Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 476: what! I'm dying!

Immediately, the female emperor was one of them.

"You want the throne?"

She wondered, could not understand the meaning of Xu's lack of meaning, and did not think about it in other aspects.

But the next moment, she reacted.

Xu Wei said that he was given a female emperor. He did not want the throne. If he wanted the throne, he was already qualified as an emperor when he was in the Yuan Dynasty.

"Little guy, are you asking me to help you?" The female emperor smiled softly and asked softly.

Xu was overjoyed and helped me? I don’t think the female emperor looks dignified and conservative, but there is such an open side! Ask your hand directly.

He nodded happily and said: "Hands are OK!"

The first time with the hand, the next time with the mouth, this forced king is completely acceptable!

"What is the earth, even you can't move, need me to help?" The female emperor did not find Xu's thoughts, and asked with a smile.

She completely deviated from the meaning of Xu Xiao, thinking that Xu's purpose is to shake the earth and need her help.

Xu lacked a listen, but also forced.

Hey? For a long time, still can't talk to a point!

It’s amazing, it’s so hard to be a king’s handsome, how can it be so difficult for a girl?

"Cough, the earth is... a star, it is estimated that it is not seen here." Xu lacked helplessness.

"You want to marry a star? What do you want?" The female emperor is also a bit awkward. The little guy is really different. He would think of a star.

And the stars seem to be small, but the reality is extremely large. What else is there in the world, can you move the stars?

"Yeah, that's a metaphor. Don't take it seriously. As for what to take, it must be taking my body... body!"

Xu lacked an excitement and almost slammed himself to himself.

Say that the chicken does not say Ba, this is the rule of the rivers and lakes, can not be broken! Can only be replaced by the body!

The female emperor is very confused, completely unable to comprehend Xu’s thoughts of the demon king from the earth, but still calm, laughing and watching Xu deficiency, seems to think this is very interesting.

Xu Xiao was seen to be somewhat guilty, busy and serious: "I have done it, anyway, I will promise you, I will start casting, you let me go, don't hurt you!"

After that, he took up the horse and smashed a French seal. He was squatting on one foot and there was something like a goddess in the river.

The female emperor was slightly wrong and was about to say something.


Xu lacked a sharp eye and sighed.

"With my blood, follow the ancient covenant, listen to my whispers, break the boundaries of time and space."

There are words in Xu’s gap, and there is something wrong with it, shouting out strange words.

At first, the female emperor felt that Xu was joking, but now that he looks serious and looks at the ancient covenant, he can't help but feel a little stunned.

It’s hard to be done. Does he really have a way to think about it?

"I call by contract, requesting blood, using my body as a weapon, contributing to my soul, listening to my life, fighting for me!"

At this time, Xu Xiao continued to read, followed closely, his hands suddenly combined, shouting: "Come out, one gasification Sanqing third!"


In an instant, a piece of jade slipped from his hand and floated in front of him, emitting a faint green glow.

"This..." The female emperor suddenly became dumb. I really thought that Xu was a terrible spell, and directly made the third article of "One Gas, Three Clears".

But this is too ridiculous, and the world has never heard of such magical laws.

"Oh, no, I am suffering from internal injuries!" At this time, Xu suddenly suddenly grabbed his chest, and his face fell to the ground with pain, and the performance exploded.

The female emperor also had no doubts, and immediately supported Xu Xiao, and said: "What is going on?"

"Nothing, don't worry about me, you can see if it is the third article of "One Gas, Three Clears"!" Xu lacked a face with a big fearless expression.

The female emperor shook her head, and the green onion finger pulled out a medicinal herb and handed it to Xu’s lack of face: "You are too impulsive. If you can get whatever you want, if you say it, the price must be great, I can’t sense it. Your injury in the body, you will take this life machine Dan to see if it is useful!"

Her eyebrows are tight and her face is dignified. I really thought that Xu lacked a great price to exchange for the "one gasification of three clear" law.

"I really have nothing to do, you should first look at the jade, or I will not eat the drug!" Xu lacked a pair of people who looked at me, and firmly pushed the female emperor's hand!

The female empire was not able to take advantage of him, so she had to inhale the jade in her hand and explored the soul and watched it. Then she stopped on the spot.

It turned out to be the third article of "One Gas, Three Clears"!

The third article, which has been searching for so many years and has no clues, has appeared.

"How could it be..." The female emperor was very upset, and immediately turned to look at Xu deficiency, but she saw that Xu’s face was full of smiles.

The goods just happened to be secretly secretive, praised for their acting skills, and smiles involuntarily floated on the face. As a result, the female emperor turned over without any precautions. He couldn’t respond and was directly exposed.

"Cough, it seems to be the third, so I am dead without regrets!" Xu lacks a smile and smiles, pretending to be so pleased to smile.

But the female emperor is very intelligent, and I know very well about Xu’s lack of this guy. Knowing his character, he immediately responded.

"Well, you little guy, this law is originally on you?" The female emperor gave a deep smile and looked at Xu.

Xu missed the scene and the old face suddenly became red.

As a forced king, in the face of this situation, you must not back down.

"What is on me, I don't know! Oh, no, I am dying. This method is terrible. I need to heal alone!" Xu lacked the model and made a dying look.

The female emperor knew his tricks, but he was not angry. Instead, he watched this guy perform in front of him and felt that he could not laugh!

"Oh, don't make trouble, get up! I don't think I'm looking for the third article for so many years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's actually on you, maybe this is fortune!" She shook her head and smiled, feeling a little, looking again. The jade in the middle.

"..." Xu lacked to answer, continued to lie on the ground, and directly closed his eyes to death.

What is the most important thing as an actor? Yes, it’s dedication, the director doesn’t shout, how can I get up casually?

If you get up, how much, how shameful!

"Hey, this jade is not like old things, little guy, where did you get this jade?" At this time, the female emperor suddenly found that jade was too new, not like the old things that had been passed down for many years. Can't help but ask.

As a result, Xu was still lying on the ground with her eyes closed. She couldn’t help but smile: "Little guy, don't make trouble, get up."

"No! The baby is hurt, you have to kiss it before you can get up!" Xu lacked his eyes and looked awkward.

The female emperor was stunned on the spot, and her eyes were slightly wide and she was very astonished.

Pro... kiss?

The scene was so stiff and the atmosphere became a bit strange...

At this time, the two dogs strolling in the palace just passed through the entrance of the palace. When they saw Xu’s lack of lying on the ground, they immediately put their eyes straight and they said, “I rely on it, God has eyes, this kid has finally planted. Let the gods come to save me with a foot of Hua Tuo!"


The two dogs rushed in with excitement, and a flying leg directly rushed to Xu.



[There will be another chapter! These days, the update is a bit slow, mainly in planning the outline of the big world behind, and as an author, it is my motto to study hard every day, so I also look at other books and find inspiration, so I I saw a book called "Rebirth of the Westward Journey of the World", and the results were out of control! Fast four million words, I can't help myself! 】

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