Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1727: Let me be your father

what is this?

When everyone saw this golden thunder giant net, they were suddenly stunned.

They had never seen this kind of catastrophe before, like a spider web.

"Now that the robbery can't be beaten, you are going to lock people up?" Some Immortal King guessed.

The people around looked at him speechlessly.

That was a tribulation of heaven, it was either reborn after the tribulation, or turned into ashes in the tribulation.

How could it lock people up?

"But if it's not... Then what is this now?" Another fairy king asked.

Everyone was speechless for a while, and it was difficult to answer.

Just now, Xu Que fought with the ten immortal emperors' humanoid lightnings too quickly, and the people around didn't even have time to see what was happening, only saw Xu Que entangled with the ten humanoid lightnings.

The speed of the two can't even be seen clearly by these immortals!

As for the process of fighting...

"Do you see how they fight?"

"No... I heard the bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang,

"me too…"

Everyone present was almost full of question marks, but they saw a cloud of golden light drowning Xu Que.

When they could see, Xu Que was already tied to the center of the Thunder Cobweb just like a prey.

Ten humanoid lightnings stood in front of Xu Que, with golden light flashing in their hands, and one after another weapons condensed into shape, aiming at Xu Que, as if they were about to launch the final blow.

Everyone held their breath subconsciously, and they realized that the catastrophe was about to end!

Whether it is Xu Que's counterattack or death in the hands of a humanoid lightning, this terrifying catastrophe must end!

When they thought of this, they suddenly looked forward to it.

End it quickly... I can't stand it anymore.

The excitement of this day's calamity was too great, and the immortal kings and gods present felt that if they stayed any longer, even if they weren't hacked to death by the robbery, they would have to be scared to death by Xu Que's evil evildoer.

As for Xu Que, he still looked at the human-shaped lightning in front of him with a leisurely expression.

It stands to reason that the combined combat power of these guys is absolutely not unstoppable, and they can completely kill themselves directly.

But if you want to use this method to limit your actions, that can only show one problem.

Someone wants to talk to myself.

This person, apart from Immortal Emperor Yongzhen, he could not think of anyone else.

After all, in the battle just now, except for Yongzhen, none of the other immortal emperors had that kind of humanized behavior on their bodies.​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Just as he was thinking like this, the humanoid lightning representing Emperor Yongzhen took a step forward and approached Xu Que.

He raised his right hand, pointed at himself, pointed at Xu Que, and then pressed down with his right hand.

This is the meaning of surrender.

Xu Que's eyes flickered, and it really was you!

When everyone saw this scene, they were a little confused, and they didn't realize that it was a human-shaped lightning communicating with Xu Que.

I was just thinking, why didn't this group of Heavenly Tribulation still not do it?

At this moment, Xu Que grinned and shouted: "Do you want to recognize me as a father? Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"


The humanoid representing Immortal Emperor Yongzhen moved with lightning, and he didn't expect Xu Que to suddenly shout these words.

What shit?

I want you to surrender!

Xianzun on the side looked silly.

When Xu Que spoke out, they had already reacted to what had happened.

Everyone was horrified.

It was the first time they saw that Heavenly Tribulation would actually communicate with Tribulation Crossers!

Even the Tribulation of Heaven is so humane these days?

"Um... Fellow Daoist Xu, what does that tribulation mean?" someone asked boldly.

Xu Quebai glanced at him, and said in an angry manner: "Tianjie said he wanted me to be his father, kidding, I confided in the heavens to help the lord, the generation of the saint, how can I be a dad casually?!"

"..." Everyone was full of black lines.

Mom sells batches, do you really think we are stupid?

"What? You said I'm not your father, but I also want to be the father of the people below?" Xu Que suddenly widened his eyes and said in shock. son?"


You don’t have enough advantage, right?

The blood vessels on their foreheads burst, and the veins were exposed, all of them geared up, ready to take this opportunity to get down.

Still our father?

We will spread your ashes now!


At this moment, a dull thunder sounded loudly.

I saw golden thunders suddenly pouring out from around Xu Que, as if the huge thunder net had parted out.

Xu Que looked frightened and roared: "You said I would kill them if I didn't be their father? Saying that I can't be my son, that's rubbish? How can you do this, that's a living person! "

"Nima! I can't stand it anymore!" A fairy yelled, and suddenly got up, "This person is really shameless!"

Damn it, how could Heavenly Tribulation want you to be our father?

It's clear that I'm taking advantage of Laozi!

Xu Que's words have already aroused public outrage, and some people took the lead, and they responded with all kinds of responses.

Everyone was not even afraid of the catastrophe, and leaned directly towards Xu Que.

"Brothers, while he can't move now, kill him quickly!"

"It's a curse to keep this person, take this opportunity to get rid of him!"

"Yes, return my Xianyunzhou to be clean!"

"Return my Xianyunzhou a clean!"

Except for the immortal king who had been shocked to the point of being unable to move, the rest of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com rose to the sky and slew towards Xu Que.

Of course, they were not impulsive, but knew that now was the best opportunity to kill Xu Que.

However, to their surprise, Xu Que was full of grief and shouted at them hoarsely: "Don't come here! The Tribulation will really kill you!"

Everyone sneered at such words.

Don't be so funny, when we can't tell, Heavenly Tribulation now has only one goal, and that is you despicable and shameless fellow!

Even if we really do something to you, the tribulation will probably not come at us!

"Brothers, follow me!" An immortal venerable condensed the law and shouted, "Don't listen to him, he must be resisting the catastrophe with all his strength now, and he has no strength to resist!"

As he said, he condensed and rushed over.

The journey was unimpeded, even the few humanoid lightnings did not stop him, Xianzun came straight to Xu Que.

"Boy, didn't you say that Heavenly Tribulation is going to kill us? Why didn't you see it?" Xianzun grinned.

Xu Que sighed, and looked at him sympathetically: "If you don't listen to the handsome guy, you will suffer."

"Don't fart..."


Before the words fell, a huge dragon-shaped golden thunder appeared out of thin air, instantly fell on the immortal venerable body, and exploded!


Everyone inhaled a breath of air, and instantly stopped the upward rushing pace.


Did the robbery really do it?

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