Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1770: Revenge is not overnight

Diarrhea, diarrhea?

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned, and immediately looked at Xu Que with weird eyes.

Are the disciples of Buddhism so open now?

This kind of tiger-wolf word was actually said in the crowd!

Even Fahui, who was next to him, hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to face everyone's eyes, and chanting the Buddha's name madly in his heart.

"Amitabha... The Buddha forgive the little monk, the little monk is for the sake of Buddhism..."

Xu Que's words were too sloppy, and the innocent little monk like Fahui couldn't bear it at all.

On the contrary, Xu Que was serious, and said confidently: "Yes, the poor monk needs to relieve the fire, and only after the fire is relieved, can he have enough energy to continue to support the Buddha's light."

Everyone looks at me and I look at you, and they don't know who to push out to be the fire extinguisher for a while.

You said that if Xu Que is a woman, it's fine, but everyone is a big man...

Murong Yunhai glanced at the female monks nearby, and asked tentatively: "Fairies of Furong Palace, why don't you sacrifice a little..."

The Furong Palace is one of the few in Xianyunzhou, all of which are the sects of female monks.

Not only are they beautiful and charming, they are also enchanting, attracting countless monks.

Although Furong Palace is only a medium-sized sect, in terms of popularity, it is the forefront of the existence of Xianyunzhou.

The Furong Palace monks who came this time were also pretty and handsome.

At this time, when Murong Yunhai saw it, several female cultivators suddenly changed their expressions and said angrily: "Murong Yunhai! What do you mean? Is it possible to ask us sisters to serve a monk?"

"No... this is also for everyone's safety."

"Don't even think about it! Be careful that I find my palace lord to file a complaint!"

Murong Yunhai suddenly seemed to be stuck in his throat, and retreated with a dry smile.

When everyone saw Murong Yunhai's reaction, they instantly thought of the rumor in their minds, and all looked weird.

Xu Que curiously asked, "Why do you have this expression when you talk about Furong Palace?"

A monk looked around and whispered: "Master Tang, you don’t know. It is said that the palace lord of Furong Palace had an unspeakable relationship with a certain immortal emperor. Although no one dared to confirm, everyone Take this rumor seriously."

Xu Que suddenly understood that, after such a calculation, if Murong Yunhai couldn't say that he had to ask Palace Master Furong to say something to his wife, it's no wonder that he was so persuaded.

"Everyone, don't panic, the poor monk said that easing the fire is not what you understand." Xu Que frowned and made a look of exhaustion. "The poor monk needs a fellow daoist to come forward and let the poor The monk introduces his hostile energy into the opponent's body, and then the poor monk's apprentice Fa Hui will dissipate the hostile energy for him."

When he said this, he stared at Chen Mo of the Demon Sect.

Chen Mo was a little hairy by his stare, and an unknown premonition surged in his heart: "Grass, what are you staring at me for?"

Xu Que sighed and said in a deep voice: "The poor monk just heard that the Daoist is a member of the Demon Sect. Such hostility can easily provoke the demon thoughts in people's hearts. Ordinary monks simply cannot bear it, but the poor monk knows the practice of Demon Sect. The method is different from that of ordinary monks, and they are more able to withstand this aspect, so the poor monk thinks that only Daoists can shoulder this important task."

This is what he asked Fahui deliberately just now. The Demon Sect also comprehends the great way through cultivation, but they uphold a randomism.

Most monks practice self-denial, and they do whatever they want, so the way of cultivation is more evil. If it sounds good, it means doing whatever it wants. If it sounds bad, it means mental illness per capita in the sect.

After Xu Que listened to it, he thought to himself that he would treat you all today.

I even dared to be tempted by my woman. If you don't rectify you today, I will write the words Xu Que upside down!

"Daoist Chen Mo, Taoist Tang Sanzang is right, Guizong's cultivation method is really different." Murong Yunhai walked over with a dark face and said in a deep voice.

He actually suspected that Tang Sanzang was maliciously revenge, but Chen Mo's servant was indeed a bit irritating, and now he asked Tang Sanzang to help him rectify this guy is not a big deal. .

"Since fellow Daoist is so reluctant, the poor monk won't force it." Xu Que shook his head pretendingly, and said with grief, "It seems that today I will die here. I hope you are under the yellow spring. Don’t blame the poor monks for not being able to save you. It’s really overwhelming and lacking!"

Hearing Xu Que's words, everyone was anxious.

"Isn't it just asking you to help, are you so haunting?"

"What **** desires the Demon Sect, it's the same as the shit!"

"If I'm not qualified, it's his turn to get you?"

"Shock Demon Sect, I'll destroy it when I turn around!"

Xu Que spoke again at this time: "It's just that if you die here, the soul will suffer millions of years of torment,"

Facing everyone's condemnation, Chen Mo's face became more and more ugly.

Damn, this dead monk is clearly fixing him!

But now everyone is on his side, his two fists are hard to beat four hands, if he insists on not accepting it, I am afraid that the surrounding guys will immediately shoot at him.

After weighing the pros and cons, Chen Mo gritted his teeth and agreed: "Monk, you can do whatever you can."

"Thank you fellow Daoist, I will remember the kindness of fellow Daoist." Xu Que smiled gratefully. "Although this method requires a handsome appearance, you are a bit close to fellow Daoist, but you can barely make it."

"You..." The corners of Chen Mo's mouth twitched, his fists clenched hard, and a burst of anger in his heart.

Wait for me, if your **** doesn't work later, let's see how I will clean up you today!

"Hurry up!" Chen Mo stared at Xu Que fiercely, his eyes widened, and he gritted his teeth.

Xu Que put his hands together and said, "Amitabha, the poor monk has begun."

He closed his eyes and concentrated, a strand of immortal yuan gushing from between his fingers, and then forcibly mobilized a touch of devil energy from his body, and hit Chen Mo.


Everyone was suddenly startled, and they all felt the tyrannical aura revealed by this ray of devilish energy.

"Junior Brother, quickly display your secret method of getting rid of hostility!" Xu Que shouted.

Fa Hui looked at a loss, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, what is the way to get rid of hostility?

I can't at all!

"Well, I forgot that Junior Brother he hasn't learned yet!" Xu Que exclaimed.

Chen Mo was immediately silly, feeling the demonic energy raging in his body, and yelled: "Damn, dead monk, you have fun with me!"

Xu Que sighed and folded his hands together: "It seems that only the poor monk can get rid of the hostility with this stump!"


After that, he took a deep breath, directly raised his hand and punched out, hammering Chen Mo's face fiercely.

"Hey! Look at the poor monk today, cast down demons and eliminate demons, and clear the world!"

After speaking, Xu Que waved his fist and punched and kicked Chen Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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