Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 477: overseas

The two dogs are happy, Xu is more happy.

Looking at the two dogs that rushed in, Xu lacked the sight of hope.

The savior is finally here, and you can finally save it!

Two dogs, you have worked hard!

Xu was very grateful in his heart, and suddenly he took out a French seal in his hand and mourned the law of the collar.


The two dogs flew in half, and suddenly screamed, and they fell to the ground.

Xu lacked to get up quickly and shouted: "Well, you two dogs, dare to plot against me!"

"Hey! Kid, you yin me, are you not fainting?" The two dogs were extremely annoyed and were very uncomfortable by the collar!

"Oh, this is actually a bureau. I came to the bureau early in the morning and laid it on the ground. It was just to test you. I didn't expect you to be so bold. I was disappointed. Oh, I am looking for a present." The place where people are buried is buried." Xu Xiaoyi was sternly swearing, and his face was upright to pick up two dogs, and he stood tall and walked away.

The female emperor is still screaming at the gods, and she was shocked by Xu’s phrase “kissing”.

For a long time, she was only a younger generation.

But now Xu’s lack of this words made her aware of what it was, and her inexplicable feelings were strange and instigating.


In the end, the two dogs were still picked up by Xu Xiaozhen, and the screams rang through the palace.

On the one hand, it is to pursue realistic effects, so Xu lacks pain and smashes his hands.

On the other hand, it is because the two dogs just really want to play the lack of Xu, and Xu lacks this small belly chicken, and there is a certain enemy to report on the spot.

However, Xu lacks a sigh of relief. The situation was indeed very dangerous. I accidentally said that the "sister can get up" is a stalk that will be misunderstood in minutes.

Therefore, the appearance of the two dogs really relieved him of the embarrassing atmosphere, so he played two less dogs and punched him as a reward.

After finishing the two dogs, Xu did not waste time and went directly to the Imperial Tomb.

Although the emperor's mausoleum of the Yuan Dynasty is heavy, it is not only a map, but also the key to the emperor's mausoleum, which is easy to enter.

And after yesterday's thunder, Xu Wei successfully stepped into the baby's change, coupled with the accumulation of previous experience, he rushed into the baby three-tiered, the strength became more powerful, the body is extremely tough It is entirely possible to ignore most of the organs in the Imperial Tomb.

It took only two more hours for this to go in, and I searched for the position of the dragon vein, and successfully took off the Taishui Lingcao grass and collected it in the system package.

Five strains of Lingcao, he succeeded in getting three strains, the rest of the early woodgrass and the beginning of the earth grass, you can only go to find the old things of Jiudude!

"Right, before the Jin Yuanguo that was so scary, the Queen Mother seemed to have mentioned the hail of jade!" Xu missed the Lingcao and remembered it.

When he came out, he turned into one of the tombs, not only took the hail, but also took away the rest of the medicine and the law.

Anyway, they are buried in the tomb. Instead of letting them decay here, it is better to take them out of waste.

So this down, Xu deficiency has gained a lot, and he has left with satisfaction.

However, this cargo is still a bit of a conscience. It really helps the female emperor to find a new dragon vein. With his ability to find dragons and dragons, it is not difficult to find a dragon's acupuncture point. In addition, it is very simple to find a good dragon pulse. .

After spending all night, Xu deficiency led the dragon to the imperial mausoleum and successfully maintained the future national movement of the Shuiyuan.


Early the next morning, Xu returned to the palace and subconsciously avoided the palace of the female emperor.

According to the records in the sisters, the most taboo is the shackles, so on this cusp, it is best not to meet up.

Can not avoid the heart, but the female emperor came to the door.

He sneaked back to his room, only to find that the female emperor did not know when he was sitting on the stone bench in the small courtyard, apparently waiting for him.

"Is the spirit grass got it?" The female emperor took the lead in opening and falling down generously. As always, the dignified elegance and plainness of the past seemed to have forgotten yesterday's business.

Xu missed her, and she immediately smiled and said: "Of course I got it! What else can I do if I am out?"

"So good, what are the plans?" The female emperor smiled and nodded.

"Of course, I went to find Duan Jiude, but I don't know where he went. I have to spend time looking for it." Xu Xiaoyi mentioned Duan Jiude, he couldn't help but gnash his teeth. If he found the old guy, he absolutely I have to take some lessons.

The female emperor hesitated a moment and said indifferently: "As far as I know, he has returned overseas. Some people have seen him appear on the mainland of Nanzhou. It may be for the trial of Xianfu in a few months!"

"Nanzhou mainland?" Xu missed a moment.

According to the original memory of this body, Xu deficiency is not too deep in understanding the world.

He only knows that this place he is waiting for is only a five-country area, also known as Wuxing Mountain, and Wuxing Mountain belongs to a relatively remote place on the East China Sea.

Beyond a sea area, it is the true central area of ​​the East China Sea. There are countless powerful sects and families, and the strong are standing.

However, because the sea area is too big, only the three major factions such as Tianxiang Valley among the five countries have a foothold there. They can use the transmission array to pass the past. As for the rest, most of them know little about the central area of ​​the East China.

But now the female emperor mentions the continent of Nanzhou, and Xu lacks it. The world is far more than one continent, and there is a continent of Nanzhou!

And he had heard from the North Sea 鲲鹏~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that Beihai is also a large area.

There are both southeast and north, and maybe there may be any mainland in the west.

"Nanzhou mainland, located in the south, facing the East China Sea across the sea!" The female emperor knows that Xu has not heard of the continent of Nanzhou, and smiled and explained, "In addition to the East and the South, there are North Sea and West China." In the future, you will have the opportunity to go to those places, and those places will be suitable for you.

"If I say this, I have to go to the mainland of Nanzhou to find Duodei?" Xu suddenly lost.

"Well, but I don't think you should go to him! At the beginning of the earth, the grass and the beginning of the wood, not unique, just after a while I have to go back overseas, I can help you inquire!" said the emperor calmly.

"No, Duan Jiude is rushing to me, but also pretending to be my squad, obviously not giving me face, and I am taking the road of the strong, if you avoid him, it will produce a demon! "Xu is half-true and half-false."

This thing of the devil, others may have, but he certainly will not have.

He was looking for Duan Jiude, just to settle the bill and find his face.

However, the female emperor was convinced, because after the baby was changed, the path of a monk was very important. If it was a demon, it would have a major impact and even be countered. The consequences were very serious.

After a moment of indulging, the female emperor finally said: "You are doing a good job, I am afraid it can't be avoided! You are ready, after a while, I will go to Weinanzhou with you, Duan Jiude may give me A little face."

"Okay, that's it! But when you don't need him to give face, let's meet is to do it!" Xu was short of anger.

Then he seemed to think of something, looking at the female emperor: "Yes, if you don't hurry, I want to go back to the Yuan Dynasty and deal with something!"



[Second more sent! 】

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