Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 503: I am going to help Li Bai come back!

Everyone is unbelievable, and Feng Tian helps Li Bai, actually killed to protect them!

At the same time, they are also afraid of it, because the extent of the explosion, if it is not Li Bai, I am afraid that the entire imperial city has to be smashed, most of the people present will die.

The self-destruction of a baby-changing strong man is too horrible!

Mrs. Ya was full of joy and excitement from the palace, and wanted to greet her "Li Bai" who thought about it. As a result, she waited for a long time outside the palace gate and did not move, and just heard the sound of fighting in the distance, so she rushed Come over.

Unexpectedly, I witnessed Li Bai’s scene as a salvation person and was blown away.

At this moment, she only felt a whirlwind, her head was blank, and her eyes were dark and almost fainted.

She is hard to accept this result, and her heart is like a knife!

Li Bai, who used to spend the night before her, took out "the moonlight in front of the bed, suspected to be the frost on the ground." Li Bai, who used to be in her garden, with ten ancient poems and slogans, pressed the group, and died. Now!

"No, Li Gongzi, you can't die!" Mrs. Ya almost collapsed, and the whole man sat down on the floor, bursting into tears and crying.

Xu lacked in his eyes, and there was a bitter smile in his heart.

He did know that Mrs. Ya was very sympathetic and loved and hateful, but she did not expect the emotion to be so excited.

Su Linger and others do not know that Li Bai is a thunder of Xu deficiency, but he does not know the three thousand thunder illusions that Xu lacks. As long as he is not dead, the illusion will not die!

They always thought that the thunder illusion was really Li Bai, the person who bombed the gang, and this time he came to protect the Taoist for them.

Now that I saw his scene of smog, many aliens have felt sad.

Su Linger gently touched Xu’s cheek and sighed: “The festival is sad!”

"Yeah!" Xu nodded his face and looked into the air.

One of the sea men has blew himself, and the other person can't get rid of the thunder pool, but he is laughing!

"Ha ha ha ha, see no, this is the end of your offense! Just fortunate that you are lucky, only one died, now, I see who else can save you!" The sea man laughed unscrupulously I ignored the angry eyes of the crowd below.

"To shut up!"

Suddenly, Xu lacked an angry martyrdom, like a real brother, and was full of murderousness.

"I rely!" Two dogs were shocked.

In so many people in the audience, it is the second dog who knows the most about Xu. It has long been known that the "Li Bai" that is smouldering is just a fantasy.

When I saw Xu’s sudden anger, the two dogs seemed to hear Xu’s lack of saying: Go away, I’m going to start loading!


At this time, Xu looked at the people around him and said loudly: "Dear folks, do you see it? Li Bai, who was bombing the sky, today, in order to save the world, he sacrificed his life, how great and unselfish he is. Please come with me, close your eyes and mourn for him for three minutes!"

When the words came out, everyone in the audience closed their eyes, but the eyes were involuntarily wet.

Everyone is touched!

In this icy cultivation of immortals, I don’t think there are such great and selfless people, to save everyone, at the expense of their own lives!

You must know that Li Bai is a strong arrogant child in the baby's change!

He is talented and joined the bombing gang, the future is beautiful and bright.

But now, in order to save us ordinary people and monks, he sacrificed himself, such a person is a well-deserved hero!

"I have always felt that Li Baixiong is not only a literary person, but also a bright and upright person!"

At this time, Xu lacked a low voice and began to give a speech to Li Bai: "He once said that a gentleman can't be without Hony, and he has a long way to go. Ren believes that he has been appointed, and he is not too heavy. After death, it is not too far away. ?"

When everyone heard it, they suddenly widened their eyes and shocked their hearts.

A gentleman can't be without Hony, and he has a long way to go. Ren thought that he has been appointed, is it not important? After death, is it not far behind?

The meaning of this sentence is that the scholar can not be strong and persevering because of his great responsibility and long-distance road. Is it not important to realize the responsibility of being a person? Struggling for life, after death, is it not far away?

