Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 632: Wrong with the wrong method

"There is fraud!"

Jiang Yushu immediately realized that something was wrong and he quickly retreated.

The rest of the people have also raised their eyebrows. This is not like Xu’s lack of character, but actually took the initiative to help them heal!

Xu lacked a face and said: "Is Jiang Elder not wanting to heal? Actually, I don't have no purpose. I don't have a rhyme. I can't enter the ancient temple, so I can only help you heal, but I have a request. After you go in, Jiang Hongyan must be brought out, and she must not move her hair, otherwise you will all die!"

"Hey, we delivered the Lingshi, you help us to heal the wounds is natural, you are qualified to talk to us about the request, but also dare to marry us?" Gong family old man immediately said coldly.

Xu lacked sneer and said: "Then you roll, you have lost the qualification for treatment, you have not saved."

He was in a bad mood, and he could bear the yin and yang of the old Gong family!

"You..." Gong family old man suddenly angered, full of killing!

At this time, Dong Gen’s base station came out and smiled: “Gong Daoyou does not mean that. The two don’t have to hurt. Now the ancient temple is in front, we should join hands!”

"Hey!" Gong family veteran snorted, but did not continue to follow Xu.

He is very clear that if Xu lacks to help him recover his injuries, he can't smash the bronze temple.

Xu can be short of heart but sneer again and again, from the words of Liu Jingning, you can understand that this ancient temple is not such a group of people can be embarrassed, even if it really helps them recover their injuries, they can not save Jiang Hongyan!

Of course, Xu is not likely to try, because even if this group of people can really break into the injury, it will be adverse to Jiang Hongyan!

At the moment, Xu lacks to want to enter the bronze temple, but very helpless, no rhyme, simply can not go in!

"Daoyou, your request, my Dong Genji promised to promise, Hongyan is also my good friend, I will definitely save her. But before we said that the first come, I will pay the first stone, we should first recover the injury! Dong Genji smiled and looked very gentle.

Everyone is expressionless, and everyone knows that Dong Genji is famous for his hypocrisy. He is used to his performance.

Xu lacked his hand: "No need to fight, since you have all paid the Lingshi, I have to help you recover, just lie down, the two dogs can help you recover, but only if you can tolerate the pain !"

"This is nature!" Dong Genji said with joy. If he recovers his injury, the first thing he wants to kill is Xu.

The rest of the people nodded, and they all saw Xu’s lack of healing. Even the bones were smashed in. They knew it was very painful at first glance, but this guy could bear it, why they couldn’t stand it!

Under the guidance of Xu, the 20 refining period strong men who had paid millions of Lingshi, came to an open space and lay down.

They are not worried that Xu deficiency is not good for them, because everyone knows at this time that Xu deficiency is basically abolished. No matter what kind of strength he has cultivated, there is no rhyme, it is impossible to become a period of refining, and it is impossible to kill them. .

"Working hard, you have two dogs, you can rest assured that this time you pay the price, I will definitely buy the elixir to help you make up!" Xu looked at the two dogs, distressed.

The two dogs also stepped forward and sighed: "Oh, stop, save one's life and win the seven-level floating squad. I don't go to hell, who goes to hell, and this **** esteem is going out today!"

After that, it was heavy in the face of the twenty sturdy period of the strong, the face was dignified, and the two forelimbs waved a few times out of thin air, just like the tricks of exerting.

Xu lacks sneer and stands behind, looking at Liu Jingning: "Is there really no way for me to get the rhyme in a short time?"

It is imperative to find a way to save Jiang Hongyan.

Liu Jing condensed his head and shook his head: "There is no way. You have never seen this situation since ancient times. I can't figure out if you don't have a rhyme. How did you get to this step!"

"Don't there be some monks, is there an accident in the middle of the cultivation, and then lose the rhyme?" Xu is not willing to ask, as long as this happens, some people will find a way to repair the rhyme, this way Also suitable for him!

"Of course, this situation is there, but after losing the rhyme, they are all abolished. There is no way to make up for it, and the realm is not stopped. This life can only be regarded as a mortal who will know the law!" Liu Jingning said.

Xu’s face was suddenly stunned. The news was too hurtful. For so many years, no one really found a way to repair the rhyme?

"Everyone is lying down, this **** is going to shoot!" At this moment, the two dogs shouted and rushed straight toward Dong Genji, who was lying in the first position.


It leaped high, a flying leg, and suddenly slammed between the legs of Dong Genji.



In an instant, Dong Genji sat up from the ground, screaming and screaming!

"Hey, what is it called! You have been hurt by this kid before, this **** is the first to help you treat, but you call it out of no effect!" Two dogs frowned.

Everyone suddenly lost.

It’s hard to beat it, but it’s useless.

"Yeah! I was not beaten so badly before, you are a fart! Dong Genji, you are also a landlord, how can you not even suffer from this pain?" Xu is also far from opening, hate iron Not a steel track.

At this moment, Dong Genji just wanted to kill.

He has already suspected that Xu is not playing with the two dogs.

However, Lenovo’s lack of the previous appearance, and Xu’s lack of screaming, has temporarily dispelled doubts, and the teeth have withstood the pain, Shen Sheng: “Come on... Come on, this... this time I Must hold back!"

"Good!" Two dogs nodded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ stepped back, and suddenly accelerated to run, high jump, and a flying leg, such as shells bombing between the legs of Dong Genji!


This time, the strength of the two dogs was extremely great. After one foot went down, a large hole was pulled out directly on the ground, and the whole foot was trapped. The place of Dong Genji was already vague.

"Ah..." Dong Gonji couldn't bear it anymore, and he couldn't bear it anymore. He was screaming on the spot.

This kind of pain is not like other injuries, only men can understand!

"Rely, you are crying out again, but you don't want to heal any more. It's a waste of two shots!" The two dogs immediately angered.

Xu Wei is also shaking his head: "Hey, spoiled, can't stand the pain, even the second dog, first heal others!"

Everyone also frowned.

This Dong Genji is too weak, and the realm of the illusory period is not being beaten twice by a dog. How can this pain be tolerated?

"Forget it, you can't save this place. The gods first go to help others to heal, can't waste the boxing on you!" The two dogs shook their heads.

Xu lacked suddenly exclaimed: "Wait, two dogs, are you using the wrong method? I let you use the 'ultimate invincible and my health punch', you use the 'broken children' legs 'What?'

"Ah?" The two dogs squatted in an instant, followed by a sudden realization: "The grass is really wrong, sorry, brother!"

Dong Genji has been tortured by the pain, and when he heard the words of Xu and the two dogs, he was instantly angry.

It’s just that he hasn’t had time to talk yet, and Xu’s lack of time is awkward.

"I'm sorry for a fart. Sorry for useful words, what else should the police do? Grass, look at what you have hurt people, and don't hurry to find a donkey to fill him!"

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