Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1768: You dare to give fake maps

"Friend Taoist Tang!"

"Master Tang Sanzang!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the speaker and suddenly exclaimed.

I saw Xu Que coming out from the back of the team, clasping his hands together, and a faint Buddha light radiated from his body.

Those ghosts who were unafraid to face the mask, but at this time, were as if frightened by something, they suddenly moved away, and they dared not step forward.

Xu Que walked to the front of the crowd with a smile, and whispered: "Amitabha Buddha."

The surging Buddha light gushes out like a tide, slowly flowing in this narrow space, just covering everyone.

Every monk in the Buddha's light felt a warmth flowing in his body, completely expelling the chill that had just been caused by the approach of the evil spirit.

"Look! The ghost is back!"

Someone pointed to the front and exclaimed.

I saw that on the way where Xu Que's light spread, there was a ghost blocking the way, and it was about to break through the mask.

But at this time, seeing the Buddha's light, he turned back into the darkness with fear on his face.

It's really useful!

"Great! I didn't expect Master Tang's Dharma cultivation base to be so powerful!"

"Thanks to Master Tang, otherwise we might really not be able to go out this time."

"Thanks to Master Tang, Master Tang will be my good brother from now on, and his business will be mine!"

Everyone was grateful and expressed their gratitude in their own way.

Xu Que shook his head, not sad or happy and said: "This is what the poor monk should do. You can save the poor monk from the evil dog, the poor monk is already very grateful to you all."

Speaking of this, he paused and continued to speak: "However, what the poor monk is using at this time is the Buddhist secret method, which consumes a lot of money, I am afraid it will not last long..."

Everyone's heart beats.

The ghosts around here haven't dispersed!

"That's not okay, Fellow Tang." The middle-aged man held up the map and said in a deep voice, "According to the map, this formation will take a quarter of an hour to get out!"

They haven't walked halfway since they came in. If Xu Que can't hold on for long, I'm afraid everyone will have to be buried here!

Xu Que took a deep breath, with a solemn expression on his face: "It's okay, even if the poor monks give up this life, they will take you out! But if you can help the poor monks, I think we should have a chance to go. go out."

Hearing this, everyone immediately grabbed the straw, and quickly asked Xu Que what help he needed.

Xu Que pondered for a moment, and explained: "This method consumes energy and blood, cultivation base, and even the lifespan of the poor monk. As long as these three are not consumed cleanly, the poor monk can stick to it..."

When it comes to this, even these people will understand no matter how stupid they are.

The middle-aged man bears the brunt of the brunt, slapped his chest and said: "Don't worry, Fellow Tang, I dare not say anything else. I have so many supplementary medicines!"

"Are you Qing Suyi?" Murong Yunhai asked in a bit of surprise, "The current Pill God of Qingzhumen?"

"Daoist Murong praised him. It's just a fancy name. Compared with Daoyou Tang, it's not worth mentioning." Qing Suyi raised his hand and wiped it in the air, and a lot of pills appeared in his hand.

"Friend Taoist Tang, these medicines are all the best products I refined, and they can replenish the consumption in your body as quickly as possible."

Qing Suyi handed these pills to Xu Que, and said calmly: "As long as you need it, my Qing Suyi can refine the pills for you at any time!"

With Qing Suyi taking the lead, other people also acted one after another, giving Xu Que the treasures of heaven and earth, magic pill and magic weapons on his body as his backup resource bank.

Xu Que watched these people take out storage rings from various places in his body that he hadn't expected at all, and his heart slumped.

Mom, these guys are the real old oilers!

Learned learned.

In the next robbery, you must not let them take the initiative to hand in. You have to search for it yourself.

After receiving a full four or five storage ring, Xu Que let out a low voice, and a ray of Buddha light merged into the storage ring.

After a while, the Buddha light gushed out again, but it became countless times stronger, as if it was nourished by something.

"Everyone, with your help, my Buddha's light is already strong, and the poor monk will take you out of this place!"

With that, Xu Que took both palms, and the dense Buddha light instantly melted away like flowing water, holding up the entire light curtain.


"Master Tang is really amazing!"

"We are saved!"

Everyone immediately became excited, and walked forward behind Xu Que.

There was a cheerful smile on everyone's face, only the little monk Fahui was at a loss.

Daoist Xu Que just put the Buddha's light in the storage ring, although he took it out, and released more Buddha's light.

Don't these people see it at all?

As if he had noticed Fahui's abnormality, Xu Que tilted his head slightly and stretched out his hand to wipe his neck.

Do you dare to say, I will kill myself!

Fahui made a decisive decision: "Brother, brother, come to help you!"

After leaving for a while, Xu Que's voice came from the front: "Everyone, the poor monks are a little exhausted..."

Without any hesitation, Murong Yunhai threw out a few storage rings: "Tao Fellow, catch it!"

Subsequently, Fo Guang became strong again.

However, less than a quarter of an hour later, the Buddha's light began to weaken.

"The poor monk is exhausted..."

"Friends of Taoist help!"

"Poor monk..."



Everyone thought it was a little weird. Could this method definitely consume so much?

It has consumed no less than twenty storage ring resources!

Fahui looked at Xu Que, who was full of energy and did not show the slightest effort, and muttered a Buddha's name in a low voice, deeply feeling the sinfulness.

Buddha... Forgive the disciples, the disciples are all for the development of Buddhism.

Xu Que was observing the surroundings all the way, and he was not afraid of others being afraid of ghosts.

Lao Tzu is a Buddhist disciple, and he is so upright that he will not invade. What demons and ghosts dare to get close?

What's more, the Bodhisattva has the supreme treasure of Buddhism, the left hand of the ancient Buddha relic, the right hand of the ancient Buddhist scriptures, and thousands of Buddhas.

Even if everyone here is dead, he can't die!

So when he stood up, he showed a piece of Dharma casually, and the old **** walked forward on the ground.

No matter how nervous other people were, Xu Que didn't panic at all.

But for some reason, the more Xu Que walked in, the more he felt a sense of horror ahead.

Intuition tells him that to enter the Primordial Secret Realm from Ghost Valley, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is definitely not that simple.

"Wait... Ergouzi will not give me a fake map, right?" Xu Que was suddenly startled and thought of this possibility.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, and he quickly contacted Ergouzi.

"Hey, Ergouzi, did you give me a fake picture?"

"How is it possible!" Er Gouzi's voice came from a firm voice.

Before Xu Que could relax, before he was about to cut off the contact, he heard Duan Jiude's voice faintly coming from the other end.

"Fuck! That kid found out?"

"The deity said to let you do better, don't cut corners..."

Damn it!

Xu Que almost yelled at him, why would you really dare to give me a fake?

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