Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 943: I am the Lord of Kunlun

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A few large snakes burst into roars, spitting the letter, and directly turned to Xu.


Xu was suddenly shocked and suddenly said: "No, you only have a snake head, no snake tail? I counted, 12345 went up the mountain to fight the tiger, I rely on, eight snake heads?"

"Stupid human beings, this seat is a Hydra!" The eight snakeheads roared and screamed in unison.

Xu lacked his eyes immediately.

I dare to spend a lot of time, hiding a monster here! And the realm is not low, there are actually four or five layers of the Mahayana period.

"Nine-headed snake, then what about your ninth head?" Xu lacked a sneer, and waved his hand, and his palm suddenly set off a black flame.


The violent flames of the atmosphere swept the audience in an instant.

The eight snake heads stopped the body shape, and they looked at Xu’s lack of taboos: "You...what is this flame?"

"What kind of flame do you want me to control me? I ask you what you said, are you still awkward?" Xu immediately shouted, and raised his hand at the same time, trying to get out of the black fire.

Eight snake heads were shocked and hurriedly said: "Return to the immortal, this seat... When I was suppressed, the ninth head was cut off!"

"When was the year before, who cut it?" Xu lacked his eyes.

"This... It should be eight or nine thousand years. I have been sleeping for too long. I have no idea how many years have passed, but the one who suppressed me and slandered me was the master of this place!" Eight snake heads respectfully responded Road.

It is very interesting, knowing that the flames in Xu’s hands are extraordinary, very taboo, and the desire to directly connect hands is gone!

"Hey, where did they go? Mom, I thought I met a beautiful snake girl. I didn't expect it to be a male snake. How can you be so disgusting? What is wrong, not a woman." Come out?" Xu Xiaoyue said more and more.

Eight snake heads suddenly shrank back and trembled: "Returning to the fairy, I... I didn't become a woman to deceive you, just the one who is the master of this place!"

"Well?" Xu lacked the words, and suddenly his face changed.

Stepping out of the lightning at the foot, suddenly plunging forward.


The next moment, his original position, suddenly burst into a huge pit by a sword.

Then, the white woman once again manifested in the same place, a long black hair was draped behind her, her eyes faintly looked at Xu deficiency, whispered softly: "Quirks, after so many years, this area actually has such a repair For the teenager?"

"Hey, you demon girl, actually playing behind the sneak attack? Do you want to force your face?" Xu lacks cold, and the sword points to the woman in white.

The white woman sneered: "Do you dare call me a demon girl?"

"What's wrong with calling you a demon girl? I really thought I was bullied?" Xu finished, his wrists were lightly lifted, and he was clenched into a fist and slammed forward.


The void is twisted in an instant, and it sinks down.

A golden giant punch was manifested out of thin air, and suddenly fell to the white woman with a majestic momentum.

This is a 50,000-point forced-forced king punch, and the shot is a big kill. It is obvious that Xu lacks to be too lazy to talk to this woman. Even if he can't kill the other party, he must first hit her.


When the white woman saw the golden fist shadow, she couldn’t help but move, and the toes tapped on the ground, and the whole person suddenly floated up.

However, Rao is moving her fast, and she can't hide the cover of this punch.

Her figure just plucked out, and the fist shadow had already arrived. The majestic power tore her whole person on the spot and turned it into a white smoke, disappearing from the place.

"Not dead yet?"

Xu lacks frowns.

Because the system's killing reward did not appear, so he was sure that the punch had not been able to kill the other side.

And this woman's body is too strange, every time can be turned into white smoke, quietly disappeared, more powerful than the gods walk.

"Young people, what are you from?"

Suddenly, the woman’s voice came.

Xu lacked his head and looked at it. She had already appeared on the edge of the lake, unscathed, and looked softly at Xu.

"Oh, in the bottom is the person who fried the sky!" Xu lacked a smile, the fist in his hand has been clenched, ready to come a few more to force Wang Quan.

But the woman in white was aware of it and smiled slightly: "Young people, don't shoot, you have been tested, I will allow you to step into this place!"

"Oh, you can't say if you can't say it? Why?" Xu lacked sneer, his foot lightning, and he rushed forward.

Since the other party can hide, then come close!

The woman in white was very indifferent and shook her head: "I am only a phantom, you can't kill me!"


The voice just fell, and Xu lacked a punch.

However, the fist just went out, and the white woman turned into a white smoke in the blink of an eye, drifting to the rear, and underestimated the escape.

"The phantom shadow?" Xu frowned when he was absent.

A phantom can be so strong, isn't it really against the sky?

"Who are you?" Xu Yusheng asked.

The white woman smiled and said: "I am the master of this place, the owner of Kunlun!"

"The Lord of Kunlun? Are you the West Queen?" Xu was suspicious.

The woman in white still smiled and shook her head: "Western Queen is just the legend of the world! Many years ago, I opened this place and opened the door to Qixian Road. So this place is based on me. Anyone here must get it. My permission, otherwise, kill it!"

“Seeking for the road?” Xu Xiaowei~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What is the difference between this and Dengxian Road?

"Young people, this place has been sealed for tens of thousands of years. You can come in and pass my test, you can see that you have the qualification to enter the road of seeking immortality." The white woman smiled.

Xu lacked his face and sank: "I passed the test, then my friend? Where have they been taken by you?"

The woman in white shook her head slightly: "Reassure, as long as one of you can pass the test, I can let you go! But before that, I have a few questions to ask you."

Xu lacked the words, immediately patted the chest and said: "Well, look at what you look so beautiful, you ask casually!"

"Thank you!" The woman in white was soft-eyed and smiled at Xu. She immediately looked at the entrance to the law. She sighed: "I am the owner of this place, but after all, it is only a phantom, and it is sealed here. I can't leave forever, I want to ask you..."


I didn’t finish talking, just listening to a muffled sound.

The white woman’s face suddenly looked stiff and her eyes were shocked and stunned. Then her eyes closed slowly and the whole person fell.

At this time, there was a small golden man behind her, holding a black long stick, which was the little golden body in Xu’s eyebrows.

"Oh, naive! I really thought that I saw you beautiful, I wouldn’t dare to hit you? Play sneak attack with me, you are still tender!" Xu lacked a sneer, took back the little golden body, and walked slowly toward the white woman.

Behind the eight-headed snake, I was already stunned, unbelievable, and my heart was in awe, and...and this operation?

"What is the Lord of Kunlun, what test is it, see that I don't give you the light, throw it outside to freeze you!" Xu missed the woman in front of the white, snoring and swearing.

When the eight big snakes heard it, they suddenly lit up, and the eight snake heads nodded at the same time. They were excited: "Okay!"



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