Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1743: Are you the son of God?

Compared with the greatness of the ancient catastrophe, the arrival of the Demon Slayer Thunder is silent.

A series of dark thunder and lightning, like a slender little snake, fell from the sky.

From a distance, it was like a dense black rain, with no deterrence at all.

However, at the moment when a thunderbolt fell on him, Xu Que suddenly opened his eyes!


Even the body that couldn't be blown away by the ancient catastrophe suddenly burst into a wound at this moment!

Even using Fajue to try to recover, there is a force that is constantly eroding the wound and preventing him from recovering!

And thunder like this, there are thousands of people around, even if they want to hide, they can't avoid it!

In the distance, the old monk saw this scene, and his heart sank to the bottom in an instant.

"It's over... The Demon Slayer Thunder has come... I'm afraid there will be no life for my little friend!"

As the oldest person in Buddhism, he knows the power of the demon-killing **** Thunder.

In the ancient times, the demon from outside the territories came, and there was a great power to summon the demon **** Thunder to help.

Overnight, destroy dozens of heavenly demons with God Thunder, one general!

And there is only one powerful person!

But this great power also paid a heavy price. When the Demon Slayer Thunder descended, he was also at the center of the Thunder Tribulation.

After the thunder tribulation, his body collapsed, his cultivation was completely lost, and his soul was eroded by the remaining thunder every day and night.

In the end, after persisting for a few months, his soul flew away and disappeared completely between the heavens and the earth, and there was even no chance of reincarnation!

And this rain of divine thunder is comparable to the fierce battle in the record, and it is even more prosperous!

"Amitabha...send the little friend to the west."

The old monk was silent for a while, sat down cross-legged, and chanted the Buddhist scriptures in a low voice.

He couldn't save Xu Que, he could only see him off in this way.

As for those immortal kings and gods, they were already terrified at this time.

Everything that happened today is more exciting than what happened to them in the past 100 years of cultivation!

Ancient catastrophes, human-shaped lightning, extraterritorial demons, and now even the demon-killing **** thunder that no one has ever seen in the legend has appeared!

Even if someone suddenly popped out and said that he was Dao Emperor, they would not be surprised at all.

"This Demon Slayer Thunder... doesn't it seem to have much power?" Someone suddenly wondered.

After the Demon Slayer Thunder descended, the power and power were all confined under the black clouds, and they were too far away to feel it.

An immortal king hesitated and said, "Should we check it out with our souls?"

Everyone looked at each other, and no one wanted to be this early bird, and in the end, the immortal king who could only speak up went forward.

He sat down cross-legs, letting out part of his soul, and slowly leaned toward the area where the thunder descended.

"Strange, it seems that this divine thunder does not have any power, I have already come close, I haven't felt it yet, I will go in and try...Puff!"

The immortal king was still reporting the situation, suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person fell directly on his back!

"Friends, what happened?"

"Damn it, is it being attacked?"

Everyone quickly gathered around and checked.

I saw this immortal king lying on the ground, his eyes closed tightly, blood was flowing out of his seven orifices, and a strong black energy was flowing in his body.

An Xianzun cautiously poked out with Xianyuan.

Just touching the opponent's body, there was a "pop", and this immortal element was instantly annihilated!

Xianzun was shocked at once, did not dare to make any more movements, so he had to take out the fairy tool to examine the corpse.

After a while, the Immortal Venerable took back the Immortal Tool with an ugly expression, and said in a deep voice, "This fellow Taoist, I'm afraid I won't be able to wake up again..."


As soon as this remark came out, everyone immediately exploded!

"What do you mean? He is dead?"

"Impossible, I think he is still angry!"

"Isn't it said that there is no power, why suddenly died? I think that kid is still alive and kicking inside!"

Xianzun shook his head and said in a low voice: "The Demon Slayer Divine Thunder invaded the spirit of the body through his dispersing soul, and directly annihilated his spirit by two-thirds, unless the emperor took action or could heal the soul injury. Treasure, otherwise I’m afraid there will be no chance to wake up again in this life..."

After a pause, he opened his mouth again: "And even if he can really wake up, his cultivation will fall to the realm of Da Luoxian, or even a lower level...Because the Demon Slayer Thunder is constantly eroding his body, I just checked it out. At that time, his dantian was already badly damaged, his immortal essence was lost, and his spiritual root was disastrous."

In a word, this person is dead.

Everyone was silent for a moment, and there was a dead silence, and the needle drop could be heard.

There is an incredible emotion in everyone's heart.

It was just a wisp of soul-distribution investigation, and it was directly abolished by the Demon God Thunder!

That Fellow Daoist Xu, who was inside, could actually fight against the demon from outside the territories alive and well?

It's incredible to the extreme!

Everyone can't describe their feelings in words at all, and they even think it is ridiculous!

He is so nonsense!

Everyone is a fairyland, why doesn't Xu Que seem to be a species at all?

At this time, Xu Que was not feeling well.

Although it seems that he can survive so many Demon Slayer Thunder and not very powerful, but in fact his body has reached its limit.

If it weren't for being tempered by the ancient catastrophes in the past, coupled with the existence of a large number of ancient catastrophes in the body, and the same origin as the demon god, it could weaken the power of the demon **** thunder to a certain extent.

At this time, I am afraid that he has been annihilated and turned into a fan, and no longer exists.

Of course, there are people who are more uncomfortable than him... Oh no, it's a monster.

"Ahhhhhhh! Asshole! Damn you ants!"

The demon was screaming frantically, and his body was covered with the demon-killing thunder, and every divine thunder would completely annihilate part of the devilish energy.

But in such a short period of time, his huge body has shrunk by one-third, and it is still shrinking rapidly.

Xu Que trembled all over, pulled the corners of his mouth barely, and smiled grimly: "How is it, this thunderstorm feels good, right?"

Not bad Nima!

The demon wanted to scold like this, but he couldn't tell his mind at all, and could only use his devil energy with all his strength to resist the demon **** thunder.


At this moment, there was another muffled noise in the thundercloud.

A huge black thunder that was several feet long, poked its head out of the clouds, and slowly condensed into a pitch-black dragon.

"God thunder condenses!"

The monster's heart suddenly frightened!

This is an extremely powerful form of the Demon Slayer God Thunder. If it falls, he will definitely fly into ashes and annihilate.

"Ant, let you go today, UU reading www.uukanshu.com I will take your life in the future!"

The demon did not dare to delay, frantically gathered the devil energy around and fell towards the desert.

The seal can still find a chance to break through, but if you really die here today, then there will be nothing.

Seeing that the other party wanted to leave, Xu Que immediately yelled: "Leave me here! The one above, let me get the thunder down!"

At the same time, he directly ran the exercises in reverse, spraying away all the devilish energy in his body!

The black dragon in the sky, as if really listening to him, rushed down with a "swish"!

When the monster saw this scene, he was so scared that he was so scared!

Nima's, this kid is a son of heaven!

If you say it, it will be done!

(End of this chapter)

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