hearing the words, the fairy king on the side felt a chill from his heart.

Your wicked dog's methods are already very famous!

Stop making any innovations!

Do you still want to live?

However, the immortal king felt quite fortunate, and everyone was a step slower just now.

Otherwise, the few scorched corpses lying there will probably have one of their own.

Within the ban, a panic was spreading across the home.

"Isn't it said that those ancient catastrophes are not very powerful?"

"You're blind! I haven't seen the dead body already here!"

"These are all powerhouses at the peak of the fairy king... can't even stop a little broken golden light?"

What they didn't know was that as Xu Que's strength continued to grow, the ancient catastrophe that had appeared became stronger and stronger.

Even this time, when they didn't know, Xu Que already felt that some unknown changes had taken place in the ancient catastrophe.

Even he had suffered a lot of shock just now.

For unknown reasons, these ancient catastrophes seem to be faintly degenerating into the real ancient catastrophes that were once extremely terrifying and changed by smell.

According to legend, once the real ancient catastrophe came out, even the emperor could not be able to stop it!

The calamity that I am going through now is nothing more than a false catastrophe that has its shape and is not in the shape of a god.

But it doesn't matter. Seeing these guys directly hacked to death is what Xu Que is most happy to see.

"It's not over yet!" Xu Que sneered, and continued to accelerate the absorption of the ancient catastrophe, "Want to learn from me to absorb the ancient catastrophe? Kill me? Ridiculous!"

The faces of everyone were ugly to the extreme, but they couldn't even say a word of rebuttal.

The facts are in front of him, the immortal king powerhouse at the pinnacle just absorbed a little thunder light after the ancient catastrophe shattered, and he died directly.

And Xu Que not only absorbed the thunder light, but even shattered the golden dragon that was completely formed by the ancient catastrophe.

The results of it?

Nothing, not even the root hair!

And he even only has the realm of Daluo Jinxian, who would dare to believe this?

At the same time, an old monk with a sad expression on his face was rushing here.

"The breath of Buddha actually appeared here... Could it be said that the true Buddha has appeared?"

The old monk condensed his eyes slightly, looking into the distance, there was a golden auspicious cloud in his eyes, and there was flashing thunder, which looked terrifying.

"There are still people here...I have to rush away as soon as possible, otherwise the true Buddha will fall into the hands of others, and I am afraid it will be difficult to rise in the Buddha state!"

When the voice fell, the figure of the old monk had already rushed out for dozens of miles.

However, after a few breaths, he had already been outside the restriction, standing on a sand dune, looking at the restriction not far away.

"It turned out that dozens of immortal kings and immortals jointly placed the restriction to protect this person from crossing the catastrophe?" The old monk narrowed his eyes, stared for a moment, and shook his head, "No, they are not to protect this person, but to protect this person." I want to imprison this person!"

Er Gouzi, who was chatting with Duan Jiude, suddenly changed his expression and looked around: "Strange... I seem to feel a familiar breath."

"Familiar breath? There are still your old acquaintances here?" Duan Jiude frowned, looked around, and suddenly looked wary, "Teacher Ergou, you shouldn't have offended anyone before. Has someone come here?"

"A joke! The deity wants to act openly and honestly, how can it be possible to get enemies around? That is obviously something you can do!"

"Don't fart! Old man, my nickname is Duan Jiude, a gentleman and a gentleman. I will do such brazen things as sneaking a dog?"

The two of them didn't say a few words, and immediately pinched each other again.

The immortal king on the side was a little farther away silently, he felt from the bottom of his heart that as long as the two goods quarreled, they would definitely be thinking about what deceptive ideas were.

However, what is strange is that the old monk Mingming was standing not far from Ergouzi and Duan Jiude, but neither they nor the immortal king onlookers looked over.

It was as if they couldn't see the old monk at all.


As soon as Xu Que's voice fell, among the dark clouds of the sky, there were again bursts of thunder and thunder.

The thick black cloud rolled, and the golden lightning that was originally densely condensed gradually, forming several huge golden dragons.

These dragons shuttled back and forth in the dark clouds, golden light shining.

But under this gorgeous appearance, there is an indescribable power of terror hidden.

"This... turned out to be the ancient catastrophe? And there are so many!" In the old monk's muddy eyes, there was a burst of light, filled with a strong sense of shock.

He originally thought that the catastrophe of the people who crossed the catastrophe here was about to end, who knew he had seen the ancient catastrophe that has been rare for thousands of years!

"Could it be that the person who crosses the catastrophe here is the true Buddha of my Buddha realm?" the old monk murmured.

He has been alive for a long time, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com understands the ancient catastrophe far beyond everyone present.

The Ancient Catastrophe was originally set up by the Dao of Heaven in order to restrict the cultivation of mortals, and specifically aimed at the existence of Gods, Buddhas and Demons that were beyond the control of the Dao of Heaven.

According to ancient records, it is said that when the ancient Buddha crossed the catastrophe, a golden dragon with nine ancient catastrophes came to the world to try to prevent his promotion.

You know, the ancient catastrophe at that time, but the existence of real value, is far from Xu Que's current ancient catastrophe can compare.

Nine is the number of extremes, and the nine golden dragons represent that the heavens are extremely unwilling to cross the calamity, so they want to suppress it with the huge force of the heavens.

Watching this person cross the calamity, there are dozens of golden dragons. Although they are not as powerful as those in the ancient books, they are enough to become a terrifying robbery in the annals of history!

Thinking of this, the old monk suddenly sat cross-legged, folded his hands, and began to chant the Buddhist scriptures in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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