Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1714: Is this Dragon Ball

"The strongest anti-routine system (!

The old monk has no plans to make a move.

In his opinion, if this person is a true Buddha, this kind of degraded ancient catastrophe is definitely unable to do anything to the other party.

If there is no way to survive the ancient catastrophe, it means that this person is not a true Buddha, and he will leave on his own.

If it is severely injured and dying, it means that the person's buddha nature is not developed, and the old monk will naturally take him back for treatment and help him to become enlightened and become a true buddha.

So no matter what happens, the old monk's wish can be satisfied.

None of the people present noticed the arrival of the old monk.

Everyone's attention was focused on Xu Que.

After the first ancient catastrophe, the aura on Xu Que's body has been greatly improved.

Just like this, it has been infinitely approaching the fairy king.

"Oh my God... I have only passed the first tribulation, and I am about to become an immortal king."

"If he were to make a complete breakthrough, what a terrifying cultivation level would it be?"

"This person can't stay, waiting for his breakthrough, I'm afraid that he can fight beyond the ranks...what good way do you have?" a fairy venerable asked in a low voice.

You Xianzun replied: "As far as I can see, this person has great potential and is extremely rare. It is better to wait for him to break through, and then think of a way to beat him in a group, maybe we can kill him."

"I have poison here that can affect the fairy king."

"This thing is a fairy artifact that I have treasured for many years, and it should have some effect."

"I am physically strong and can help you resist attacks."

The atmosphere suddenly became enthusiastic. Everyone started to make suggestions, and even started to think about how to divide the ancient Buddha inheritance after Xu Que would be killed.

The Immortal Venerable who spoke at the beginning cleared his throat and reminded: "No, you guys, I mean, is there any way to break him through the Tribulation? If the Heaven Tribulation is not broken, the next Tribulation Thunder, what shall we do? do?"

Within the ban, there was a dead silence, and everyone was speechless.

Xianzun suddenly became stupid.

"No, you don't have any ideas?"

An immortal king said with a slightly embarrassed expression: "Friends, you have also seen it. The strong immortal king who tried to swallow the tribulation just now hung up without even letting out a fart, indicating that this tribulation is really not something we can do. It's fixed."

Another Xianzun nodded and said: "It is true, and there is an ancient catastrophe. Whether it is poison or a weapon, you can't get close to the opponent. A little carelessness will attract the attention of the ancient catastrophe. Although Xu Que can stop it, There are so many people here, I am afraid that there is no way to deal with the ancient catastrophe."

That called despair in Xianzun's heart.

Feelings were discussed so eagerly just now, and in the end it was just a **** loneliness!

You gang of masters, have you come to a conclusion that you can’t do it for the time being?

What use do you want!

"Daoist, do you have any good ideas?" Another Immortal Venerable asked tentatively.

"No, there is no way."

"Then you say a shit!"

A lively and active discussion ended in nothing.

They had to admit that Xu Que was invincible when crossing the robbery.

Even though everyone present was a master in terms of strength, they couldn't stop the ancient catastrophe, so they could only be slaughtered and slaughtered by others.

Xianzun sighed and looked into the distance.

This day is so blue, the earth is so yellow...

I hope this is not the last time I have seen a beautiful world...


There was another violent roar, and the ancient catastrophe above the sky was about to gather and take shape.

Dozens of golden dragons shuttled among the clouds, but they never fell, as if waiting for something.

Xu Que looked at the billowing thundercloud, feeling a little puzzled.

It's weird, why is this day catastrophe like constipation?

Can't it fall for a long time, is it possible to persuade it again?

It shouldn't be, the momentum was so full in the first wave!


At this moment, a violent roar sounded, and everyone felt their hearts and looked up.

I saw that the dozens of golden dragons did not directly rush down, but gradually gathered together and became entangled with each other.

It was like a ball of yarn tangled together, and quickly became a huge ball.

"Um...what's the situation?" Xu Que didn't understand for a while, what the ancient catastrophe was doing, "getting tangled together to become a ball and crush me?"

The people around were also dumbfounded. They didn't see the ancient catastrophe as many times as Xu Que, and at this time they didn't know what the whole ancient catastrophe was.

I saw these golden dragons entangled to form a dragon ball, like a heart beating slowly.




The beating sound is getting stronger and stronger, like a heavy drum, being beaten constantly.

"Strange... I feel that my heartbeat has also accelerated!" A fairy king said in surprise.

You must know that as the Immortal King, Immortal Venerable, he has absolute control over his body and is not easily influenced by the outside world.

Although it was said that there was the immortal who was smashed by the croton fan in front, it was only because this thing was really too damaging, and it was impossible to prevent it.

In a frontal battle, it is difficult to influence the opponent through various means.

After all, let the opponent control his own body, then it is almost the same as the opponent controls his own life and death.

The few immortal kings with a relatively low cultivation base were already blushing at this time, and the violent heartbeat caused the blood flow throughout the body to accelerate, and the emotions were even agitated.

Xu Que's expression gradually became weird, and it was the first time he encountered an ancient catastrophe that had been brewing for so long.

I am afraid that the power will far exceed the catastrophe of the past!


When the speed of the heartbeat reached the extreme, the dragon ball suddenly shrank suddenly, and its body shape plummeted by two-thirds.

After a pause, it reduced again.

Soon, the originally huge dragon ball turned into a bead the size of a fist.

Xu Que was stunned, then suddenly said, "Is this the legendary Dragon Ball?"

A group of golden dragons condensed into beads, so they are dragon balls!

Dragon Ball?

When you look at me and I look at you, everyone says that they have never heard of this stuff.

"But he actually recognizes this thing. Could it be that he was prepared?" a fairy king asked in doubt.

"I'm afraid this is the case, the term Dragon Ball, even I have never heard of it."

"Could it be the legendary thing in the fairy world?" someone exclaimed.

The fairy world is a place in the legend, but the final destination of the monks.

In history, there have been many existences that are suspected to be left over from the fairy world. In order to compete for these treasures, blood flowed into rivers every time, and corpses were everywhere.

Suddenly seeing Dragon Ball, a treasure left by the fairy world, the sound of everyone's breathing became heavy.

Xixi in the world is all in favor. Although there are lessons from the immortal king's spike, everyone's eyes still show an irresistible expression of greed.

If it is really a thing of the immortal world, if you obtain this thing, you might be able to leap into the strongest of the immortal continent!

Even if it is not a thing of the immortal world, the quality condensed from the ancient catastrophes alone is enough to make everyone's heart moved.

However, no one dared to rush to **** it for the time being.

Under the gaze of everyone, countless golden lightning flashes from all directions, wrapping the dragon ball around Zhu.


When Jin Guang completely swallowed the dragon ball, it suddenly dissipated, and saw a slender figure walking out, with his forehead and feet, wearing dragon scales, and a golden spear in his hand.

"Dragon God!" The old monk was suddenly startled, "It is actually the head of the eight dragons in the legend, how can he appear here!"

In the midst of the catastrophe, UU reading www. uukanshu. com actually appeared in the legendary Buddhism guardian god, this is simply incredible!

Thousands of years ago, there has never been such a miracle!

"The eight parts are also called the eight parts of the Dragon God, among which the Dragon God is the leader of the eight parts. Since the Dragon God appears here, that is to say..."

When the old monk thought of this, thinking of the almost non-existent possibility, he was trembling with excitement and couldn't help himself.

"This young man... he is the real Buddha!"

"This is the joy of my Buddhism!"

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