Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 937: 2 dogs are red!

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"A bit fierce!"

Xu was also surprised by his own heart. He originally planned to use the Buddha's seal to play the Five Elements Mountain, suppress the three Tianren strongmen, and slowly clean up.

Who once thought that the Buddha printed it out, actually directly killed the three heavenly human powerhouses, and instantly killed!

And this is still a mini version of the Buddha's seal, because his essence is not enough, the Buddha's seal only cultivated 1% of the progress, and the result is such a god.

It's hard to imagine that if this law is cultivated to the peak, wouldn't it be possible to kill even the immortal world?

According to this level, the five elements of the four continents must also be displayed at the peak of the peak, otherwise it will not be so huge.

What is more crucial is that the repressed creatures have not died, have been alive, and finally fled the Five Elements Mountain.

It is conceivable that the horrific existence of the people who used the Buddha's seal to evolve the Five Elements Mountain and the repressed creatures.

"This road to repair the fairy, really **** far away!" Xu could not help but feel in his heart.

Immediately, he stepped out of lightning under his feet and rushed to the direction of China.


At the same time, people around the world are still dumbfounded.

They were still contemplating how terrible the battle would be, how earth-shattering it would be, and even foreseeing the heroic picture of Xu’s final death and sacrifice.

But no one had thought that this war had not begun yet, and that his mother ended directly.

A mountain is pressed down, three powerful angels, even the **** is gone, and there is no movement at all, and life and death are not clear.

The absence of Xu’s absence made everyone suspicious.

"Isn't it really going to die like this?"

"It is estimated that otherwise it is impossible to leave like this!"

"I rely on it, is this too pitted? The three angels have just looked like a world invincible. I thought it was strong!"

"Too bad! Spicy chicken!"

"Mom sells the batch, it's so good! Just Xu lacks and engages in blood and grievances, I have tears!"

"Don't go to the dog, I just want to vomit blood! This product is so strong, so many plays, lie to our tears!"

"Hey, this drama!"


Many people vomited constantly, but the heart was still a long sigh of relief.

At least the lack of victory, for many people, is a good ending.

At the very least, there is no need to destroy the world, but the three angels want to destroy the existence of the world. They are killed by Xu, and it is a good thing for the people of the earth!

But for Rothschild's people, it is terrible.

Everyone in the entire chaebol, like a gray, especially Lewan, sitting in a helicopter, cold.


At this time, Xu deficiency has returned from lightning, and it is magnificent.

Lewan turned his head and looked at it. He shook his body and didn't even have the desire to escape. He immediately picked up the speaker and shouted: "Mr. Xu, sorry, we know what is wrong..."


When the words are not finished, Xu lacks a direct slap in the face!

In the air, dozens of Rothschild's helicopters were blown up on the spot and shattered into dregs. The people inside were directly turned into a group of blood fog, scattered in the air with the wind.

"Stupid hat, say sorry if it is useful, what else should the police do?" Xu lacked a cold cry, his eyes swept directly to the camera on the ground, and he said: "M countries have given me good listen, I don't want to destroy the world. But I will give you three days to clean up all the forces of Rothschild's chaebols within three days. Otherwise, be prepared to turn M into the M-China province!"

When the words came out, the people of the M country couldn't sit still, and immediately rushed out of the gate and rushed toward the White House.

At the same time, everyone on the ground was still staring at Xu's lack, still immersed in the battle of the three angels who killed Xu.

Only Jiang Hongyan, with a light smile, seems to have been expected.

In fact, when the three Tianren strongmen drove the killing, she felt that Xu lacked himself, and that group of worms, and there was no way to fight.

Xu Xu actually said that he wants to go by himself. Jiang Hongyan immediately guessed that this guy is confident to win.

Otherwise, with his personality, if it is really dangerous, it is impossible to go so eagerly. Even before he left, he will swear and talk, and after he died, he will bring ashes and the like, and he will know that the goods are acting again.

Of course, although she believes that Xu lacks victory, she did not expect this guy to be so powerful. Within one stroke, she directly wiped out the three Tianren strongmen, completely out of her expectations.

"Xu deficiency, you bastard! Give me down!" At this moment, a squeaky sound.

Xu Feifei screamed at her mouth and shouted at Xu Xiaofei.

She was furious, and she really thought that Xu was missing her own. I didn't expect this product to be played. It was a battle that could be easily solved. It was a lively and patriotic tragedy hero. Ethical drama!

When Xu Xiaoying smiled and fell to the ground, Xu Feifei rushed forward without saying anything, and the small fist went to the chest with a raindrop.

"You bastard, how are you so much?"

"I still lie to me?"

"Asshole, I have just shed so many tears, I have not played with you!"

Xu Feifei shouted annoyedly, and has been hammering Xu.

Xu lacked a face full of smiles and shouted: "Fifi, don't do this, the people all over the world are watching you, the girls are to be reserved."

"Hold your sister!" Xu Feifei is still suffocating, no matter what the people of the world are watching.

At this time, the audience around the world has already filled the barracks online.

"Fifi Bulls!"

"Fifi is so cute!"

"It doesn't matter what you hold, it's important to face!"

"Hey, everyone, I am the King of the Emperor, I support Xu Feifei, and I am dead!"

"I rely on it, saying that I am standing still!"

“This ‘dry’ word is the key point, everyone is going to circle!”

"Hey, is there a bed in German orthopedics?"

On the Internet, a harmonious and relaxed, Xu Feifei ruled the scene of Xu deficiency, so that many people are mad, gloating.

After all, Xu was really too embarrassed to play the world several times. Everyone has no rule of law. Now Xu Feifei hands-on, so many people are very resentful.


As a result, a crisis that was supposed to be a tragic ending ended in a happy celebration.

On the day of Xu’s absence, Xu Feifei and Jiang Hongyan left Jianglong City~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s not his low-key, it’s really afraid that being beaten by Xu Feifei is too shameful, there is no way to force it!

But in the next few days, the world is still not calm.

When Rothschild’s several big men died, the entire chaebol group had no heads and a mess.

M country smashed fire, wanted to get rid of Rothschild’s control, and acted decisively. From the internal cleaning of Rothschild’s members, including the president, all changed fresh blood, and then the world wanted to chase Rothschild. The people of the chaebol, the movements are very big, for fear that Xu lacks that they are already doing things.

At the same time, Xu Feifei's pharmaceutical formula was also put into production in China.

The world is gradually returning to order, leaving only the Japanese nation, still in the midst of deep waters, and constantly seeking help from all over the world, hoping to have a professional dog-catching team to help them solve the problem of dog abuse.

However, this interesting thing has always been crushed by Xu’s lack of a battle with angels.

Until this day, TV TOK was invaded by a group of wolves and dogs, and a big dog that looked like a huskies went into the news network.

It is a dog-like suit wearing a suit, a tie, and wearing gold-rimmed glasses, laughing at the camera: "Ha ha ha, this **** is the deputy gang of the tyrants, now the gods have Occupy the Japanese nation. So tremble, earth people! This **** is to show you a hand today, the ancestral stinky tofu!"

"Nicholas dog eggs, bring the pot of the gods!"

"pour oil!"

"Li Shizhen's skin, the unique secret system of this **** is also brought!"

"The trough, the waves of the wild eggs, don't steal it!"


The whole picture spread throughout the network, so the whole world was shocked overnight!

A dog that speaks people, the world is everywhere!

Two dogs, red!



[Second more! carry on! 】

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