Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 938: The gods respected themselves and went back.

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"The trough!"

"This is too embarrassing!"

"It's actually a dog that can speak people!"

"I’ve been talking about the proliferation of Japanese dogs in the past, I can’t think of it!”

"Oh, wait, you found out, this dog is familiar!"

"I wipe, this... Isn't this the mighty king of last year's movie?"

"Rely, it's really it! So let's go... I'm going to go, the director's screenwriter of the movie is a lack of it!"

"Hold the grass!"

"Rely, it’s not special effects in the movie, it’s all true!"

"Mom, this guy is taking a bad film, I can't vomit!"


On the Internet, because the two dogs caused the topic, everyone suddenly remembered the movie that was popular all over the world last year.

Xu’s lack of filming changed his appearance, so when only one name was known to everyone, no one took him to the film of last year.

But now, the two dogs have such a face, immediately caused the discussion and memories of the people, followed by the relationship between Xu Xiao and the film.

On the same day, there was a bold media reward and a reward for the reporters and photography team who were not afraid of death. They rushed to Japan and were sincerely interested in interviewing the two dogs.

The two dogs were not willing at first, and they believed that they had lost their identity and refused.

But the next day, after the goods learned that the interview could be broadcasted around the world, they immediately accepted it.

So this day, people all over the world are holding computers, or staying in front of the TV to watch the live broadcast.

At the beginning of the screen, the camera locked the two dogs.

The goods were draped in a suit and walked on the street. They also specially combed the dog's hair on the head of the head, put on gold-silk glasses, walked as a learner, and swayed and led a group of dogs to go shopping.

The entire street was almost occupied by two dogs. It ordered only stinky tofu, and it was necessary to create a fried scent tofu street.

The goods walked down the street, just like the emperor went on a tour, the prestige, the passing of several stalls, all have to give pointers.

"Hey, you don't have too much oil temperature! The fire is a little smaller!"

"Where are you going to stink the tofu? Tofu is broken!"

"Rely, you are not right!"

"The mistake is wrong, you are all wrong!"

"Mom, under the eyes of this god, you dare to cut corners? Can you call it stinky tofu? Come and swear, take out the treasured gold wolf dung of this god!"


The reporter and the camera team followed all the way, and they have completely looked silly.

Especially when I saw the two dogs, I really added the cockroaches, and I took it out and tried it. I spit it out on the spot.

They always thought that the previous two dogs were just spoofing, but I didn’t expect this product to actually eat the stinky tofu mixed with glutinous rice. It was really thought that the stinky tofu was mixed!

This **** too will play too!

People on the Internet are even more stunned.

Live broadcast - I heard them more, but I really didn't expect it, I really saw it today!

In the end, the reporters still couldn’t stand it anymore, and they quickly caught up and started the interview!

"Hello, Dear King of Power, do you know Xu? What do you think about his battle with angels?"

"Hey? Xu is missing? Don't mention the kid with the god, the gods will come to the air!"

"This... why is this?"

"He is too shameless, and this **** is respectful and disdainful to him!"

"Oh? Can you tell me why?"

"Hey, he lied to the gods, and said that a piece of Lingshi can buy a street restaurant. As a result, the gods respected a piece of spiritual stone without flowers, they took dozens of streets! This **** is the most affected in this life. Nothing is cheating!"

Speaking of this, the two dogs turned and glared at the camera and began to swear: "Xu deficiency, you are stinky, this **** has already won the Japanese territory, you should not disturb the gods in the future, otherwise don't blame this God is welcome!"

"Hey!" Several reporters suddenly took a breath.

The audience watching the live broadcast was also shocked.

This dog dares to put this kind of swearing, is the strength above Xu deficiency?

That day the country has not been saved, afraid that it will be cold!

What can the teachers of the Japanese country do in the future?

Will you continue to make movies?

Are those unique artes going to be passed down from now on?

Chinese netizens have been talking about this matter constantly, but what they care about is how Xu Xiaohui will respond to the swear words of the two dogs.

On the night of the same day, Xu Feifei took the video to Xu Wei, and Xu Xiao personally contacted the media to let them report.

The response is very simple, with only one sentence.

"Two dogs, are you floating or are I missing the knife? I will not roll back to see me, I am going to Japan to cut you!"

Just one sentence, spread all over the world overnight.

Many people who pay attention to this matter will be happy at first glance. If you are a brother, you still have a brother, dare to talk to him, and you are not negotiating!

The next day, the two dogs immediately shouted to the media and responded to the camera: "Xu lacks your stinking face, why don't you go back to this god, do you have a little bit of pressure in your heart?"

Xu lacks direct response: "Forcing numbers? No ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am expanding! You can do it yourself, you can't see you in two days, I will read the law!"

"Grass!" The two dogs yelled at the camera on the same day, angered: "This **** is here to swear, not to die!"

"Okay, let's report it immediately!" The reporter did not broadcast live this time. In order to receive ratings and more perfect reports, they chose to record.

At this point, I will take the material and I want to go. After all, this is a big event. If I report it, it will definitely detonate the world.

Even the title they all thought about it - "The dog fight, barely weak! 》

However, I have not taken a few steps, and the two dogs have called them again.

"Wait, what are you going? Is this God's respect letting you go? Give me back!"

The second dog is a serious saying: "This **** respect suddenly thinks that there is something to be done, you need to go to China, you have to book a ticket for this god, and go tonight!"

"Ah?" Many reporters were dumbfounded.

This **** is still awkward?

"Oh, what? Please book your ticket quickly! Otherwise the gods will kill you!" The two dogs said, and they also waved their paws.

A reporter suddenly said helplessly: "The respected king of power, the aviation department stipulates that dogs can't get on the plane!"

"Grass!" The two dogs suddenly angered: "You are looking for death, this **** is a wolf, a wolf!"

"Ah? Wolf?" The reporters were dumbfounded. Finally, they smiled bitterly: "But... but the wolf can't get on the plane!"

"I don't care, anyway, this **** is to fly, but also to the first class! You don't want to sit, it doesn't matter, this **** respects to make a plane tonight, drive back!" The two dogs said, prestige Leading a group of wolf-dogs, turned and left, leaving the camera with a chic back.



[The third! 】

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