Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1758: A wicked dog can't die

After interviewing dozens of victims, Xu Que got a general idea of ​​what happened.

Duan Jiude and Ergouzi came to Feihai Prefecture a month ago, and then one person and one dog didn't know where they learned that there were treasures in the Primordial Secret Realm, and then they began to explore wildly.

During the exploration, three large sects, ten medium sects, and countless small sects were destroyed.

The most wicked thing is that these two guys publicized that they had already explored the location of the Primordial Secret Realm by the Explosive Sky Gang, and the map that could be explored in the Primordial Secret Realm was then sold out through a high price auction.

And it was auctioned more than once!

Every auction will declare that this time must be true, and as a result, all the treasure maps that are auctioned off are all fakes!

"Damn...I used all the things I learned from Lao Tzu for these two goods!" Xu Que tickled with hatred after hearing this.

If you say you sell it, you can sell it. Lao Tzu is not there, so I even included Lao Tzu's name!

Xu Que looked at the fake treasure map in his hand, and in a hidden corner on the back, there were four small characters "Drawn by Xu Que" written on it, and there was a concealment method on it.

If you don’t look closely, you won’t see it at all.

Only after discovering something wrong and searching it carefully with Shenhun, could I find this line on the back.

"Amitabha, why should Dao Friends Duan and Dao Ergou use such a clumsy Dharma to cover up?" Fahui asked puzzledly, "Such a Dharma can be cracked with a finger."

Xu Que rearranged the Fajue casually and showed it to Fahui: "Look again."

"This Fajue...hey, why can't I find it?" Fahui looked around and found that he hadn't found the line of small characters. After closing his eyes and meditating for a moment, he uttered a Buddhist sound, "Broken!"


There was a sound that was almost bursting, and it was only seen on the back of the map that the line of small characters was reappeared.

Xu Que shrugged and said: "Now you understand. Even your Buddhist disciples who are best at imagining can't see through it for a while. How could the guy who rushed to the treasure hunt after getting the map to see? Come out? It must be after discovering that I was deceived, and then I remembered to check the authenticity of the map."

"This... the two Taoists are really thoughtful, but if you don't want to be discovered, you can completely erase this line of small prints from the beginning, or when you make the map, don't leave this line of brats."

"...Your mind, I am really worried about the future of Buddhism. I didn't make this map at all!" Xu Que sighed, gritted his teeth and said, "These two guys secretly made the map by themselves and wrote the signature on it to make it clear. Drag me into the water!"

It is easier for them to be hunted down and killed by people than if they were hunted down one person and one dog.

Xu Que couldn't imagine that these two scams could even use this shameless method in order to distract.

"Hey, fellow Daoist, you also bought a fake map." A cultivator passed by and saw the map in Xu Que's hands. He smiled helplessly, "These two goods are so wicked, they will be thundered sooner or later."


Xu Que tore the map to pieces, and raised his head with a kind smile: "Yes, these guys are almost thunderous and hard to die. The poor monk suggested that their ancestral graves should be dug out and their ancestors should be dug out. The ashes will thwart the bones and raise the ashes. Only in this way can we be relieved and hate.

The monk seemed to be frightened, and smiled stiffly: "This fellow Daoist... it won't be the case, what a grudge it would be to dig a man's ancestral grave."

"Amitabha Buddha, the poor monks have no grievances and no grudges against them, but the poor monks have been jealous and hateful since childhood and could not understand this shameless liar. With the method of Buddhism King Kong's angry eyes." Xu Que said with a smile on his forehead with blue veins exposed.

Damn, I don't just want to smash their ancestors, but also want to smash the ashes of these two stolen goods!

"Um... In that case, I happen to be going to join the Alliance of Victims. I wonder if fellow Daoists are interested in going there?"

"Victim Alliance?" Xu Que asked in confusion.

The monk nodded and said in a deep voice: "Yes, this wicked dog combination is really shameless. Now the Taoists who are exploring the ancient secret realm in Feihai Prefecture have suffered from it for a long time, and the suffering is unspeakable, so they organized a victimization. The alliance is ready to unite and capture it."

With Duan Jiude and Ergouzi's damaging abilities, Xu Que understood everyone's feelings very well.

"It's so good. This time the poor monk will use my Buddhism to do justice!"

After that, he and Fahui followed the monk to the gathering place of the Alliance of Victims.

It is said that it is a meeting place, but in fact it is a large-scale gathering on a mountain.

When Xu Que and the others arrived, no less than a hundred people had gathered here, all over the mountains and plains, gathered in twos and threes, and denounced the shameless act of the combination of the Quede dog.

"These three guys are shameless! They led me to the top of the East China Sea, and I almost died in Guixu!"

"If you want me to say, Xu Que is the most shameless! Make so many fake maps!"

"Yes, if it weren't for him, how could we be deceived!"

The curse was endless, Xu Que followed behind the monk, watching his nose, nose, mouth, and heart, with a calm appearance.

As the saying goes, it has nothing to do with oneself, hang up high, the poor monk is now the new Buddha Tang Sanzang in the Buddha realm, Xu Que and his like have nothing to do with the poor monk!

At the top of the mountain, several people split up.

Xu Que glanced, and his temples jumped suddenly.

The cultivation base is not low!

Looking at it, none of them are below the Xianzun realm, and the lowest is also in the early stage of the Xianzun realm.

"Everyone, we are gathered here today. I think everyone knows what it is for." A middle-aged monk said in a deep voice. Especially! With them, I am afraid that even after a hundred years, we will not find where the Primordial Secret Realm is!"


"These three guys are simply a scourge, you should kill them!"

For a time, UU read www.uukanshu. The com crowd was indignant, and the whole mountain turned up against the sky.

"My last name is Tangbu Xu, my last name is Tangbu Xu." Old God Xu Que muttered to the ground.

"Friends, what are you talking about?"

"It's nothing, I'm reading the Buddhist scriptures to see if I can communicate with the Buddha to wipe out this wicked dog." Xu Que said in an angry manner.

Mom sells batches, these two guys are simply putting people to death!

My own cultivation base hasn't recovered now, and with so many people present, one person will have nothing to do with it.

At this moment, a ridiculous voice came.

"Hmph, so many people gathered here, I thought there was something serious, it turned out that it was just a bunch of **** deceiving themselves and others, it's ridiculous!"

(End of this chapter)

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