Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1749: Tang 3 hides crazy

The old man was so scared that his face paled, and his heart was stunned.

What is the origin of this smelly monk?

You can see through your real body at a glance?

Damn it!

As for the apprentices next to him, they were scared crazy.

Damn it!

Master is crazy!

Kill even mortals!

"No, no, old man, I'm a human..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Que punched directly without hesitation.

The old man wailed, fell to the ground, twitched twice, and stopped moving.

"Ahhhhh! Master, you killed someone!" Kakarot exclaimed, "We are going to lose our experience of learning!"

He didn't even see it clearly just now, and Xu Que killed the person!

Xu Que shook his head and said righteously: "This is a monster, not a human."

Several apprentices glanced at each other, and they all showed horror at the same time.

It's over...Master is crazy...

Seeing that some people didn't believe it, Xu Que smiled: "Okay, then I'll go and find the monster for you to have a look."

After that, he jumped and jumped into the jungle.

On the other side, the bone spirit escaped from the old man's body, panicked and fled back to his cave.

After casting a spell to seal the entrance of the cave, and adding several defensive spells, the bone spirit breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the stone chair in shock.

"How could the smelly monk see through my real body?" The bone spirit was puzzled.

She herself is the bone spirit formed after the death of a person without a bit of resentment, and eventually the bones are not decayed.

It is a monster who is detached from the five elements and is not in the book of life and death in the underworld. As long as the time is long enough, she can completely cultivate into a peerless monster.

Even though her cultivation level is not high now, the body that has been transformed is definitely not a mortal who can see through.

"Fortunately, the monk has no cultivation base, and should not be able to use spells. I am still safe here for the time being..."


Before the white bones spoke, suddenly a muffled noise came from outside the cave.

She was stunned, and before she could go out to check what had happened, she heard an arrogant voice coming.

"Bone spirit, open the door! You have the ability to steal men... No, you have the ability to pretend to be an old man, you don't have the ability to open the door!"

Alas! !

The bone spirit almost screamed in surprise.

It's that smelly monk, how could he chase here?

He has clearly hidden his aura, even a monk with strong mana, it will take a lot of time to find here!

boom! boom! boom!

Outside the cave, a muffled sound became more and more rapid, and it seemed that someone was hammering the cave with his fist frantically.

Without waiting for the bones to think carefully about what to do, suddenly he heard a "click".

The formation that had just been constructed by himself smashed into pieces and disappeared into the air.

I saw Xu Que strode into the cave, with a benevolent smile on his face: "Amitabha, the benefactor, the poor monk has come to save you."

After that, stepping forward is a set of farmers' three punches, which does not give the bones a chance to beg for mercy.


A punch fell, and the bone essence turned into a pile of bones in a short time, and it disappeared.

Although Xu Que's current physical body has no mana, it has been tempered by the magic source, Xianyuan, and Buddhism.

A monster like the White Bone Spirit, who has almost no strong demon powers, and relies on changing skins to deceive others, has a set of three farmer punches, and died directly and thoroughly.

In front of the golden mirror, several old monks were completely dumbfounded.

The white bone spirits they had high hopes did not play a role at all, and they were almost cleaned up as soon as they came out!

"What are you doing? How can you try this way!"

"There is a problem with this guy. Is he a Buddha or not? How can he be so murderous!"

"Never let this person go through the trial of the Buddha!"

Xu Que came along the way and has achieved the achievement of a big kill. These old monks absolutely hated his behavior and did not want this person to pass the trial of the Buddha.

What does Buddhism rely on?

It's Dharma, it's a mouthpiece!

It is to influence the world with a benevolent heart!

You just go up with three punches, so what is the difference between our Buddhist cultivators and those ordinary monks?

It really lowered our Buddhist style!

However, the old monks didn't have the ability to control the trial, so they could only stare at Xu Que with gritted teeth, allowing him to drive straight into the trial of the Buddha.

Several old monks almost broke the futon under their seat in a hurry.

Shame, absolutely shame!

Allowing such people to pass the trial is definitely a shame for them who study the Dharma!

"I have a solution!" The fat old monk suddenly brightened his eyes and said loudly.

When the surrounding old monks heard the words, they quickly gathered around.

I saw the fat old monk lowered his voice and slowly said: "Although we can't control the Buddhism trial, we can inject our cultivation base into it, so that the strength of the monster will be greatly improved."

"This... is a good way, but how can you be sure that he will not be able to beat it?"

Xu Que's performance along the way has shocked the old monks.

Especially the powerful physical body left a deep impression on them.

Punch a monster, who can stand it?

It's still ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, according to this style of play, eight hundred and eighty-one difficulties can only last a few days!

The flow of time in the memory realm is one hundred to one with the outside world, that is, one hundred days are spent inside, and one day is spent outside.

In the realm of memory, Xu Que had already killed more than 20 monsters in less than half a month.

Others have confiscated even the fourth apprentice now!

The fat old monk said solemnly: "I have carefully observed that although his body is strong, he does not have any mana. Even so, there are not many monsters that can fight one of the monsters on the westward journey, so we have to be the most powerful. Our cultivation base is injected into the monsters. I say so, you should know who is the most reliable, right?"

The old monks only thought about it for a moment, and then they showed their comprehension and enlightenment.

Golden Winged Roc King!

The monster with the hardest background on the westbound road! Once a mount of the true Buddha, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com later escaped from Da Leiyin Temple privately and came to the mortal world to become one of the difficulties in the ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties.

"As long as the Golden Winged Dapeng King gets our cultivation base, this Tang Sanzang is definitely not an opponent!"

"Indeed, the Golden Winged Dapeng King has practiced by the true Buddha for many years. His body is powerful and his mana is profound. The strength in this memory realm is almost one-to-one. With our perfusion, he will definitely be able to defeat Tang Sanzang."

"It's not too late, let's go now!"

The old monks made a decisive decision, directly sat down cross-legged, ran the exercises, and started to take action.

I saw that their bodies were full of golden light, and their eyes were full of passion and determination.

Don’t let Tang Sanzang get the truth!

(End of this chapter)

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