Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1715: Come here

"The strongest anti-routine system (!


The voice just fell!

The old monk turned his gaze, and suddenly fell cold.

"The Dragon God is the leader of the eight tribes. If he becomes a tribulation, I am afraid this young man will not be able to survive at all!"

"The head of the eight tribes is infinitely powerful, extremely powerful, and claims to have incredible dragon power... Wait, there seems to be something wrong with this dragon god."

The old monk had just taken his steps, and suddenly he took it back again, carefully observing the legendary leader of the eight pedigrees.

At the same time, everyone present was completely stunned.

"What's that stuff?"

"Wait... Is that a human-shaped lightning? That is the most terrifying existence in the heavenly catastrophe!"

"It's just an immortal king crossing the robbery, how can it be possible to attract such a terrifying existence?!"

Everyone has experienced the catastrophe, and naturally understands the power of human-shaped lightning, how terrifying it is.

"This is the Dragon God!" The well-informed Xianzun suddenly exclaimed, "Oh my God! This kid actually invited the Dragon God!"

"In the legend, the dragon **** in the immortal world is the existence of the eight tribes of the heavenly dragon. Although there are not many subordinates, the status and strength are far superior to the heavenly generals, and it can also defeat millions of heavenly soldiers and possess incredible dragon power. !"

There was a lot of discussion, and they could hardly believe their eyes.

After the golden dragon shattered, the light spilled from the thunder, and several immortal kings were wiped out. At this time, a legendary existence appeared, which immediately frightened everyone.

The old monk frowned, and said slowly: "This doesn't seem to be a dragon god... it only has its shape, and there is no real dragon's mighty power."

Regarding the legend of the Dragon God, the old monk can be said to be the person who knows best.

The Dragon God was originally the patron saint in Buddhism legends, and logically speaking, if it really appeared, the movement would definitely be greater than it is now.

Even if it is only formed by the gathering of ancient catastrophes, the coercion alone may be enough to overwhelm the immortal kings and the immortals present, rather than allowing them to have more power.

"It turns out that the immortal realm does not know where to go, and the dragon **** cannot go to the realm. This is just a condensed obsession." The old monk folded his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name, "Amitabha, let the poor monk take a look, you have How to deal with it."

In his opinion, Xu Que had only a breath of true Buddha at this time, and he was not sure whether it was the reincarnation of a true Buddha.

Even if the Dragon God appeared now, it only increased this possibility, and it was not certain.

Only by looking at Xu Que's next response, can we see whether the other party has the potential to add a real Buddha.

Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude fully demonstrated what it means to be fearless in the unknown.

"Cut, look at the way these guys are making a fuss. Brother Que has even killed the Heavenly General with his own hands. Now it's not enough to come out to give someone a head." Er Gouzi sneered and shook his head.

"Oh, old man, I feel sad for the knowledge of young people now." Duan Jiude sighed with regret.

Except for the two of them, everyone else felt that Xu Que was bound to die. However, the person who crossed the Tribulation looked indifferent.

Not only that, Xu Que even showed a look of disgust.

Everyone looked at his expression, and their expressions gradually became weird.

What do you mean?

Looking at you like that, it seems that you still dislike this dragon **** not enough to show up?

Immediately afterwards, they saw Xu Que suddenly stretched out his right hand towards the sky, and compared to the middle finger, he roared: "Nima's, forgot how I was killed by me the other day? Send someone down! Give me a master quickly!"

Everyone was so shocked that they couldn't close their mouths together, looking at Xu Que with a dull expression.

He... ever beheaded a heavenly general?

How can it be!

In today's world, it is impossible for a **** to be born!

"Wait, what he meant was that Du Jie had also experienced this situation before." The immortal king reacted and said in horror, "It's just that the celestial general appeared that time, and this kid... actually did that. Heaven will be killed!"


Everyone suddenly exploded the pot.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"Heavenly general is enough to command a million heavenly soldiers, even if it is not as good as the dragon god, it is impossible to be easily beheaded!"

"But if he hadn't killed the celestial general, how could there be a dragon god?"

