Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 445: This is awkward!

Ten billions of such outrageous prices, really no one dares to succumb to Xu’s lack of hardship!

Moreover, now that I haven't had time to see what is in the jade box, Xu Wei has already bid, and everyone is curious to blow up. Looking at the jade box, it is simply looking for it!

After all, it was the last piece of the finale. Everyone was too curious and looked at it.

Xu lacked standing upstairs and smiled awkwardly: "You, do you want to know what is inside?"

Everyone: "..."

No one is willing to take care of Xu, although many people are very curious, but they still do not want to cooperate, because they feel that Xu lacks a billion yuan to buy the Lingshi, buy this thing, certainly very curious to see.

However, when Xu lacked the view, everyone did not respond. Immediately, "If no one wants to know, then don't read it. I will take it home and give us two dogs as toys!"

When everyone listens, they are immediately angry!

Nima, the treasure of the 10 million buy-in, must be taken back to the pet to play?

It’s a dog!

How come I met such a wonderful guy, actually did not press the routine!

Seeing that the jade box was going to be accepted, a curiosity-stricken monk finally couldn’t stand it. He stood up and shouted: "Wait, Wang Gongzi, we want to see what is inside!"

The person holding the jade box is also stagnation in the footsteps of the gaze.

Xu lacks a smile: "Want to see?"

The monk and many people nodded: "Think!"

Xu Wei asked: "I really want to see?"

Everyone nodded: "I really want to!"

Xu lacked a smile and said: "Why?"

"Ah?" The crowd was forced!

"Hurry and take it, kidding, I bought the toy for the two dogs. You want to see it too. You said that you are so gossip, really! A group of childish ghosts! Hey!" Xu lacks a face to hate iron. Look, shake your head.

Everyone is so angry that they are going to vomit blood!

Paralyzed, are we gossip? We are childish?

This Nima is not asking if you want to see it first?

I have asked twice if I really want to see it. Who is childish in playing this kind of means?

"Oh, bored!" everyone shouted, sitting back with a black face.

Xu lacks a smile and sits back in the wing, a look of pride!

Everyone already knows his temperament, knows that he is so shameless, and he is too lazy to say anything more to him, and he does not dare, for fear of getting into trouble after being robbed!

And with the last mysterious finale being won by Xu, he basically managed to contract this auction!

Many people feel helpless. It is really helpless to run into such a hard-hearted and hard-nosed scorpion.

But some people who have a heart don't think so. For example, the old man who lacks the room next door, is sneering at the moment, and the soul of the soul has been locked with Xu, which is obviously meant to kill people.

No matter how many Lingshi spent on Xu, what happened, the old man has decided to grab it all.

"Wang Gongzi, things have all been stored in the storage ring, you check, if there is no problem, here to deliver Lingshi, a total of 7.8 billion down the stone!"

At this time, the palace dress woman has come to Xu outside the room, smiled at him.

Xu lacks pride, and with a big hand, he directly pours out the spirits in the system package.


In an instant, in the room of Noda, it was instantly filled with Lingshi!

The next product Lingshi, Zhongpin Lingshi, Shangpin Lingshi, and a small number of the best Lingshi, instantly let many people in the audience widened their eyes, it is shocking!

Many people have never seen so many Lingshi in their lifetime, and this moment is a bit stunned!

"Come, all the Lingshi are here. You can count it, and the extra is rewarded to you. Don't be polite to me! I don't want to be afraid of Wang Teng Cong, I am afraid that others will be polite to me!" Xu is very generous and looks Said with pride.

The system sounds in my mind, keeps ringing, and the value of the device is rising!

Everyone in the room also saw it very hot, and cast an envious look at the people of the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce. You can get a tip for no reason, no matter how much, you can earn it.

The woman in the palace dress smiled slightly: "Wang Gongzi is really generous, and the little girl is here to thank Wang Gongzi for the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce!"

Xu lacked his hand and waved: "What do you say, what is this spiritual stone? There are still many in my family. You don't know, how much life is waking up from a pile of Lingshi every day. Pain! Wake up every day, the first sentence I opened my eyes, is 'go away, you dirty dirty stone!'"

Everyone was depressed and almost fainted.

Damn, I have seen the show of wealth, but I have never seen such a shameless show of wealth, too special!


Soon, the people of the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce began to go upstairs and counted the missing Lingshi.

However, things are beyond everyone's expectations.

After the final result of the palace, the woman came to Xu’s face and smiled bitterly: “Wang Gongzi, you...this is not enough! There are only 5.2 billion Lingshi, and there are still 2.6 billion! ”

"Ah?" Xu was also stunned on the spot.

not enough? How could it be enough? This is the king of the king, but it is not enough to steal a few emperors, plus the treasure house of the fire country and the ten capital cities of the water country, and even the three kings.

"Hey, would you like to be more careful?" Xu lacked some guilty conscience.

After all, he really didn't count how many Lingshi he had. It was all taken out at the moment. If it wasn't enough, it would be really embarrassing!

Everyone in the room also saw the expression of Xu's lack of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Eyes suddenly lit up, showing a smile of gloating.

"Haha, he is not enough!"

"There was a good show here, and I actually missed 2,600 million. See how he brags!"

"Interesting, this reversal is coming too fast!"

"Look at how he ended up!"


Many people laughed and were very excited. There was nothing wrong with it. It was more interesting than watching Xu’s lack of ugliness.

The palace woman smiled and said: "Wang Gongzi, we have already confirmed it, it is indeed 5.2 billion Lingshi!"

"Well!" Xu nodded his face with a dignified face, and some worried.

For a while, where do you go to engage in the remaining more than two billion Lingshi?

Damn, is it really necessary to pretend that it will not be defeated?

No, absolutely not!

As a generation of forced kings, how can it be forced to fail?

Big deal, the two dogs are sold!

"Girl, can I use pets to pay the price? I have a dog, if I am a virgin, I am crazy, and I am very aggressive!" Xu asked.

The palace girl was stunned and shook her head: "Wang Gongzi, we... can only collect Lingshi!"

"Okay!" Xu shrugged and shrugged, quite helpless.

The people in the field have already broken down.

Let you brag and let you brag, how? Is the cowhide blown?

You are not saying that your family has a pile of Lingshi? Take it out!

See what you do now!

The scene was a bit awkward!

In the eyes of the public, Xu Xiao is also embarrassed to pay the bill, and also promised the female emperor, not to make trouble, the debt is really not good!

How to do it?

Xu lacked to grind up, called out the system interface, the eyeball turned a turn, suddenly passed a fine mans, eyes straight on the hook on one of the items!

"Hey! Have!" Immediately, Xu lacked a smile on his mouth.

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