Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 631: The female emperor lying in the shackles

When Liu Jingning said this, Xu missed the spot.

Is this teasing me? Tell a ghost story?

It is obvious that you are going in together, how can it become Jiang Hongyan lying in the coffin?

Xu lacked an urgent question, and Liu Jingning’s injury was very serious. Even talking was difficult.

He held Liu Jingjing and fell to the ground. Xiao Taixuan and Xiao Munan and others had already sat up and were healing.

Xu lacked nothing, directly spent a thousand points to force the value, redeemed an eight-star class of medicinal herbs, similar to the previous treatment of Jiang Hongyan medicinal herbs, sent to Liu Jing Ning mouth.

Soon, a powerful life emerged from the body of Liu Jing, and many fatal injuries began to heal.

Liu Jingning recovered his consciousness and was awake, but his eyes were still full of shock.

"What happened in the end?" Xu lacked this question.

Liu Jingning shook his head: "I don't know. I didn't see you after I entered. There wasn't one person around, so I could only go forward. Finally I gathered in the center of the ancient temple, and then I found a stone plaque in the center!"

"Ishigaki?" Xu was surprised.

This is indeed also the application of his statement, this bronze ancient temple is likely to be a huge cockroach, the stone sarcophagus inside is a coffin!

No, there is a situation. This bronze ancient temple itself is a tomb, buried under the deserted city, and now it is suddenly alive!

"Well, when I went in, I found out that there were countless passages inside, but they all led to the center of the ancient temple. There was a stone plaque in it, but it was covered with lines. It looked like a great altar! Because..."

Speaking of this, Liu Jingning's face is slightly pale, and his eyes are missing from Xu: "Because the pattern around the stone scorpion is full of fresh blood, all of them are gathered in the sarcophagus!"

"That is not an altar!" At this moment, a faint voice came.

Han Ying, the sacred woman of the Tianji Pavilion, walked over her chest and walked pale. Shen Sheng said: "That is a killing. The people who went in before, all want to be close to the stone sarcophagus. They are all strangled, only the blood, and those The blood is to awaken the existence in the stone!"

Liu Jingning heard this and his body trembled slightly.

Xu lacks a confused face, but also Shi Jie is killing, then Jiang Hongyan?

"Accurately speaking, it is a politician. As long as it is a monk, there must be a way on the body. No matter how small it is, it has a rhyme. The blood that is absorbing and absorbing is sending the rhyme into the sarcophagus, awakening the inside. The presence!"

Han Ying said this, the tender face turned cold, murderous, and Shen Sheng: "All this is the bureau under Jiang Hongyan, all the people who go in will become nutrients, let her achieve the road!"

"Impossible, if it is the bureau of the red cloth, how could she rescue us?" Liu Jingning immediately replied.

Han Ying opened his mouth and seemed to be unable to answer it. He did not speak.

Xu lacked a look of sorrow, he certainly could not believe Han Ying's guess, Jiang Hongyan can never be that kind of person, what must have happened.

He hurriedly opened his mouth and asked Liu Jing to complete the whole process of the whole thing!

Liu Jinging’s look is complicated, and he will tell what happened after he entered.

When they entered the center of the ancient temple, they found the lines, and the blood in the veins was flowing to the stone. When they hesitated, the ancient temple suddenly vibrated. A huge vortex emerged from the stone, terrible gravity. Take everyone away from the lines.

Followed by the majestic strangling force sweeping the crowd, like numerous innumerable and invisible blades, tearing their bodies, trying to smash them into pieces, and they have no power to fight back.

However, in the millennium, Shijie suddenly shocked, and the lid was automatically pushed open. Jiang Hongyan actually sat up from the inside and took all the people out and saved them.

"She only said one sentence at that time, that is, let us go quickly, and then suddenly lost consciousness, turned into a lifeless body, and the stone shovel automatically closed, but the gravity is still there, we have to all Escaped." Liu Jingning said.

Xu lacking to listen to the already dumbfounded, this process is too suspenseful, how can Jiang Hongyan appear in Shijie, she is really the owner of this stone?

"What happened when you went in? I saw you go through the ancient hall with the red face, but I still wanted to stop, but the entrance sucked us in!" At this time, Liu Jingning looked at Xu Xiao.

Apparently they were behind Xu, and they saw Xu’s lack of access to the ancient temple.

"I don't know what's going on, you can all go in. Only me and the two dogs can't get in. This ancient temple is like an illusion to me and the two dogs. It seems that we don't exist in the same world." of!"

Speaking of this, Xu suddenly screamed in his heart.

Doesn't the same world exist? Could it be because I am a passerby and I don’t belong here? But this is not right, the two dogs are not through!

"I understand!" Liu Jingning suddenly stunned.

"Ah?" Xu missed.

"It is a question of Tao Yun!"

Liu Jingning just opened, and Han Ying, who was next to him, replied in unison.

Han Ying looked at Xu's eyes in a complicated way and shook his head. "Before we were wondering why there is no rhyme in your law. Now it is clear that you have no rhyme! You can't enter the ancient temple. Because the entrance to this ancient temple is made by runes, it absorbs not the people, but the rhyme! You have no rhyme with this dog, so both of you are excluded."

"Is this the reason?" Xu lacked the gods, and did not expect that he actually entered the ancient temple because there was no rhyme.

Liu Jing Ning nodded, meaning to tell Xu deficiency, Han Ying said yes!

"So, I can't get in now anyway?" Xu frowned suddenly.

Jiang Hongyan is still lying in the stone sarcophagus. I don’t know if I am going to die. If he can’t get in, why can he save people?

Now there are only two roads in front of him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Either find a way to practice the rhyme, or continue to force it, accumulate more loaded values ​​to upgrade yourself into a fairy sergeant, forcibly breaking through the array of ancient temples. law!

But no matter how you choose, it is not completed in a short time!

Hey! Hey! Hey!

At this time, more than 30 figures were swept in the distance. It was Dong Genji and Jiang Yushu who were previously deceived by Xu.

They chased all the way, in addition to going to the bronze ancient temple, but also to find Xu lack of accounts!

As soon as they landed, they realized that something was wrong. All the saints and some of the strong men who came first came here, and they were all hit hard again. Even the rhyme was damaged. They all sat on the ground and recovered.

"What's wrong with you, why haven't you entered yet?" Gong's old man asked.

Qin Ji of Jinghua Shuiyue School opened his eyes slightly and said: "This place is not something we can now contaminate!"

“What happened?” Jiang Yushu asked with a frown.

With the status of their old men, some people still have to give them face and immediately tell the story.

Subsequently, more than 30 revival-prosperous people who had just arrived were moved and unbelievable.

"Damn, it must be Jiang Hongyan's bureau under the disaster star, this enchanting sorcerer has long since been removed!" Jiang Yushu gnawed his teeth, his face was full of anger, it seems that he did not kill Jiang Hongyan. unfortunately.

When Xu missed this, his face was black on the spot, and suddenly he got up and said, "Two dogs, he will cure the **** elders and hammer his chest!"

Jiang Yushu suddenly got a glimpse, and he still had a reaction in the future. The two dogs were excited and said: "The old man is lying down, and the **** is using the ‘very invincible and my health punch’ to heal you!”



[Uh huh, I will continue to write! Guarantee to get it before 12 o'clock! 】

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