God! I can’t think of Li Bai’s son as a person who is so close to the world.

"Li Baixiong also said that for the sake of the world, he is not afraid of life and death. His lifelong wish is to save the world, to do his best, to die and to die!" At this time, Xu Xiao continued.

Everyone in the audience was moved to the extreme.

An old man burst into tears and looked up at the sky: "Why? Why is God so unfair, take such a good boy!"




Xu lacks a series of system prompts in his mind, all of which are tips for success!

This wave, he is fully loaded!

"I rely! I rely!"

The two dogs in the crowd were completely messy, and looked at Xu’s lack of anger, and wondered how can people be shameless to this point?


At this time, Mrs. Ya’s face with a rainy face suddenly lifted up, and her eyes looked at the scorpio, staring at the sea man who was bound in the pool. He said: “You are damned, Lee. Son, go here with them and go to Huangquan Road to find you, wait for me!"

After that, Mrs. Ya directly plunged up, actually turned out to be with a mortal heart, wanting to kill the man of the sea, and died with it.

Xu lacked a shock and shouted: "Wait! Li Baixiong had an important sentence before his death. I didn't finish it!"

He was so cold and sweaty that he was so embarrassed that he did not expect that Mrs. Ya had such a loyal side. She even wanted to die to accompany her... Oh, no, this is not dead yet!

"What?" Mrs. Ya heard the lack of Xu, and immediately stopped.

She did not recognize the lack of incarnation of Sun Wukong, but she was very concerned about what Li Bai had said before her death.

"What did he say?" asked Mrs. Ya, looking at Xu.

Everyone has also turned their eyes to Xu Xiao, and they are very concerned about what words Li Baigong had before he was born. They all want to write down and remember in the future!


Xu lacked the scorpion and said: "Li Bai brother often sighs in the air before his death. It is very embarrassing. I often ask God, why am I so invincible? Why can't anyone kill me, why should I not die? I want to Ask, who else? Who else?"


In an instant, the audience suddenly fell into a silence.

Everyone is so arrogant, it seems that I can't react to what it means to be missing.

Did Li Baigong say this before he was alive?

Why am I so invincible?

Why can't anyone kill me?

Why should I not die?

Not right!

This is not like what Li Baigong will say~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How does this tone exactly the same as Xu’s lack of pit goods?

"This monkey, you... what are you talking about? Li Baigongzi just passed away, don't say this!"

"Right! How can Li Baigong’s such great person say this maddening discourse?"

Some people frowned in the crowd.

Mrs. Ya also slowed down and looked at Xu's lack of anger: "How can you humiliate Li Gongzi's innocence? He is a gentleman, humble and kind, and this palace will never allow anyone to discredit him!"

"I don't have it!" Xu lacked his face and said: "He is telling the truth!"


Everyone suddenly forced again!

What do you mean? What is Li Bai saying is the truth? He is invincible? No one can kill him? He is not dead?

What a joke, how is this possible?

If he doesn't die, how can he...


At this moment, a large piece of lightning suddenly appeared on the sky, quickly intertwined, gradually becoming adult-shaped, blooming and shining!

In the next moment, a white-clothed "Li Bai" stepped out of Huimang.

He swayed this fan, his clothes fluttering, gentle and elegant, and he couldn't tell the chic and handsome.

He opened his mouth and said the words that shocked the world:

"Thousands of robberies, hundreds of times are difficult, Heng Gu hastily, playing between the fingers!

Not dead, not destroying the soul, shocking the ancient world, no enemy!

Ladies and gentlemen, I am going to help Li Bai... I am back! ”



[Call the 666 salted fish, your emperor is back! The third is sent, the number of words is a bit, so I wrote it for a long time! Let's continue three times tomorrow, but I am sleeping during the day, and I can get up and update at night, so don't remind me, anyway, if you say three more, you will definitely be three! 】

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