Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1746: Poor monk is here to save you

Under Xu Que's indoctrination in holding a Zen stick, the monkey quickly accepted the fact that he had become a great apprentice of Tang Sanzang.

"Well, starting today, your name is Kakarot."

"No...Master, I have a name, my name is Monkey King."

"That name has become a thing of the past, now your name is Kakarot."

Go to the Monkey King of your code!

What do you want to be the Monkey King?

Xu Que hasn't forgotten that he also has a clone that is the Sun Wukong of the Explosive Sky Gang.

Monkey King was quite aggrieved: "No, you are unreasonable... Okay, from today on, my name is Kakarot, Master, let's go on the road together!"

"Well, yes, I don't want to frighten you when I take out the Zen stick for my teacher, it's just that my hands are itchy, and I want to play occasionally."

As Xu Que spoke, he waved his Zen stick casually.

With a "bang", the tall boulder next to him was smashed to pieces.

Monkey King, that's not right, Kakarot took a breath of air-conditioning, shocked in his heart.

what's the situation?

Isn't it said that all the cultivation bases that come to the trial will be blocked?

Don’t monks convince people with reason?

No matter how this person looks at him, he doesn't seem to persuade people with reason!

After regaining Monkey King, Xu Que began to take the lead in the charge, heading in the direction of Xitian.

When he came here, he brought a package with him, and there was a map in it, showing the path to the western sky.

"System, check where this is, I always feel something is wrong." Xu Que ordered while looking at the map.

After about three seconds, the system gave a reply.

"This place is the memory of the gods."

"The realm of memory?" Xu Que was stunned. After some questions, he finally understood the original appearance of the normal trial.

The place where he is now is a continent called Dongshen, and on this continent, demons and humans coexist, and the immortals are extraordinary and ignorant of world affairs.

I am a Buddhist monk who is intensively practising Buddhism. Feeling the suffering of the people, I decided to go to the Da Leiyin Temple in Xitian to obtain the scriptures and save all sentient beings.

And all of this is actually an illusory existence, an illusion constructed from the memory of the ancient Buddha.

"Wow, the ancient Buddha's cultivation base was so strong back then? Can you actually build such a big illusion?"

Xu Que was amazed, looking at the plants and trees around him, almost indistinguishable from the real existence.

He has also experienced several illusions before, including a long mortal life in which he competed for the inheritance of the ancient Buddha.

But it was only confined to a country, and the scope was far less than it is now, and it had reached the level of a continent.

"In other words, did this ancient Buddha really experience the experience of learning from the Western Heavens?" Xu Que paid more attention to this point.

"Reply to the host, your current experiences are all personal experiences of those who became gods back then."

"Yes, it seems that I'm really not the only one who travels through."

One person and one monkey embarked on a journey to the west, and Xu Que intermittently obtained relevant reminders on the way.

If you want to pass the trial, you have to survive ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties.

And every tester, regardless of the level of cultivation, will be banned from cultivation, and will spend this long journey as a mortal corpse.

On the way, you need to subdue the four disciples as their protectors and arrive in the western sky.

Simply put, the entire background story is almost exactly the same as Journey to the West.

It's just that his big apprentice didn't know if it was a loading error, his personality and record were completely different.

The two went all the way, and soon met a group of robbers.

"I drove this mountain! I drove this tree! If you want to pass from now on, stay and buy road money!"

The high-ranking robbers carried a mountain knife and roared fiercely.

At this time, outside of the memory, several old monks were looking at the golden mirror in front of them taking a nap.

Each golden mirror represents a participant in the trial.

The performance of the testers in the memory realm will be presented to a few old monks. All they have to do is to ensure that there will be no casualties.

After all, this is a trial of the Buddha, just to pass on the Dharma, if there are casualties, it can't be explained.

These old monks are all Dharma masters who have practiced in the Great Leiyin Temple for many years, but they do not have the ability to manipulate the memory realm. They can only pull the tester out of the memory realm at a dangerous moment.

"A few, it's been a long time since I saw you." A tall and thin old monk said with a smile, "We have been sleeping for many years, and we are finally able to witness the trial of the Buddha with our own eyes again. We are extremely lucky."

"Yes, I don't know who can become the ultimate Buddha this time."

"It is said that the person who tried this time was born with a flawless Buddha's heart in the legend, and his name was Fahui."

"Really? I heard that he did not come alone." An old monk smiled.

"Oh? To be able to participate in the trial with the natural Buddha-minded person, is it also my Buddha's natural choice?"

The old monks are extremely excited. After all, this Buddhism trial will only start once for many years. When they were in the last Buddhism trial, they were all young people, but they are now very old.

The old monks chatted for a while, and then turned their attention to these testers.

"This Buddha's trial tests the understanding of Buddhism and whether it can save evil with a compassionate heart."

"Yes, those who practice Buddhism are no different from mortals after the banned cultivation base, so that they can be tested."

"I hope this time, a real Buddha will appear." An old monk said with emotion, "The last time the Buddha tried, without exception, they all failed at the last level of learning the scriptures."

Speaking of this hurdle, the old monks are full of grief.

That can be said to be the most cheating one. If they hadn't witnessed a normal trial with their own eyes, they would have been cheated if they entered.

"Hey, that seems to be the fellow monk who came in with Fahui." An old monk suddenly pointed to a golden mirror and said.

In the picture, Xu Que is taking his big apprentice to confront a group of bandits.

"Monk, UU read www.uukanshu.com and hand over the money he has on him. This uncle can spare your life!" The black and strong man waved his hand with a mountain knife, and the wind screamed.

Kakarot whispered: "Master, use your Dharma to understand them."

Xu Que put his hands together, took a step forward, and smiled and said, "No problem, let's look at the poor monks and save you with the Dharma."

Hearing this, the black and strong man laughed wildly: "Hahahaha! I have three ghosts in the rivers and lakes for many years, you are a monk who has no hair and want to save Laozi, see Laozi and send you to the west!"

As he said, he slammed his knife and slashed.

This sword force sinks vigorously, and the monk who has been banned from the cultivation base is determined to be unable to avoid it.

Seeing the sword general approaching, Xu Que suddenly shouted, raising his hand with a punch: "Put down the butcher sword and become a Buddha!"


The mountain knife broke!

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