Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1741: Revenge on me?


As the black clouds rolled, the sky gradually darkened, and the golden light that had originally passed through the clouds was also obscured.

The entire desert became extremely dim, with strong winds and splashes of gravel, as if the world had collapsed.

"Ants! All are going to die!"

The demon roared loudly, the black mist rolled, and the right way split soul gradually became larger, and black gloomy lights appeared in his body.

When Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude had just left, they had already eliminated all the surrounding killing formations and restrictions.

At this time, once the teleportation array was drawn, a faint white light suddenly lit up.

"Go, go! After a while, once the Demon Slayer Thunder falls, this place will definitely become a dead place!" Er Gouzi urged anxiously.

As for the immortal kings, Xianzun has scattered and fled, and dare not stay here anymore.

Xu Que didn't dare to delay, stepped out of Yu step, and rushed towards the teleportation formation.

"Quick, start!"

Stepping in, he urged Er Gouzi.

Er Gouzi nodded, pinched out Fa Jue, and drove the teleportation array.


At this moment, a dull voice came, as if something hit the teleportation array.

"Fuck!" Duan Jiude looked up and exclaimed suddenly, "This extraterritorial demon is crazy?!"

I saw that the demon's figure had turned into a height of tens of feet at this time, and the black cloud seemed to be above its head, and the huge body almost enveloped the desert.

"Ants! You can't escape!" The demon roared sharply, blood-red eyes splashing with boundless resentment.

But he did not resent, accumulated strength for many years, and finally found a chance to break through, but now he was messed up by these few ants!

The boundless demon energy turned into several black dragons, and slammed into the teleportation formation fiercely!


The protective light curtain of the teleportation array had a crack visible to the naked eye.

"Wori! Hurry up!" Xu Que urged Er Gouzi quickly, and at the same time, he condensed the law decision and tried to break the black dragon apart.

However, the black dragon at this time was transformed by a demon with a demon core in his body, and Xu Que made a move without even reacting to it.

Er Gouzi raised his hands high, and slammed down: "Enlighten!"

Suddenly, Bai Guang made a great effort, and a powerful force gushed out of the void, pulling the three of them to leave.

The figures of the three of them became blurred in an instant, and it only took three breathing times at most to teleport away from here.

"Successful!" Er Gouzi shouted.

Upon seeing this, Xu Que looked at the demon and raised a middle finger: "Silly fork, I'm leaving now, so please stay here and wait for death!"

Seeing that the enemy was about to flee to the sky, the demon's eyes were about to split, and with a roar, the huge body of the demon burst into countless blood!

"Back to the source!"

Suddenly, countless black lights lit up on the demon's body, and Xu Que's body also lit up with spots of black light.


Before he could react, a tyrannical force uploaded from the demon's body, directly pulling Xu Que out of the teleportation formation!

Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude quickly stretched out their hands to pull Xu Que back. The next second, the teleportation formation suddenly activated.


The huge beam of light was extremely bright, and the two figures instantly disappeared in the beam of light.

The demon laughed ferociously: "Ant! Do you think you can run away?"

Xu Que was pulled and flew towards the demon, sneered: "Is I afraid of you? As long as the teleportation formation is still there, Ben Qisheng can leave in minutes!"

Although this force was tyrannical, it was also because Xu Que didn't know that the other party could actually pull himself over by summoning a magic core.

"Stop it for me!"

Xu Que's body swelled with immortal origins, huge power gushing out of his body, and he stopped in midair abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, he cast an immortal rank magic decision and banged directly at himself!


The violent explosion directly impacted him and flew backwards, even if the force that pulled him still existed, it could only slow down his speed a little.

Humph, want to keep me?

No doors!

Xu Que laughed mockingly at the monster: "Silly Que! Master is leaving now..."


A black thunder suddenly fell from the sky and directly landed on the teleportation formation.

The temporarily built teleportation array was instantly split and turned into a pile of tatters.

Xu Que fell directly into the sand dunes and plunged straight into it.

He was stupid.

Nima, the robbery is taking revenge on Laozi, right?

As soon as the front foot finished talking about the teleportation formation, I could go anywhere, but the back foot was cut by Laozi?

Dignified, do you want to be so careful!

Without waiting for him to crawl out, the suction power increased again, pulling him out in an instant.

"Ant, what did you just say?" The demon sneered looking at Xu Que flying towards him.

Xu Que was silent for a moment, put on a righteous expression, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Demon, stop it, all outside is the Demon Slayer Thunder."

Take your mom!

The demon almost screamed, if it weren't for you bastard, I would have been out of trouble long ago!

It's all right now, the soul division is gone, and when being struck by the Demon God Thunder, maybe the body will be severely damaged!

Xu Queyu earnestly persuaded: "Brother demon, if we have any grievances, we can resort to the law. There is no need to use such violent means to solve them. Xianyunzhou is a legal continent. As long as you are willing to give up the idea of ​​ruining together, I can promise. I will use all my strength to help you out of trouble."

The demon was stunned, and was stunned by Xu Que's words.

What **** legal means?

Xianyunzhou still has this stuff?

"Ant, don't want to confuse this demon, you will die today!" The demon was silent for a moment, and decided to kill Xu Que.

If the opponent is no more than a mere Xianzun realm, he can make him so embarrassed, which makes him feel a huge sense of crisis.

Never let this child grow up.

Xu Que's face became cold, and he immediately yelled: "Mom sells the critics, you are really shameless, this sage tells you that you are not serious, then don't blame me for acting!"

"Hmph, absorbed the demon core of the demon, your body is no longer controlled by yourself!" The demon raised his pitch-black palm and said coldly, "You think the demon left you, really want to kill you? "

When Xu Que heard the words, he was taken aback for a moment, and clasped his arms tightly: "Uh... With all due respect, I'm not interested in that."

"What are you talking about?" Numerous magic cores poured out of the demon body, floating in the air, and sneered. "The demon will use the power of the demon source to refine you into a puppet of the demon, so that even if the ghost is dead, UU Read the book www.uukanshu.com and wait for you to survive, so you can still replace the demon to walk on Xianyunzhou!"

Immediately afterwards, the magic core in the air shot out countless black lights instantly, instilling it into Xu Que's body.

A powerful force invaded his body, wandered along the meridians, and entered the dantian.

"Damn, want to reform me?"

Of course, Xu Que understood what the other party wanted to do, nothing more than transforming himself into something similar to a doll.

And this demon can control himself with his body and do evil.

Are you kidding me, this forced saint will be controlled by others?

"Fuck you, since you want to change, let Lao Tzu **** enough!"

Xu Que didn't say a word, he ran the exercises directly, sucking a steady stream of black light into his body!

(End of this chapter)

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