Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1744: I suddenly realized


The huge black dragon descended from the sky, and the violent aura of destruction suddenly swept the entire desert!


Xu Que felt that his brain was blank for an instant, and he had only time to allow the system to exchange magic resistance equipment such as inspiring armor and banshee veil on him.

Immediately afterwards, the consciousness completely fell into a coma...

I don't know how long it took, a shock awakened him.

Xu Que opened his eyes with difficulty, a dazzling sunlight filled his eyes, lying on a pallet truck, his whole body aching.

"Where am I?"

He glanced around, and the scene in front of him suddenly made him bounce off the chair in surprise.

"Fuck! Where am I?!"

I saw that there were yellow buildings around, which seemed to be made of yellow sand. Pawns and traffickers walked through them, creating a lively scene.

But among them, almost half are bald!


Xu Que touched his head subconsciously, and he was relieved when he felt that the black hair was still thick.

Fortunately... the hair is still there.

The so-called head can be broken, blood can flow, hair style can not be messy!

"Daoist, are you awake?" Suddenly, a voice came from the front.

"Who... Ouch, it hurts!" Xu Que turned over and sat up, and was suffocated by a pang of pain as soon as he spoke.

Strange, there is a system repair and there, even if I am injured, I should be healed now?

Before he inspected the wound, he saw a small, greasy bald head appearing in front of him.

"Little Bulb!" Xu Que exclaimed, "Why are you here?"

This person is impressively the little monk second only to himself in the previous trials of the ancient Buddha.

He smiled helplessly, folded his hands together and said, "The donor, the little monk is named Fahui, not Xiao Bulb."

"Tsk, you have to be self-aware, look at your bald head, you don't even need to turn on the lights at night." Xu Quetan said, pointing around, "Where is this? Why are there so many bald heads?"

The little monk Fahui said lightly: "This place is the ancient city of true Buddha in the realm of Buddha. It is the holy city built by the ancient Buddha at that time, named Tianzhu."

Xu Que heard that sentence in his mind for no apparent reason. The poor monk came from the Eastern Tang Dynasty and went to the Western Heaven to ask for the truth...

"Then how did I come here?"

"The little monk left from the trial and wanted to return to the holy city, but found that evil spirits appeared in the Destroyer Desert. When he hurried away, he saw fellow Daoist lying in the desert." Fahui explained the cause and effect in a few words.

Xu Que thoughtfully, the little monk said that he was alone, that is to say, that extraterritorial demon either ran away or was destroyed.

But the high probability should be annihilated, after all, the power of the demon-killing **** thunder is indeed terrifying.

If it weren't for his own system, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to sustain the fall of the gods.

With that, he checked the injuries in his body.

I don’t know, I was shocked when I saw it!

The body was empty, as if the house was ransacked, there was nothing!

"Fuck! System, where did my cultivation base go? Why is there no such thing as the magical energy of Xianyuan Buddhism?!" Xu Que was shocked suddenly, and hurriedly summoned the system.

"Ding, due to excessive absorption of magic energy, it is currently in a dormant state. For the time being, only the exchange system for forced value is open, and question and answer services are not provided."

Yes, the system is also on strike.

Xu Que sighed and lay down directly on his back. He was about to exit the system when he saw a system prompt.

"Ding, there is a system feedback, whether to check it."

Xu Que was stunned and chose to check it out, only then did he figure out what had happened.

It turned out that the moment the Demon Slayer Thunder descended, the system calculated that Xu Que's physical state at that time could not stop it at all.

So the revenge mechanism was directly activated, all the power in the body was used to resist the Demon God Thunder, plus the exchanged full magic resistance suit, which saved his life.

But because the power of the Demon Slayer God Lei was too amazing, coupled with the imbalance of the demon energy, the system also went down and entered a dormant state.

After the hibernation is over, the system will continue to help Xu Que perform body repair.

In other words, before the system awakens, his injuries are the only ones to think of.

As for the reason for repair, don't even think about recovering in a short time.

The only thing left for him is this powerful body comparable to the golden body of the Buddha.

"Wonderful, old monster, you are not superficial to me!" Xu Que gritted his teeth, "When I have repaired it, I will go to you first to settle the account!"

Had it not been for this **** extraterritorial demon, he should have gone to Tai Yi Pai now to talk to his confidante every night!

Fortunately, the system gave a solution at the end.

The reason why all the current cultivation bases are of course completely absent is because the devil qi in the body is too strong, causing an imbalance of power, so the system can only use all power consumption to block the devil qi.

If you want to restore your cultivation base, you have to find something powerful enough to balance the devilish energy.

"Daoist, I don't know what you plan to do next?" Fahui said as she untied the rope on her body.

Only then did Xu Que realize that Fahui had always tied the rope of the cart to his body, acting as a manpower to pull the cart, and he couldn't help feeling a little moved.

There is true love in the world, there is true love in the world, look at the human light bulb!

How kind and loving, this is the image that a monk should have!

"I have something important to do, thank you for the little bulb, and then I will go by myself." Xu Que turned over and jumped off the cart.

The moment he landed, his body trembled, and then he forcibly stood still.

"Friends of Taoism, your injury is not healed, why don't you go to the Buddha with the little monk for a trial?" Fahui asked with concern when Xu Que was about to leave.

"Just kidding, this kind of small injury doesn't need to be treated by the sage, and it can be healed naturally!" Xu Que patted his chest, and then curiously asked, "What are the benefits of your Buddha's trial?"

Fahui explained: "The son of Buddha represents the inheritance of the true Buddha. If UU reading www.uukanshu.com passes the test and becomes the son of Buddha, it is said that he will receive a relic left by the ancient Buddha and ancient scriptures, representing the ancient Buddha. Praise Buddhism in Xianyunzhou."

Xu Que was already ready to leave. Hearing the last words, he suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at Fahui: "You just said that there are ancient Buddha relics and ancient scriptures?"

"Ah... yes, because it is said that the end of the Buddha's trial is the place where the ancient Buddha sat and transformed."

"Little Bulb, I suddenly felt that my injury had worsened again. Please continue to drag me away. I also want to participate in the trial of the Buddha."

"Huh? Fellow Daoist, didn't you just leave? And you don't believe in Buddhism either."

"Buddha Amitabha, the poor monk suddenly realized that there are three thousand people in the world. Only I, the Buddha, will pay attention to it. Let's go, after going to the relic, it will be gone! Go for the little light bulb!" Xu Que clasped his hands together.


(End of this chapter)

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