Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1726: Caught

"The strongest anti-routine system (!

This Immortal Venerable suddenly became silly.

Nima, don't show up early, don't show up late, do you show up when I want to cut it down?

Are you deliberately targeting this seat? !

Facing Xu Que’s gaze, this immortal venerable suddenly waved with one hand, put the long knife in his hand away, pointed the hilt at Xu Que, and said in a deep voice, “Daoyou Xu, I was infected by your heroic spirit just now, so he deliberately Come and give this sword to you, the so-called treasure sword with hero, I hope you can use this sword to defeat the catastrophe."

After finishing speaking, before Xu Que could react, he stuffed the long knife into his hand, and then quickly retreated with a group of immortal kings, away from Xu Que.

Xu Que was stunned, took the long knife and glanced at it.

Inferior immortal implements.


I saw another layer of hoarfrost on his arm, which directly crushed the long knife.

Damn it!

Xianzun was suddenly shocked.

That is the top-grade fairy that has accompanied him for many years!

Especially after he passed through his sacrifices, he was even more solid. With this thing in his hands, he could be one opponent to three.

Was it crushed like this?

What the **** is this guy? !

It is true that as the Immortal Venerable, he can also smash the high-grade immortal implements himself, but that is only limited to his use of magic tricks, and at the same time can find the fragility of the high-rank immortal implements.

After all, once the fairy weapon enters the top grade, it is completely in another state.

All methods are not invaded and indestructible are conventional characteristics, but each high-grade immortal implement has its own weakness, which is an unavoidable defect in the refining process.

The refinement of the immortal artifact is to constantly smooth out this defect and become a truly suitable immortal artifact.

When the fairy is fully adapted to the user, it will exert two hundred percent of its power!

However, with great difficulty, the immortal artifact that he refined was crushed...

Xu Que was full of disdain, took a sip, and sneered: "What kind of rubbish, the mere high-grade immortal implements can also be used with the sage?"

Everyone was stunned, and their faces were suddenly shocked.

This kid's tone is too mad!

That's a top-grade fairy!

Even in Xianyunzhou, it's not a big deal!

"Damn, don't stop the deity! How dare you humiliate the immortal weapon used by the deity like this!" The immortal deity suddenly became furious, and was about to rush to fight Xu Que to the death.

Not two steps away, he suddenly stopped, looked behind him angrily, and shouted: "What are you doing with me? Don't talk to me, I will kill this kid today!"

Everyone looked at him dumbfounded, and a fairy king murmured; "No... we didn't pull you..."

"Okay! Then I'll give you a face! Let him go today!" Xianzun retreated awe-inspiringly with his big hands for a while.


Everyone in the ban looked at each other and was greatly shocked.

What a shame!

There is actually such a show operation!

Did you find a place for yourself?

Xu Que looked at his palm, and he had a new understanding of the power of the Immortal Emperor in his heart.

Don't look at how lightly he just blasted the immortal Emperor Yongzhen's humanoid lightning, but in fact, he had already used all his strength except the righteous Qi Sealing Magic Scripture.

But even so, at the moment of that punch, Xu Que still felt a huge obstacle.

That kind of unique power from the immortal emperor almost made him fail to kill.

But after all, that power was only a trace, which made him punch with all his strength and exploded the Immortal Emperor Yongzhen.

Compared with the weapons of the three immortal emperors, the human-shaped lightning of the three immortal emperors is actually the most difficult to deal with.

With the special power of the Immortal Emperor, and at the same time, the strength is far beyond the Immortal Venerable Realm, even if he goes all out, he can't win a three-on-one.

As for those weapons...

Isn’t that a weapon that thunder condenses?

As long as it is a weapon, he will be vulnerable to a blow in front of his own Xuanbing Guiwu Hand!

Having said that, Xu Que stretched out his hand towards the sky, hooked his fingers, and smiled wildly: "All the ones above will come down to me! I want to hit all of you!"


Everyone took a breath of air, and looked at Xu Que with incredible expressions.

Hit all?

Isn't this guy being beaten up just now?

Can't even beat one dozen to three, and want to beat ten?

It's a bit hard to be a human being!

"Oh my God! This guy is really crazy!"

"I suspect he's insane now, brothers, let's go! This guy has offended God, and he won't be able to eat later."

"Go and go together! Brothers who are good at bans quickly come over and break the ban!"

No one dared to stay here more, Xu Que's words were simply lawless.

The humanoid lightning of ten immortal emperors dignified above his head, he actually wanted to hit ten?

At the same time, the old monk also showed doubts on his face.

With his strength, it can naturally be seen that Xu Que's weapon that resisted the three immortal emperors just now was already resisted by Fajue.

If it was purely physical strength, then he definitely couldn't stop the combined attack of the three.

"What the **** is this young man thinking? Does he really feel that he is strong enough to withstand the combination of ten humanoid lightning?"

The old monk thought it was impossible.

How could anyone be so arrogant?

Even if the ancient Buddha is still alive, I am afraid that he will cry in surprise when he sees this scene.


Leiyun rolled, facing Xu Que's provocation, Tianjie gave his response.


Ten figures turned into streamers, rushing from all directions, and directly blasted towards Xu Que.

Countless golden light and thunder rolled, directly drowning Xu Quezi completely in it.




There were countless clashes of fists and feet, and Xu Que had no time to defend, so he could only do his best to dodge.

However, ten immortal emperors' humanoid lightning strikes together, and the resulting combat power is far beyond that of a Yongzhen Immortal emperor, or three immortal emperors.

"My day... ten people shot so hard?!"

Xu Que blocked hundreds of moves one after another, and a dense layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Don't say that he is fighting back, if it weren't for the moment he had mobilized the Righteous Qi Sealing Magic Scripture, and forcibly blocked the first wave of offensive, he had been beaten into a sieve now.

"Too strong... It turns out that the strength of the immortal emperor can be so strong!"

Xu Que was full of surprise in his heart, but also with joy.

This time fighting with the immortal emperor's human-shaped lightning, let him see a higher sky and see the power of the immortal emperor realm, what a scenery it is.

Although there was only a glimpse of the situation, it was enough for Xu Que to continue practicing toward this goal.

I am not yet their opponent, but as long as time is added, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will definitely be able to stand at the top of Xianyunzhou!


Just when Xu Que wanted to break through, suddenly several streamers came oncoming.

Xu Que was shocked in his heart. He wanted to retreat, but felt a powerful force directly blocked the surroundings!

"what's the situation?"

Xu Que lowered his head and found a huge golden thunder net running across his body.

I am at the center of the net!

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