The doubters were speechless.

It seems to be the reason...

The emergence of Heavenly Tribulation is in the order from weak to strong, which belongs to the ray of vitality left by Heaven to the monks.

For the strong, the tribulation will become stronger again and again, until you can't defeat it, or you can defeat all the tribulations, and get out of it.

For the weak, just stay honestly, even the weak ones can't deal with the weak ones, let alone the powerful ones.

"This time, there is no discussion! I want to hit ten!" Xu Que said plausibly, holding up his middle finger, "If you don't give ten, you won't give me face! If you don't give me face, I will be mad!"


It seemed that Xu Que's words completely caused the sky's anger, and there was a burst of thunder in the sky, as if Heaven's Dao was roaring at Xu Que.

Everyone has been completely petrified.

Is there something wrong with this girl's brain?

Now it's going through the tribulation. Whoever crosses through the tribulation is not cautious, for fear of offending the heavenly majesty, moreover, he has to do everything possible to let others share the tribulation, just to make it easier for oneself to cross the tribulation.

It's good for you. When you come up, you provoke people with an attitude of "If you don't kill Lao Tzu today, you don't want to leave."

If I were God, I will surely kill you now!

This time, it seemed that Xu Que's provocation completely angered Tian Dao.

I saw dozens of golden dragons gushing out of the black cloud again, rushing into the dragon god's body.

With the influx of these dozens of golden dragons, the dragon god's body became more and more solid. Although he still couldn't see his face, his body looked almost indistinguishable from a real person from the naked eye.

The Dragon God stepped forward, and lightning flashed all around his body. He looked down at all the sentient beings and took a deep breath.


The huge roar instantly exploded, and everyone only felt a huge shock in their hearts, as if a heavy hammer was hitting their hearts fiercely.

The immortal king with a slightly weaker cultivation base was bleeding from Qiqiao at this time, as if he had suffered a serious injury.

Although he himself was injured by the previous ancient catastrophe, the power of the roar was so terrifying, which shows that this dragon **** is many times stronger than the heavenly general!

Accompanied by the roar of the Dragon God, the entire black cloud seemed to be alive, rolling frantically, and countless golden arcs exploded like a sea of ​​thunder!

"Okay! Very energetic!" Xu Que laughed and stretched out his right hand, raised his index finger, and slightly bent his finger, provoking at the Dragon God, "Come here!"


As soon as the voice fell, Dragon God disappeared, and when he appeared again, he was already in front of Xu Que.

The golden spear in his hand, dragging the boundless black cloud, stabs towards Xu Que fiercely.

It's so fast!

Xu Que's pupils shrank suddenly, shocking the opponent's rapid speed, but he was not afraid at all. He took out the purple gold king stick with his backhand, stepped on the mysterious Yu step, and displayed the smelted Shenju Xianjue.

Since being smelted by the system, those Shenfa Xianjue once learned have been directly integrated together, and now this new set of Shenfa Xianjue is faster and more powerful.

Even though Dragon God's movements were so fast, he still failed to injure Xu Que, and instead asked him to avoid it directly.

"Hmph, you, the Dragon God, are a bit awkward. Compared to the Heavenly General, it's almost weaker than a star."

Xu Que sneered, dancing with the stick in his hand, leaning behind the Dragon God, and raising his hand was a stick.

As if provoked by Xu Que's words, the Dragon God roared, and countless slender golden arcs suddenly burst out of his body.

Look carefully, these arcs are all golden dragons with extremely small size!


The arc exploded in an instant, and Xu Que only felt that he was being stabbed by countless fine needles all over his body. uukanshu.com instantly fell into a state of paralysis.

Although this is only a moment, the life and death battle between the strong, just a blink of an eye, is enough to change the direction of occupation.

At the moment when Xu Que's movements were slow, the golden spear in Dragon God's hand suddenly looked back, and it turned out to be a mortal martial arts trick-Back to the Carbine!

"Crap!" Er Gouzi exclaimed, "He can't hide this shot!"

Everyone also noticed this, and Xin raised his throat in an instant.

One trick, is it going to be life and death?

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