Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 942: Kunlun Magic Array

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Xu lacks sorrow, completely did not expect that there will be such a large array in the Kunlun Mountains.

The entire block was very concealed and silent, completely closed, not opened for tens of thousands of years, dusty for a long time, isolated from the world.

It is hard to imagine how they can withstand the loneliness if they really exist in the immortal world. Is it true that they have been living in the same way as the heavenly people?

"Kids, don't worry so much, and quickly open the array, this **** is a seven-in and seven-out!" The two dogs looked eloquent, apparently thought that there was a good thing hidden inside, very interested.

"If there is a Western Queen in the inside, I am afraid that you have to be seven to seven out, two dogs!" Xu smiled and walked forward.

Although he is talking about jokes, he does not believe that the West Queen is really inside, but he still retains a little vigilance.

Such a big array of law is lost here, there are really some old blame still alive in the insurance, be careful.

He called out the system and thought of it in silence: "The system, open this method, and prepare a set of 50,000 points to force the king to fight, just in case!"

"Hey, because the formation method has been in disrepair for a long time, it only needs to consume a hundred points of forced value. Is it sure to open?"


Xu lacked his eyes and his eyes narrowed his eyes on the formation.

In an instant, there was a mysterious force in his body that broke into the law.


The next moment, the whole array of earthquakes, a loud noise, burst into a gap.

A quaint wind with ice and cold suddenly swept out of the gap, and there was a trace of decay in the air.

"Well?" Xu frowned when he was out of bed.

He opened his soul and swept everything in the entire array, only to find that there was no symbol and breath of life, but instead it looked dead.

"Made in the jade dish, it seems to have a reaction!" Jiang Hongyan suddenly opened, the jade hand lifted lightly, and the palm suddenly abruptly revealed the piece of round jade.

As soon as the round jade appeared, it again gave off a faint yellow glow, and the runes of the runes were swaying.

"It is guiding us!" Jiang Hongyan stunned and looked at Xu.

Only she was able to control and sense this piece of fairy jade, the guide issued by Jade, only she was clear.

Xu suddenly smiled: "It seems that this thing really has a relationship with Kunlun Mountain! Go, go in and have a look."

After that, he took the lead and stepped into the battle.

The two dogs looked dignified and shouted: "Kid, don't be impulsive! What if there is a Western Queen in the day? When the gods were in Japan, they heard that they had only eight years ago. What is the big snake monster? What is it... Oh, it’s a big snake!”

"Chicken, your sister! That's what is called the gossip snake!" Xu turned suddenly and turned and punched the second dog's head.

However, this time the two dogs did not respond. Instead, they looked at Xu’s face and widened their eyes.

"Look at what, scared like this?" Xu Wuhu suspected.

The two dogs are screaming. "You...you...behind, lying down, a lot of treasures, ah, there are so many peaches, is this Taoyuan?"

As soon as the voice fell, the two dogs slammed and slammed in.

Xu Wei and Jiang Hongyan and Xu Feifei, but suddenly stunned, suddenly turned around.

There is nothing in the array, it is an ordinary mountain, because it is isolated from the world, there is no snow and ice, but there is a lake.

But the strange thing is that the place is so big, but the two dogs are gone!

"Well? Only a blink of an eye, where did this guy go?" Xu lacked a slight frown and turned to look at Jiang Hongyan.

However, at this moment his body was stagnant.

Not only did the two dogs disappear, but even Jiang Hongyan and Xu Feifei, who stood by her side for the previous second, disappeared.

"Leck, play so big?"

When Xu missed his eyes, his eyes widened and his eyes suddenly opened.

However, nothing was obtained, and no life was found except himself.

"Paralyzed, do you have an illusion with me? Who is it, get out quickly!" Xu lacked a face and was annoyed.


At this time, the lake in front of him suddenly sounded a clear sound of water, just like a drop of water dripping into the lake.

Xu lacked to look at the lake, and the brow wrinkled again.

Where is the water drop? Is it raining?

His eyes could not help but move up, and he almost jumped out of the careful liver.

In the previous second, there was no one in the array. At this moment, there was a woman like a fairy. She wore a white gauze and was half-squatting at the lake, washing her hair.

The long black hair, crystal clear blue silk, is dripping water into the lake.

"Amitabha, the female donor, I advise you not to make trouble!" Xu suddenly said.

The woman in white slightly raised her head, and the beauty of the style looked like Xu Xiao, the corner of her mouth was slightly stunned, with a smile, whispered: "The son, this place is isolated from the world, how can you get here?"

"Ah! Actually, I am the king of the king. I will count on your life and will come to you for your life!" Xu lacked a smile.


The white woman heard the words and suddenly covered her mouth. She giggled and laughed: "The son is so funny and humorous, and he is responsible for the fate of the gods. How can he be personally shot by the prince? What's more..."

Speaking of this, the woman's beauty is lightly lifted, like a fox, looking at Xu deficiency, smirked: "The legendary prince looks ugly, how can there be such a handsome man?"

"You said it, it's just a legend. And I personally came over, but I also want to talk to you about the pen transaction~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You see, I have a life and death book in my hand, as long as you give me money, I will I will cross your name! How about?" Xu smiled and walked slowly.

The white woman suddenly looked at it. Obviously, she did not expect Xu to talk and become a fraudster.

"Okay, see you are the part of the monk, um, by the way, look at your beautiful looks, I don't care about you, and quickly get rid of the illusion, otherwise don't blame me for hanging..." No, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Xu said, but he really took out a big knife from his knees.

The white woman suddenly blinked and sneered: "You broke into my territory, dare you want to marry me?"


As soon as the voice fell, she instantly turned into a light smoke and disappeared from the place.

Xu’s eyes were slightly stunned, and a smile was on his lips, ready to start.


A dull bang, suddenly came from behind, as if the rock collapsed.

Xu lacked his head and looked at it, suddenly suddenly.

In the stone wall, a big snake was drilled, and the body was twisted. The fierceness was fierce, and the mouth was filled with a letter, and the eyes were cold and staring at Xu.

"I rely on, is this your true body? It turned out to be a snake girl!" Xu suddenly squinted his eyes and screamed: "It's too ugly, today I am going to do the heavenly road, the demon slayer!"

After that, Xu took out the lightning at the foot of the foot, and swept it up in the sky, and the big knife swayed in his hand. He turned into a sharp sword and directly stabbed the big snake.


Suddenly, the big snake made a roar, and then the Sifang mountain suddenly shocked.


With a loud bang, the stone wall collapsed and collapsed, and several large snakes were pulled out again.

"Well?" Xu missed a scream and shouted: "Girl, tell me which one is you? I can't kill if I look beautiful!"



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