Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 478: Little and old, back home

A few days later, Xu lacked processing to produce a lot of food materials, deposited them in the storage ring, and handed them over to the Syracuse Army to run the shops. Then they went to the fire country with the female emperor.

The female emperor said that she would leave for Nanzhou one month later, so during this time, Xu Xiao decided to return to the Yuan Dynasty to find some old acquaintances.

Of course, the most important purpose is to force it.

Now that he has successfully entered the infantry transition period and even reached the third level, it can be said that among the five countries, Xu deficiency is already invincible.

He is unscrupulous, and wherever he goes is a strong man.

Under this circumstance, as a king who is forced to be king, there must be a sensitive heart. He has already smelled the opportunity of pretending to be forced, and he has the feeling of returning to his hometown.

He put on a forcing king suit, a black robe, and the three characters of "Fried Sky Help" on his chest.

Only this time, the two dogs will follow the dead skin.

It’s not that I’m not reluctant, but I feel that Xu’s lack is definitely something to look for, even related to the seal of the five countries.

Because the water country is the last pulse, it is the last seal.

The dragons of Huo Yuanguo and Jin Yuanguo were all dug up by Xu, while Mu Yuanguo and Tu Yuanguo were dug by Duan Jiude.

Now that the dragon of the Yuanyuan dynasty has broken, Xu lacks the scent of the beginning of the water, which is considered to be the removal of the five seals of the five countries.

"The five seals have been broken. Once the sixth seal is untied, it is estimated that the living creature in the record will soon reproduce the world!" The two dogs are chanting this day.

Originally, Xu was also thrown away from this matter, but still could not stop the two dogs in his ear, and angered the two dogs.

"Two dogs, can you not blame BB? Even if the five elements of the mountain suppression is really Sun Wukong, then it is off my fart? Not to mention the sixth seal now do not know where, what are you worried?"

"Hey, kid, you are a guilty conscience, or do you want to fight this god? You are going to the fire country, it must be for the sixth seal!" The two dogs are not refusing to live, they must keep up with the lack of life, say yes See for yourself what the repressed creature is.

Xu lacks helplessness, but he thinks that he can bring the two dogs around and brag about it. If he is in a bad mood, he can use it as a sandbag, so he will not refuse it any more. Let it follow.

One person and one dog took several transmission arrays, and they turned around. After two days, they finally appeared on the border of Huoyuan.

The water Yuanguo was adjacent to Huoyuan and Jinyuan. When Xu’s lack of waking through the rebirth, it happened to be on the border of Huoyuan. After that, he provoked Tianwuzong and was oppressed. He also affected the villagers in Panshan Village and made him Greatly hit.

Xiaorou and the death of the villagers in the village made Xu Xiao understand a truth. In this world, the strong is respected, the dissatisfied has to hit the service, the killing is not the first point, the kill will kill, there is no taboo, no taboo, you dare to bully me, then I will copy your family!

This behavioral thinking is perhaps too cruel elsewhere.

Can be in the cultivation of the world, this is the last word to survive!

He has been insisting on finding five rejuvenating sorrows, in addition to fulfilling his promises, he is also alerting himself, and must work hard to become a strong.

Nowadays, when the situation changes, Xu lacks back here again. He feels a lot of emotions and looks at the familiar and strange flowers and plants around him. He can't help but sigh: "Hey, it's really a small family to return home!"

"What do you mean?" asked the two dogs.

Xu Wei: "I left here when I was young, and now I am back, I have become a boss!"

"You are at most a general, pretending to be the boss?" The two dogs looked dissatisfied.

Xu lacked music, and smiled and said: "I am also the boss of the bombing gang, how can I pretend?"

"Don't tease, do you know that God does not know it? You can help you alone!" The two dogs laughed disdainfully.

As a result, a fist suddenly zoomed in front of it.


The two dogs screamed, and they were smothered again. They were full of grief and indignation. They ran to the corner with great grievances and secretly hurt themselves: "The wolf is falling from Pingyang and being deceived by Xu!"

"Two dogs, go, go on the road, I remember that it was too easy to send in front of me. I went to the first two days!" Xu missed the dog's head.

The second dog stunned and stood tall and said: "What is too easy to send? I have never heard of it. It must be a small martial art. The **** god has already used the palace and can't live this small martial art!"


Immediately, the two dogs were smashed by one foot and were picked up again.

Not long after, one person and one dog still rushed to the wind and fog city where Taiyi is located.

Xu Xiaoyu has been away for more than a year, and now he has returned to the old land, but he has found great changes.

The original city of Fengwu was small, and the walls were dilapidated and sparsely populated.

But now the city of Fengwu is completely new, the city wall has been rebuilt, and the streets in the city are also covered with new bluestone slabs. The number of pedestrians is dozens of times more and more, attracting many businessmen to do business here, and it is very lively.

Xu is very surprised, this is only a year, the change is so big?

"Everyone is coming to see it. The freshly baked fried days help Xiao Yan roast chicken wings, absolutely authentic and absolutely delicious!" At this moment, a hawker screamed from afar.

Xu was suddenly dumbfounded.

Nima, what is this? Fried days help Xiao Yan roast chicken wings? Make me funny?

"Hey, what's the matter? Isn't it only you alone? Is there a Xiaoyan coming out?" The two dogs also groaned and looked at Xu.

Xu lacked a corner of his mouth. In the past, he used the name of Xiao Yan to help Xiao Yan, and used the name of Xiao Yan to help him, and he also cooked chicken wings for the first time in the nearby countryside. Brought to do business.

"The boy talks, who is Xiao Yan?" The two dogs saw Xu missing and did not speak, and urged to ask.

Xu lacks lightness: "Xiao Yan is me!"

The words ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just fell into the ear of the passing people, suddenly attracted a burst of laughter.

"Get it, boy, there are a lot of people who come here to pretend to be Xiao Yan, but you pretend to be too fake." An old man shook his head and smiled.

"Yes! Don't think that wearing a black robe, looks good is Xiao Yan!"

"People's fried days help Xiao Yan not only look good, but even the momentum is very extraordinary, you don't even have a huge ink color, what is Xiao Yan?"

"There is still your hair, the ends are all crossed, and people are blowing the hair to help Xiao Yan's hair, but it is black and smooth!"

"The key is that the black robe is not right. Xiao Yan did not write the word "explosive gang" on the black robe."

"You are too unprofessional!"

Everyone, you say a word, I criticize Xu, the head is the Tao.

Xu was dumbfounded on the spot.

What am I specializing in counterfeiting?

Amount, not right, it was really fake!

Forget it, look at what you said I look good, I will not care about you.

"Two dogs, let's go! Don't pay attention to these ordinary people who only look at the face, I am a person who relies on talent to eat." Xu lacked a wave of hands, greeting two dogs to leave.

Suddenly, at this moment, there was a commotion in the crowd ahead, and there was a burst of exclamation.

"Look, it’s a disciple of Taiyi!"

"Thank God, they finally came out to sell tickets again. It’s not easy to buy tickets in this year!"

"Crap, so many people come here for a long time, they are all going to visit the 'special place for the bombing of Xiao Yan's guns and his cannons', and hurry to grab the tickets. It’s gone late!"

After the crowd exclaimed, they flocked away.

Left Xu is standing on the street, the whole person is in the wind!



[There is still a chapter in the future! muah! 】

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