Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1748: Poor monk can see that you are not human

After a while, the master and old monk waved his hand and grudgingly said with a smile: "This...how is it possible that although people in the memory realm have the opportunity to become a Buddha and ascend to the Arhats, the Dharma of those who have to save him is extremely advanced. "

"Yes, even you and I may not be able to do this, let alone a young man."

"He is not saving at all, it is killing!" the old monk scolded angrily.

The fat old monk sent the Arhat album forward and said blankly: "Then what's going on here?"

"Um..." The man was speechless.

All the people present were very knowledgeable in Buddhism. After so many years of intensively practicing Buddhism, it was natural to see at a glance that Xu Que was not even a buddhist person at all.

It's dead, that is, it looks like a little bit.

"Strange...Why do I look at this person without Buddhist attainments, but I can see the shadow of Dharma everywhere on my body?" An old monk observed carefully for a while, and suddenly exclaimed.

"Really, don't make a mistake!"

"No, look carefully. The trick he wielded the stick is clearly the method of surrendering the dragon to the tiger stick!"

"Really! Wait... he can actually punish the devil fist!"

In the picture, Xu Que takes Kakarot all the way to slay the demons and exterminate demons. Every time the demons use their strength to convince the demons, they will go up with a set of three punches for the farmer.

The flow of time in the memory realm is not equal to the outside world, so the old monks also witnessed Xu Que's journey along the way and recognized his tricks to subdue the monsters.

These moves are basically legal decisions circulated within Buddhism.

If according to Buddhism's usage, all the moves displayed are infinitely powerful, but Xu Que currently has no cultivation base, and the use of it is just useless.

Even so, the old monks were still shocked.

"Where did he learn these Buddhist spells?"

"I don't know. He clearly doesn't have the aura of Buddhism, so how can he use Buddhism spells?"

What they didn't know was that all the secret methods that Xu Que learned came from the inheritance of ancient Buddhas.

It doesn't have any Buddhism mentality itself, so naturally there will be no Buddhism breath in the body.

When the old monks were shocked, Xu Que had already taken Kakarot to a place called Baigudong.

On the way, Xu Que used his sincere Buddha heart and compassionate blood to conquer the little white dragon with his Zen stick.

At the same time, he adopted the same method and successfully subdued Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha.

The group of five masters and apprentices killed countless demons along the way, causing the demons along the way to be frightened.

"Brothers! Tang Sanzang is here!"

"Fuck! That dead bald head that kills monsters like hemp?"

"Retreat quickly! This dead bald attacked the thief, and my brother was directly scumbed by him!"

"Well, how can there be such a perverted monk, mom, I want to go home!"

This also caused their progress to be countless times faster than other trials.

While most of the testers were still conquering their disciples, they had already come to the place where they faced the challenge for the first time on their way to the west.

"Master, this place is full of evil spirits, let's take a detour." Monkey King...oh no, Kakarot kindly reminded him.

Xu Que rode on the white dragon horse and said staggeringly: "What are you afraid of? What monsters are there, you can blow them up with a punch for your teacher!"

"Master... compassionate."

"You are right, you can blow it up with one punch!"


Kakarot, Zhu Bajie, and Monk Sha looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

My master is too cruel, and disciples like them can't stand it anymore.

Xu Que felt the rising pretense value in his body, pulling the horse's rein and moving forward.

Fighting monsters can increase the force value and make a detour?

What a joke!

However, coming along the way, Xu Que could feel that the monsters along the way were getting stronger and stronger, and it was really difficult to deal with it with his own mortal body.

So, he went to the system to redeem a few items as a backup.

"Apprentices, come with me!" Xu Que touched the props in his arms, energetic, "He Ben Qisheng...No, I will level this bone hole with the teacher!"

Strictly speaking, this bone cave is just a mountain forest, walking in it, surrounded by dense trees.

As Xu Que walked and looked around, several apprentices whispered.

"What is the master looking at?"

"Fool, there must be some monsters!"

"What did our master do before he became a monk... How do I feel that Master is more fierce than us?"

"My grandson doesn't know... Shhh, keep your voice down, the master is looking over."

I saw Xu Que suddenly turned his head and looked at a big tree with a bright smile on his face.

Got you!

He turned over and jumped off the white dragon horse and ran towards the big tree.

The reason why Baigudong was called the first challenge for the westward journey was that this place was the place where the relationship between Tang Sanzang and Monkey King broke for the first time.

The story of the three beatings of the bone spirits was passed on by word of mouth. Because Monkey King killed the bone spirits, Tang Sanzang mistakenly thought of killing the innocent indiscriminately, and the relationship between the master and disciple broke down.

But looking at my apprentice's awkwardness, let alone three beatings of bone spirits, it is possible to be beaten three times by bone spirits.

As a master, how could his disciple be violently beaten by a monster?

All the sufferings should be borne by yourself!

"Lao Zhang, what are you doing here?" Xu Que looked at the back of the tree with a probe.

I saw an old man trembled, slowly raised his head, and smiled reluctantly: "Ah...it's a monk, old man, I'm looking for my daughter, my daughter has not returned after going out for many days, old man I am a little worried..."

In front of the golden mirror, several old monks cross their heads to their ears.

"This is a difficulty."

"The White Bone Essence is the result of human death, so the human body she transformed into is hard to distinguish without cultivation."

"Tang Sanzang killed so many monsters before, and this time a mortal appeared, he wouldn't be killed."

The tall and thin old monk believed in himself: "This Tang Sanzang is too hard to kill. I am afraid that his eyes have been stunned by blood. It is impossible for UU to see the real body of this demon!"

"I think so too. I'm afraid he's here for his trial." The fat old monk nodded in agreement.

They all saw what Xu Que did along the way, and they did not conform to the code of conduct of a Buddhist child. It is not an exaggeration to call it a demon. Naturally, he does not want him to pass the trial.

"Lao Zhang, you come out first, it's not convenient behind this tree." Xu Que stretched out his hands and helped the old man out.

The old man was taken aback for a moment.


What's inconvenient?

Immediately afterwards, he saw Xu Que's face suddenly changed, and he raised his right palm, making a sound like thunder.

"Monster, the poor monk can tell at a glance that you are not a human! Take it to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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