Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1769: Poor monks want to purge the fire

I don't know how many years no one has entered the ghost valley, the entrance has been controlled by these ghosts.

The ghosts are like overwhelming worms, forming a terrifying maze, walking in it, without a map, it is impossible to get out.

Murong Yunhai thought he was lucky because he found Tang Sanzang, the great virtue of Dharma, and could lead them through this area.

Qing Suyi also thought that he was lucky, because he met Murong Yunhai and Tang Sanzang, and under the leadership of the two, it was not difficult to come and enter the Primordial Secret Realm.

The other monks also think they are lucky, because there are Murong Yunhai and Qing Suyi two famous young powerhouses in Xianyunzhou, and there are Buddhist masters like Tang Sanzang leading them, wanting to come to the immortal emperor in the ancient mystery. The heritage is close at hand.

But Xu Que didn't think so.

He just wanted to scold his mother.

"I've been down for eight lives and have known you both!" Xu Que kept the surface calm, yelling in the bottom of his heart, "Er Gouzi, waiting for Lao Tzu to go out will definitely take your skin off!"

He calculated everything, calculated Murong Yunhai's reaction, calculated Qing Suyi's thoughts, and calculated all the monks present.

But Xu Que didn't expect that the treasure map of Ghost Valley that Er Gouzi promised at the beginning was a fake map!


I have gone deep into Ghost Valley, and you told me this is a fake picture!

Er Gouzi smiled flatteringly on the other end and said: "Brother Que quenches his anger. As the saying goes, the generals of the heavens will come to the people, and he must first suffer his will and his muscles..."

"Don't say so much, you are dead."

"Don't miss the brother, the big deal is that we will harvest three or seven! Eighty-two is also OK... how about nineteen?!"

"It's not Brother Que. If we don't lie to you, those guys will see, then our plan will be gone."

Xu Que was silent for a while, then suddenly asked: "What did you just say?"

Ergouzi was stunned: "If we don't lie to you..."

"No, the last sentence."


"Deal." Xu Que immediately agreed. "Explain to Lao Tzu clearly what has been changed in this picture."

There was no voice at that end, only a rustling sound was heard rumbling for something.

After a while, I only heard Duan Jiude’s voice: "Uh... the formation at the entrance on the original picture, there is actually a quick way to pass, and Ergouzi and I erased it."

Later, Duan Jiude will repeat it through the method.

"Understood, where are you now?" Xu Que glanced at his surroundings, it was so dark that he couldn't see clearly.

You must at least know where Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude are, and if something happens later, you can summon these two goods to come back in time.

"We are following, but you can't see it."

"Do you have a way to get through here?" Xu Que asked immediately.

Regardless of how easy it is to pass, in fact the ghosts here are really not weak, most of them are in the fairy king realm.

Even Xu Que felt the breath of Xianzun in the black mist!

This made him curious about the origin of Ghost Valley. It stands to reason that Xianyunzhou is ruled by four immortal emperors all year round, and there will be no major disturbances.

Where did so many ghosts come from in Ghost Valley?

Could it be said that the so-called battle between gods and demons was real?

Xu Que didn't comment on this. There were too many secrets buried in Xianyunzhou, and he would not fully explore it for a while.

The most important thing at the moment is to quickly find the Primordial Secret Realm, and strive to find the Immortal Emperor's legacy in it.

According to the system's display, the remaining 35 percent of the progress, the required pretense value, or the treasure of heaven, material and earth, is simply an astronomical number!

Even if so many treasures were pitted just now, it was just a drop in the bucket.

If you want to balance the devil qi completely and quickly, you can only find a way from this fairy emperor's legacy.

Of course, with so many leeks present, of course, I have to do a wave of harvesting, so I can’t waste it.

During the exchange between Xu Que and Er Gouzi, everyone behind him was talking.

"I didn't expect Master Tang to be so powerful?"

"Master Tang is a Buddha in this class, of course he has the ability."

On the contrary, the people of the sect dismissed it: "Huh, but it's the fairy king realm. What if you have the ability?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was immediately aroused, even Xu Que, who had just finished the call, moved his eyes.

Which one is so stupid?

Now that I'm relying on Lao Tzu to cover you all, how dare you make such a big talk?

"Chen Mo, did you Demon Sect teach you this way?" Qing Suyi's face was gloomy.

Xu Que not only helped them get the treasure map, but also saved their lives here. How could this kindness be rewarded!

Although Qingzhumen is not a large sect, he also knows the words "Zhien". If Chen Mo wants to do something unfavorable, he will never let this guy go.

Facing everyone's gaze, Chen Mo's face froze for a moment, and he smiled indifferently: "Don't you really think that this guy has the ability to cover us? Look at how big this piece of land is, and even us immortals resist it. No, I really think that a fairy king can protect us?"

Everyone was silent for a moment.

This is a problem they have ignored.

The map shows that this area is far beyond everyone's imagination. At the current speed, it will take at least half a day to get out.

And Xu Que had already consumed most of the resources in just a short distance. In addition, they had already been blackmailed by Er Gouzi once, and the remaining resources might not be enough to support them to leave here.

Xu Que has been paying attention to the conversation of the people, and he is happy when he hears the three words of Yu Mozong.

Damn, there is a way to heaven, you don’t go, and there is no way to hell, you break in.

The woman who bullied the sage, Zhengshou couldn't find you trouble, but I didn't expect it to be brought to the door!

If it is really outside, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Xu Que hasn't recovered his cultivation level yet, maybe it's really a bit troublesome.

But now in Ghost Valley, he has a thousand ways to deal with this guy!

"Amitabha Buddha, the poor monk can still hold it now, but I am afraid that if we continue to move forward, it will not be able to withstand it only by resource consumption." Xu Que suddenly said.

Everyone panicked as soon as they heard it. If Xu Que couldn't stand it, the ghosts all around him rushed down, and few people on the scene could survive.

"These ghosts are very hostile. I am afraid that the poor monk has been eroded by hostility and is unable to maintain the Buddha's light." Xu Que said weakly, and the Buddha's light around his body began to falter.

Qing Suyi was immediately anxious, and said quickly: "Friend Taoist Tang, you must support you!"

Xu Que laughed secretly in his heart, pondered for a moment, and said seriously: "There is a way for the poor monk. You need to find someone to help the poor monk shed his fire.

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