Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1759: Tianmen 4

I saw a handsome, slender young man slowly coming from the mountain road.

This man has fluttering clothes, a handsome face, holding a folding fan, strolling in the courtyard, and a sense of arrogance permeates his expression.

"There are two people and a dog, and they have made you so embarrassed, and you are still the monks of the immortal." The man smiled disdainfully, showing a mocking expression on his face.


These words immediately aroused public outrage.

A strong man snorted coldly, strode forward, raised his hand, and grabbed the opponent: "Where is Xiaoxiao, how dare you speak up here!"

The man didn't even look at the other party, and hit the folding fan in his hand, and the strong man suddenly screamed, like a huge boulder flying out.


Everyone took a breath of air, and their gazes at the man suddenly changed.

The brawny man was a good player in the fairyland realm. He had always used a strong physical body as his combat power, and he could even use his strength to hold two immortal venerables of the same level with his full strength.

But the man in front of him knocked him off with one fan!

"Daoist, dare to ask where the teacher is going?" The middle-aged man who presided over at the beginning held his fist with serious eyes.

The corners of the man's mouth evoked a triumphant arc, and the folding fan in his hand opened with a "swish", revealing a line of ink words "I walk in the sea, sky and moonlight" on it.

"Next, the twelve disciples of the immortal door-Murong Yunhai!"

Xu Que cursed secretly: "Dog Ri, looks like a thief!"

Fa Hui said in a puzzled way: "Xu...Why did Brother Tang say this?"

"Look at his sorrowful look, why doesn't he look like a thief? Only a thief will swagger around with a fan!" Xu Que sneered, feeling very unhappy in his heart.

Damn, there can be someone more pretending than yourself?

It is tolerable, which is unbearable!

However, when other people heard the name, their faces showed horror.

"The Twelve Disciples of Xianmen!"

"In the legend, the four great immortal emperors personally selected and cultivated the Tianmen powerhouse on each continent!"

"Why did they come here? With the teachings of the Immortal Emperor, do they still need to **** the Immortal Emperor's inheritance?"

"Heh, do you think that the cultivation of the immortal emperor must be able to become the immortal emperor? If that's the case, why are there still only four immortal emperors of the four heavenly gates today?"

Everyone was talking in low voices, and the words were full of awe.

"Twelve disciples? What is that?" Xu Que asked.

The monk on the side was full of horror, and said in a low voice: "Do you not know the twelve disciples, fellow Taoist?"

Xu Que shook his head: "The poor monk had been intensively practicing in the monastery with his junior brother before, and didn't know anything about the outside world."

The monk glanced at Murong Yunhai, as if he was afraid of being discovered: "These twelve disciples were once a legend. It is said that they were geniuses taught by the four immortal emperors. They were rarely exposed to the world, so everyone I thought it was a rumor. Until hundreds of years ago, there was a sect that tried to challenge the status of Tianmen. At that time, the immortal emperor sent four first disciples of the twelve disciples."

Speaking of this, the monk's throat rolled, and his voice was a little dry: "As a result... that sect was destroyed overnight, and the half-step immortal emperor's lord, who was cultivated to the highest level, was divided in front of the immortal gate, and his death was extremely miserable. !"

Just dispatching four people, they have already wiped out a transcendent sect!

Xu Que's eyelids jumped, even if he did it by himself now, I'm afraid it won't work, at least he can't handle the Sect Master who has reached the half-step immortal emperor's cultivation base.

After experiencing the Heavenly Tribulation of the Immortal Emperor's Lightning, Xu Que deeply realized that the gap between himself and the Immortal Emperor could not be made up by his cultivation base.

There is that special power, under the immortal emperor, all are ants!

"So that's the case, the poor monk understands." Xu Que replied, stepped aside, and began to think.

This group of guys suddenly appeared here, and it was one aspect of the immortal emperor's inheritance. Unsurprisingly, most of them were aimed at the combination of wicked dogs.

Before he waited for others, he killed the Immortal Venerable in Tianmen so much that he couldn't kill him, and he also exposed his relationship with Xiao Rou. Although he didn't know what the Immortal Emperor was doing, he would definitely not let himself go on living.

Turning his eyes, Xu Que already had cares in his mind.

What wicked dog?

He is the Tang Sanzang, a buddhist son with boundless future in Buddhism, who is full of the true biography of the ancient Buddha, and the spokesperson of the magnificent glory.

"It turns out to be a disciple of the immortal emperor, it's me who have eyes but don't know Mount Tai." The middle-aged man arched his hands. Although he is the peak cultivation base of the immortal, he still can't afford to offend the four major sects. "I don't know how many people will come, but What's the order?"

"I can't tell you the order, but I heard that the wicked dog combination is here. By the order of the master, I will come and catch him back to the heaven." Murong Yunhai said casually, without concealing the arrogance on his face, "What do you want to do with I have nothing to do, we just need a wicked dog."

When the middle-aged man saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief, holding a smiley face and said: "In this case, I will definitely help you with you, but these four don't know if they are..."

As he said, his eyes looked at the people behind Murong Yunhai.

Murong Yunhai smiled and stepped aside: "These are my juniors, and I will carry out this operation together."

"Duan Mu Lei!"

"Shangguan Ruiqian!"

"Ye Shuo."

As he said, Murong Yunhai shook his fan, and the three of them stood behind him, looking forward, feeling like an immortal.

"We are the Four Tianmen!"

Xu Que grinned and looked at the monk beside him: "Friends, the twelve disciples of the Tianmen prestigious disciples, just this virtue?"

"Um...this...I haven't seen it before."

"Tsk, if it's all this virtue, Tianmen is going to be over." Xu Que was surprised, and he was curious about Tianmen in his heart.

The Xianzun I met before has one or two brains that are not normal. He can still be understood as a lack of jurisdiction. Why is even the immortal emperor’s pro-disciples now have such a virtue?

Or is there a problem with the minds of the immortal emperor's men?

Facing the direct disciples of the immortal gate, although everyone was a little dissatisfied with the other's dominance, it was not easy to make a mistake for the sake of Tianmen. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Regarding the plan to catch the wicked dog, these people had already discussed it before. Even if Murong Yunhai and others came, it was just a few more people.

"Everyone, we have already contacted each other before and want to trade with them, so the location of this transaction has been determined. You only need to set up an ambush in advance, and you will surely be able to wipe out the wicked dog combination!" The middle-aged man said in a deep voice. "It's just... this time the transaction location is in Ghost Valley. I don't know if any Taoist friends are willing to go?"

As soon as they heard the name of Ghost Valley, the people who were originally excited, suddenly flinched.

"Ghost Valley is where the Hundred Ghosts are located. I heard that there are peerless ghost kings in this place, with a strong cultivation base. Even the Immortal Venerable will be assimilated and dangerous..." Someone whispered.

At this moment, a gentle voice suddenly sounded.

"Amitabha, the poor monk is willing to go."

(End of this chapter)

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