Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 446: Xu’s lack of money

Xu lacked a way to quickly earn a Lingshi one of the best ways!

"Girl, it is better to do this, give me a few days, I am going home to take Lingshi, how?" Xu Xiaoxiao looked at the palace girl.

The palace woman was stunned and said: "Wang Gongzi waited a moment, let me ask for it!"

After that, she turned away from the wing and asked for some of the big names in the Chamber of Commerce.

When everyone in the room heard Xu’s words, they were shocked.

“Is there so many Lingshi in his family?”

"I rely on it, I thought he was bragging, I didn't expect it to be true! Go home and get it!"

"No, with this guy's character, wouldn't it be that you want to run?"

"Oh, there is such a possibility!"

Everyone feels suspicious, and always feels that Xu’s character is too untrustworthy!

After the palace woman’s request, she has come back and smiled: “Wang Gongzi, considering the huge number of Lingshi you delivered, also broke the highest record since our Tianliu Chamber of Commerce held the auction, and you are also our highest guest. So we can give you seven days to prepare for the Stone!"

When everyone heard it, it was dumbfounded!

By relying on, Tianliu Chamber of Commerce is crazy?

Actually give this guy time to prepare, and still seven days?

Not afraid of him running?

Suddenly, the palace woman added: "Wang Gongzi, but for security reasons, the auction items you took in the seven days, have to stay in the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce, how?"

"No problem, it was such a happy decision!" Xu suddenly nodded and promised!

He couldn't see the auction items at all. If these things were not female, he couldn't buy them.

So staying in the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce and staying with it is no different, let alone recover it!

The crowd also nodded with satisfaction, and expressed their approval for the handling of the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce. If Xu Shao really ran, not only could not get back these auction items, but also lost more than 50 billion Lingshi.

However, Xu’s lack of the old man in the next room was completely forced, and he was depressed to vomit blood.

It’s hard to get to the end of the auction, and wait for Xu’s absence to go out and kill the treasure. Who would have thought that those auction items would now stay in the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce!

Damn, how can you grab it?

The old man was mad at the air, but he couldn’t do anything. He couldn’t get more than two billion Lingshi to fill the gap.

In the end, he can only bite his teeth and decide to stay. Wait until Xu is short of seven days before starting.

However, Xu Wei did not put this old man in his eyes. He had already forgotten him and was fully prepared to make his own money.

He evokes the system interface, buys a large number of instruments and materials, prepares to do a big business, and shocks the world!

"Wang Gongzi, if this is the case, then the little girl is waiting for you to come back! We will keep it safe, and you can rest assured." At this time, the palace girl smiled.

Xu lacked "hmm" and did not talk nonsense. He turned directly and ran out, holding a title deed in his hand.

Everyone was stunned by his sudden change in style.

"What is the situation? What is this guy going to do?"

"Do you really go home and get the Lingshi?"

"Where is his family? Actually it takes seven days? It seems that it is definitely not the people of our water country!"

"That is where he is. If he can't get 2.6 billion Lingshi in seven days, he will have to laugh and be generous!"

"Haha, now I am waiting to see him joke!"


When Xu missed, everyone also let go and talked about it.

Many people are not optimistic that Xu deficiency can bring more than two billion Lingshi. After all, this number is too large, and it can not be easily obtained in a short time.

There are also many people who are too curious. They have followed Xu’s lack of running out of the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce and want to see where he is going.

After all, even if you want to go home and take the Lingshi, there is no need to do so. In seven days, if you take the transmission array, it is enough to run back and forth in the five countries.

"Well? Is he running in the wrong direction? This is not the way to send the array!" Someone followed Xu, and after running out of a road, he found that something was wrong.

Xu lacked to go to the transmission line, but to the outside of the market.

The goods flew all the way, looked very excited, and eventually stopped in the "Zhaibao Pavilion."

The Jaibao Pavilion was originally sold as a shackle. It was bought by Xu at the price of eight million Lingshi in the past few days. Dozens of these scorpions were all used up, and now there is an empty storefront.

Xu lacked the store and forgot it. When I first checked the system package, I suddenly found that there was a title deed, so I was flashed and ready to open a shop to do business!

With this guy's character, I must have thought of doing it, so I left the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce and went straight to this place. I have to show my skills and modify the store!

"This guy is going to do it? How did you suddenly rush to this? Is it in a daze? Isn’t Zhaibaoge a shop of General Zhuge?" Someone saw Xu’s lack of stop, and could not help but be amazed.

"You are stupid, this is the shop of General Zhuge. You really thought that this guy is Wang Tie Cong. He is clearly the general of Zhuge." Someone immediately turned his eyes.

Everyone has stopped, hiding in the distance, and continue to observe Xu deficiency.

After Xu thought for a while, he already knew how to modify the storefront, and immediately found a note from the system package.


The aura rushed out and the notes ignited instantly.

Xu lacks Shen Sheng and said: "Snow City Army listens to the order, immediately to the Jalan Court, don't bring two dogs!"


The notes are instantly turned into a stream of light, and they fly to the palace with a lack of voice!

Followed by, Xu Wei began to wander outside the other stores around the Jaibao Pavilion ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ his hands behind his back, the old **** is in the store next to the look at the store, thoughtful.

A few stores in the vicinity are selling cloth and musical instruments. When Xu was so scared, he suddenly felt the scalp numb.

"What is the situation? Who is this guy?"

"How have you been wandering outside of us?"

"I don't feel right when I look at it!"

"Hey, look, he came in!"

Someone suddenly exclaimed.

Immediately, I saw Xu stepping into their store.

This is a shop selling musical instruments. Xu lacked observation for a while, and knew that the business of this shop was very ordinary and not a trick.

And if he wants to do business, he must definitely expand the storefront. The area of ​​the single room, Jalan Court, is definitely not enough!

"This guest officer, what do you need to buy?" The shopkeeper of the instrument store came forward and asked.

Xu was short of eyes and smiled and said: "I want to buy a store!"

"What?" The treasurer suddenly stopped.

"I want to buy this store, you open a price!" Xu lacks the way.

The treasurer slowed down, and smiled bitterly: "This...this..."

"Don't do this, I want to do business, I don't see it. The Jai Ge Pavilion is my next door. You sell it to me. I can get through and do a business! Of course, if you want to participate in stocks!" ”

"Ah?" The shopkeeper was forced again.

Participation? what does it mean?

Xu lacked an eyebrow and explained: "You are contributing to the store. When I make a business and make money, I will share the profit with you!"

Of course, after our business is started up, we can take some profits and open branches. One will change into two, two will change to four, and four will change to eight. After eight, we will go public and raise funds after listing! Follow the stocks! After splitting the market, you will be awake when you dream. ”

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