Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1742: Let's die everybody

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The demon was originally waiting to transform Xu Que, but after a while, his face changed suddenly.

"You, what are you doing?"

In his perception, Xu Que's body is now like a bottomless pit, absorbing his own magic core frantically.

You know, his magic core is all condensed by the magic source, if it is completely absorbed by this kid, this split soul will immediately collapse!

At that time, not only will he not be able to refine the opponent, but the body will even be damaged!

"Stop it!" The demon directly urged the black energy, wanting to take the magic core back.

However, Xu Que sneered and immediately increased the power of absorption: "Do you want to go back what you took out? Don't even think about it!"


The magic core suspended in the air suddenly turned into a series of meteors, pouring into Xu Que's body.

"Ding, warning, the host's devilish energy has exceeded the normal limit, please stop absorbing it immediately!"

"Stop absorption? Are you kidding me!" Xu Que gritted his teeth, blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, "Now it's dead if you stop! System, **** me!"

He could feel that the opponent's strength was rapidly weakening because of his own absorption of the magic core.

Now the robbery is caused by the demon trying to break away from the seal. If he can annihilate the other party's soul before the demon-killing **** thunder descends, there may be a ray of life!

One man, one demon, centered on the demon core, began to pull frantically.

Because of Xu Que's own practice and systemic help, absorbing the magic core is almost like drinking water.

But the demon was because the body was sealed, and the split soul lost its strength one after another. At this time, it was a little bit more than Xu Que!

In the distance, the seriously injured old monk hurried back with difficulty, seeing this scene, and his heart was shocked.

This child is actually facing a monster!

And vaguely, it seems that he still has the advantage!

"Who is this young man?" The old monk was messed up.

He himself was severely injured by the monster with two direct strokes, and Xu Que was much weaker than himself, but at this time he was able to draw a tie with the monster.

If the old monk hadn't known that the true Buddha had already reincarnated, otherwise he would really think that the true Buddha is now resurrecting, fighting against demons!

And the fairy king Xianzun who had fled to the distance, felt the terrifying breath coming from behind, and was terrified.

"Oh my God... Who were we chasing just now?"

"Is the Bombing Heaven Gang all such enchanting evildoers? That's too scary!"

"When I go back this time, I will retreat immediately, unless this child is dead!"

"Friends, go with you!"

At this time, everyone couldn't think of any trouble to Xu Que. Let's not talk about breaking the ancient catastrophe as easy as drinking water. Just being able to fight against the monsters now, they dare not make any provocations at all.

Just kidding, even this kind of ancient monster can't help him, what can these weak chickens do?

Jump up and hit someone on the knee?

"Bastard! What a bastard!" The demon was furious, and directly turned up the pitch-black giant palm and patted Xu Que with a palm!

The turbulent demon energy surpassed the sky, like a tsunami, slammed down.

This blow was an angry blow of the demon, powerful, even beyond the palm of the old monk.

Upon seeing this, the old monk's complexion changed drastically.

He, who has personally experienced this trick, deeply understands that the power of this palm is definitely not something Xu Que can bear!

"Ding! This move is far beyond the host's capacity, please avoid it!"

Xu Que bit his posterior molars, and shouted, "Bunnyma!"

With that said, the whole body was surging with the immortal essence, running the immortal rank method, and slammed a punch!


The violent roar sounded, and the invisible air wave spread around like a tsunami!

The suction in Xu Que's body became more and more crazier, and he continued to weaken the devil qi, and actually resisted this palm forcibly!

The eyes of the demon are almost splitting!

Nima! Is this particularly human?

Is it okay to take the palm of Lao Tzu?

When have humans been so strong? !

Countless black holes were torn out in the void, like a demon opening a huge mouth, wantonly devouring the surrounding existence.

The feeling was not obvious before, but after absorbing the magic core, Xu Que clearly felt a familiar and extremely evil aura in the void, coming from a very remote place.

That is the breath of a demon outside the territory!

"Hehe, in that case, let your accomplices see how you died!" Xu Que shouted and greeted the demon, "Go to hell! System, maximum power!"


In an instant, the roar resounded through the void, and a black hole the size of a needle appeared unexpectedly in Xu Que's dantian area.

Although it is almost invisible to the naked eye, there is a terrifying attraction from it. The surrounding devilish energy is suddenly pulled over, and even a long dragon of devilish energy is formed, which is poured into Xu Que's body!

"Ding, the devil qi absorbs 120%."

"Ding, the devil qi absorbs 150%."

"Ding, the magic energy absorbs 200%."


The face of the demon changed drastically, and he vaguely felt that the demon source in his own body was even being absorbed by the other party!

This unscientific!

Logically speaking, he is just a piece of soul-dividing now, even if the source of demon is absorbed, it is only the source of soul-dividing.

But Xu Que, through his soul separation, directly began to absorb the magic source in the sealed body!

At this moment, the demon finally felt the fear!

He has survived for so many years, he has already faced death more than once.

For him, death is not the end, but another beginning.

Extraterrestrial demon, the body exists outside the sky, immortal and immortal.

Even if it was annihilated in Xianyun Continent, as long as the original magic source in the void is not destroyed, it can be reborn again.

Back then, it was only because of an accident that his body descended on Xianyunzhou, so he was caught by the true Buddha and sealed off.

He was not afraid of how Xu Que had been absorbed before.

But this time, he really panicked.

"Stop, stop!" The demon hurriedly said, shaking his hands to stop him, "You can't absorb it anymore!"

There was already blood flowing in Xu Que's mouth. Hearing this, he laughed wildly: "You say you don't smoke or you don't? Do your mother's spring and autumn dream!"

"If you continue to absorb it, the demon-killing thunder will come soon!" the demon roared.

In the sky, the black clouds rolled directly through thunder and lightning, not golden like the ancient catastrophe, but black as deep as ink.

Among them, the boundless aura of destruction came, as if to destroy everything in the world!

However, Xu Que is now on his head. Facing the demon's advice, he only responded wildly: "I will be afraid of destroying the demon **** thunder? Let him come and die together!"


With Xu Que's roar, all the magic sources were completely absorbed into his body.

At the same time, countless black thunders crashed down!

Demon God Thunder, come!

(End of this chapter)

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