Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1747: Can this be reduced?


After smashing the mountain knife, the fist force remained undiminished, and fell on the big man, blasting it out.

Kakarot was shocked.

In front of the golden mirror, the old monks who were waiting for Xu Que to show the Dharma were also shocked.

What is this...what the hell?

Use the Dharma to perceive each other! You are so direct and violent persuasion!

How about the Buddhism you have practiced for many years?

You are a monk, you can figure it out!

"No, no, this shouldn't be!" An old monk responded and said anxiously, "Isn't he banned for cultivation? How could he smash the mountain knife with a punch?"

Those who practice the Dharma have weak physical bodies. Even if there are Buddhist practitioners who specialize in the Vajra Arhat method, their strong physical bodies are also derived from their cultivation.

So banning the cultivation base is equivalent to turning them into mortals.

How could a mortal smash a mountain knife with his fist?

"Is there something wrong with the trial?" An old monk hurriedly ran toward the rear, "I'll check it!"

As the supervisor of the trial, they have the right to inspect the trial and terminate the trial when problems arise. This is the rule set by the ancient Buddha.

"That's right, most of it is the Buddha's trial and inheritance for many years, and the strength has weakened."

"It should be so, that's why he will keep a little bit of cultivation."

"It seems that we slept for too long, so we failed to check and repair it in time. We must pay attention to it in the future."

The old monks whispered, reflecting on themselves.

After a while, the old monk who had gone for repairs returned to the crowd.

"How? Is there a problem with the banned formation?"

"Have you fixed it?"

Several old monks quickly asked.

I saw the old monk who went for the inspection with a weird face and said: "Lao Na has checked all of them... everything is intact and there is no omission."


Everyone was silent immediately.

After a while, an old monk said quietly, "So, this tester... is he himself a Buddha cultivator who cultivates the flesh? Or in other words, his understanding of the Dharma, is that?"

The understanding of Buddhism by Buddhist practitioners will be reflected in their own cultivation.

For example, the Pudu sentient beings obtained by Xu Que before is the most famous Buddhism art.

Fighting depends on a mouth, use my reason to convince you.

In Buddhism, most of the magic principles are similar to this, but there are certain differences in the form of expression.

But Xu Que's appearance completely broke their inherent impression.

In the state of memory, Xu Que walked forward with a smile on his face, came to the brawny man, and asked with a smile: "This donor, do you feel that your admiration for the Dharma has become deeper in your heart?"

The brawny man was dizzy at this time, he flicked up when he heard the words, and yelled: "Deepen Nima..."

Xu Que didn't wait for him to finish, he just raised his fist and punched it.


The brawny man was knocked to the ground again, and the tree behind him trembled twice.

"Donor, do you feel that the Dharma is calling you?"



"Donor, are you willing to believe in Buddhism now?"

"Trust your mother!"



Kakarot looked pale from the side, with big beads of sweat rolling down his forehead.

Ma yeah... Isn't your master a great virtue in Dharma?

Why is it so violent?

Are all Buddhist cultivators taking this path now?

After experiencing how many hammer blows Xu Que did not know, the burly man climbed up again, his face full of anger, and his teeth clenched.

Xu Que still smiled: "Donor, do you feel the call of Buddhism now?"

Kakarot looked wary on the side, and he already took out the stick in his hand.

As Xu Que's major disciple, he has an obligation to ensure the safety of the other party.

The brawny man took a deep breath, fell on his knees with a "plop", folded his hands, raised his head, and said in a trembling voice: "Thank you, Master, for your help. I suddenly felt the call of the Buddha. I beg the Master to save me and become a Buddha."

Kakarot: "..."

Old monks: "..."

Is this okay?

Use your fists to convince people with reason? !

Xu Wei nodded and said with satisfaction: "If this is the case, then the poor monk will save you to Buddhahood!"

After that, he squatted slightly, clenched his fists, and slammed his fist on the man.

The big man didn't say a word, and fell directly down softly, as if he was silent.

Kakarot's whole monkey went silly.

Buddhism disciples killed?

Is this a Buddhism disciple? !

"Master... he wants you to save him and become a Buddha, not to kill him..." Kakarot said in a low voice.

Xu Que took out the shovel from the system and said confidently: "Yes, isn't it okay for me to send him to the west to see the Buddha? Stop talking nonsense, come and help me dig a hole and bury people."

"That's not good...I'll help you dig it out, Master, first put down the stick."

"This is a good apprentice as a teacher."

One person, one monkey, began to dig pits in the mountains and forests to bury the corpses, this scene is simply weird to the extreme.

Halfway through the digging process, Kakarot finally couldn't help it, and asked, "Master, people are just taking a fortune, and the crime is not dying."

Xu Que put down his hoe, thought about it, and asked, "Do you think I'm doing something wrong?"

"We are monks, shouldn't we be merciful?" Kakarot said cautiously.

Xu Wei nodded his head and continued to dig the soil: "You are right. If so, then I will say that these people were all killed by you in the future."

Kakarot: "..."

"You are the first bodyguard of the teacher anyway. When you go out in the future, when you talk about it, you will think of that Kakarot was holding two watermelon knives and slashing all the way from Nantianmen to the Palace of the High Heavens. There are countless souls under him. Not very prestigious?"

"Master...or else you should let me go back to the Five Elements Mountain and continue to be crushed."

"Quickly dig!"

"Ah! Don't take out the stick!"

In front of the golden mirror, several old monks looked at each other.

"Is he like this... is it a violation?" an old monk hesitated.

Although it is said that the person who killed the person in the realm of memory is not a real person, when the trial of the Buddha is reopened in the future, this person will be reborn. UU reading www.uukanshu.com, but ultimately committed the crime of killing.

Everyone looked at each other, and the tall and thin old monk said solemnly: "If this is the case, then we will stop his trial first, bring him out, and then ask."



At this moment, the fat old monk who was in charge of the inspection suddenly changed his face and took out a scripture from his arms.

On the cover of the scriptures, there are several large characters: Luohan Book.

He quickly turned to one of the pages and found that a name called "Zhao Tiezhu" was gradually showing up on the page.

"Well, is this the name of the **** man just now?"

"Why is it in this Arhat Book? Isn't it only those who have been Buddhaized by me can be on the Arhat Book?"

The fat old monk held up the Arhat book in disbelief, and muttered: "As the monk said...he really turned this man into a Buddha..."

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