Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 504: seafood feast

At this moment, the streets in the Imperial City are silent!

Some people in the whole place were frightened and stupid, and they were very unbelievable.

They witnessed a person from the death to the resurrection, and only between the counts and interests, he appeared in a peak state, unscathed appearance!

Thousands of robberies, hundreds of times...

Not dead, not destroying the soul, shocking the ancient world, no enemy!

"It turns out... it turned out to be true!"

"He really does not die, has eternal life!"

"My God, who can be his opponent?"

“Really invincible!”

People are stunned and there are many discussions.

Originally, Xu said that Li Bai sighed every day and said why he was so invincible. Why did he not die? Everyone mistakenly thought that Xu was smearing Li Bai and wanted to smear Li Bai into Li Hei!

But at this moment, everyone is completely shocked, whether they believe it or not, the miracle is in sight!

Li Bai really appeared again, the white clothes, the white shirt that swayed, the long hair fluttering in the wind, are deeply imprinted in people's minds!

"Impossible! This...this is impossible! How can this law be in this world?"

At this time, the sea men in Leichi were full of horror and could not set the channel.

He is from overseas, a place full of land!

But he never heard that someone in this world can not die, even if it is a fairy, there is no such horrible ability!

Not dying? That is what Heaven has!

Xu’s thundering fascinating body faintly shook his head: “Is it just not to die? We can help everyone in the sky, you have not heard of it? It’s because you are ignorant, the frog at the bottom of the well!”

"You..." The Hai men suddenly slogan.

Previously they had said that the people of the Five Elements Mountain were the frogs at the bottom of the well, but now they are perfectly countered to be speechless.

The calmness and calmness of Lei Xing’s body also made people feel shocked at the place.

This is an undead body!

How can it be said that it is so normal and calm?

And fried days help everyone can not die?


How can you not kill God?


In fact, what Xu said is really true!

In addition to his true body, the rest of the avatars are indeed immortal!

If you are killed, then summon it again!

"Li Gongzi!"

At this time, Mrs. Ya, who had been slowed from the stagnation, was full of surprises and surprises.

Lei Fantasy stood above the sky, looking at Mrs. Ya, a smile: "Wait for a while, please eat seafood tonight!"

"Good!" Mrs. Ya nodded with a smile.

At this moment, she is extremely happy!

At the same time, the Lei Xing body has already held a sharp sword, the edge shines, the blade makes a scream!


Between the electric and the flint, "Li Bai" disappeared from the place, and appeared in the Leichi, standing on the Pippi shrimp!

Thunder pools are thundering, but "Li Bai" is unscathed and will not be affected!

He is a avatar that has been changed by the Thunder, and can he be attacked by the Thunder again?

But this scene fell into the eyes of everyone, and everyone was shocked to say nothing!

Can the two sea men tormented such a terrible thunder, can not hurt the "Li Bai" points, what kind of strength is he really strong?

"What are you going to do?" The Hainan man left only one person and saw Li Bai standing on his own body, suddenly angry.

"Nothing, let's see if your meat is cooked!" Lei Xing smiled and said, a sword stabbed on the scorched Pippi shrimp shell.

Sure enough, after being fired by the fire and the thunder, the shell of the Pippi shrimp is no longer so hard, and is pierced by this sword in an instant.


Lei Xing body Jianfeng turned, opened a large half of the shrimp shell, the Thunder burst into the air!


The sea man made a scream of screams!

If he had been in the past, he would have chosen to blew himself to die with his opponent. But now that he knows that the human race is not dead, he has no courage to blew himself!

In the end, in the squid skin of the sword and the sword, the sea man was killed by the thunder, the whole body of the shrimp was scorched, filled with a strong fragrance, and threw it out of the air by the thunder. , heavy on the ground!

The heavy body instantly cracked the ground.

"It’s my turn to be a god!"

The two dogs took the initiative and immediately rushed up, Zhang mouth bites, showing the wolf's fierce side, biting a pimp shrimp that has died and been cooked.

Everyone has a look of disdain.

Xu deficiency is too lazy to pay attention to the two dogs, this charred seafood, where is the umami? There are only two dogs that are not pursued, and they will eat!

Immediately, he waved his hand and wiped the pool.

When another Hai nationality man blew himself up, only the upper body rushed out, and the other half of the body disappeared from the air as it disappeared.

Xu lacked the sword and picked up the shrimp shell. He found that the meat inside was still fresh and not cooked!

It can be seen how strong the shells of these two Pippi shrimps are, the defense is amazing, and they can also be fireproof and lightning-proof!

"Come on, bring these fresh shrimps back to the palace, freeze them, and we will have a seafood dinner tonight! What shrimp sashimi ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ steamed shrimp, iron plate shrimp, all done again !"

Xu lacked a loud voice.

"Yes!" Several guards who followed Mrs. Ya rushed to the front and rushed to the front!

Everyone knows how to know the "Li Baigongzi" in front of him. There is an ulterior and well-known relationship with Mrs. Ya. The words of Li Baigongzi are exactly the same as those of Mrs. Ya, who dares not obey!

After doing all this, Raytheon accompanied Mrs. Ya and went to the carriage together and drove to the palace.

The real body of Xu deficiency is still the appearance of Sun Wukong, standing in the same place with a dignified face, thoughtful.

Su Linger came over and whispered: "Don't worry, although the sea is strong, but you have to help the five days, the five countries will not have something!"

She thought that Xu was worried that she would face revenge from the Hai people in the future!

But Xu is missing but shook his head: "I am not worried about the sea, I am thinking about the meat of this Pippi shrimp, what can be made!"

"Ah?" Su Linger suddenly stayed, followed by crying and laughing, how is this guy still thinking about eating!

"Yeah, I finally thought of it, no wonder I always feel something almost!" At this moment, Xu suddenly suddenly appeared.

He was excited to look around, his eyes suddenly looked at a meat shop that was closed because of the fighting, and quickly ran over and knocked on the door.

"The villagers opened the door and opened the door quickly. We promised not to take it... Oh, I am going to buy beef and pork!"

Su Linger and Su Xiaoqi came over with a puzzled look and wondered: "What do you buy beef and pork?"

Xu lacked a corner of his mouth and smiled. "Is I heard about the beefball pill? Have you heard of the glutinous rice? We fried the sky to help the star!"



[Scratch, I wake up at eight o'clock in the evening, the first chapter is done, I continue to write the second chapter and the third chapter! 】

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