Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 982 Demon, Xuanjing

Su Yuan's eyes lit up and he was about to take out the Pulse Setting Pillar.

The middle-aged man in purple robe formed the seal again and said at the same time: "Since you have conquered the divine thunder, I will help you a little more. It just so happens that now I can also easily control the dragon veins as the energy of the secret realm."

As Su Yuan regained the Zixiao Divine Thunder, the middle-aged man in purple robe seemed to regard Su Yuan as one of his own.

At this moment, the middle-aged man in purple robe raised his hand to form a seal, and as the stars in the sky twinkled, three orbs fell down.


As soon as these three orbs appeared, three starlight dragon veins took shape and bit them directly.

The orb's brilliance flourished, and then, the energy from the dragon's veins continuously converged towards the orb.

This speed is much faster than using the Pulse Setting Pillar!

Su Yuan was slightly happy. In this case, he would be able to obtain the dragon vein and leave this place faster.

Zhenjun Xiahou left with Huang Xiang. Now, I don’t know what the situation is like outside...

Outside, somewhere in front of the Starlight Dragon Veins.

Zhuque Yu everyone, Jiang Lan and most of the Zhuque Yu people stayed here.

The Dingmai Pillar has been laid early, and now the task of himself and others is to guard this place.

For most of the day, there was no movement here.

Jiang Lan's eyes revealed her thoughts: "One starlight vein is occupied by Qi Guang, and another starlight dragon vein seems to be controlled by the gray realm monster.

And He Cixi seems to be in a battle, and Lin Sanxi has rushed to support, but now there is communication interference, so I don’t know what is going on..."

When the five dragon veins first appeared, it was fine and they could still communicate with each other. However, as the five dragon veins fully rose, the terrifying starlight energy actually disrupted the communication.

Not long ago, everyone in the Tianxian Division had lost contact with others.

Now, everyone in Zhuque Yu did not dare to act rashly.

First, before there is a new order, it is natural to make every effort to guard the dragon's veins.

Second, if you move around at will, you may be blocked by the Knights of Light or monsters.

"Envoy He, have you contacted other places?" Jiang Lan turned around and asked.

He Zheng, who closed his eyes tightly, said in a deep voice: "Not yet. Many of the ink crows that dispersed were crushed by the secret realm heavenly soldiers, and the rest have not yet reached other dragon vein star pillars."

Jiang Lan frowned and was about to say something else when she suddenly noticed something.

With a raised eyebrow, the water in Jiang Lan's palm compressed at high speed, and in just two breaths, it turned into a huge water dragon tens of meters long and crashed forward!


Seeing Jiang Lan's action, He Zheng, Baili Xu and others were shocked and quickly looked towards the place where the water dragon struck.

But with a flash of inspiration, a figure appeared from the void, spreading its fingers to catch the water dragon's attack.

"Break it into pieces." A cold voice sounded from the stranger's mouth.

The water dragon was shocked, and then turned into a large splash of water and exploded.

"Long time no see, second seat Jiang... Speaking of which, you are still the second seat now..."

Amid the water splashes that filled the sky, a middle-aged man with a broad build and a Chinese-character face appeared among the crowd.

Looking at this man, the faces of everyone in the Suzaku Imperial Palace suddenly darkened.

And Jiang Lan's eyes were filled with coldness, murderous intention was fully realized, and she said word by word: "Liu! Cave! Ming!"

The middle-aged man flew down and landed alone on the ground. It was Liu Dongming who had defected!

Jiang Lan said in a deep voice: "Liu Dongming, you actually dare to appear in front of us... Today, I will kill you!"

Liu Dongming sneered: "Long time no see, but you are more impulsive than before, Jiang Lan."

"Impulsive?" Jiang Lan's eyes widened angrily and she yelled loudly, "You are a bastard. You rebelled against Great Yan and surrounded and killed the True Lord. It would be a shame to die!"

Liu Dongming looked at everyone and said quietly: "If you want to kill me, let's see if you have the strength..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Dongming blocked the water dragon's five fingers with auras of light gathering on them. In an instant, five gray auras as thin as two fingers shot towards Jiang Lan and the others.

"Heavy rock wall!"

Baili Xu shouted low, clasped his hands together, and the turbulent yellow sand swept out, turning into a rock wall to block everyone.

Baili Xu's rock wall is no ordinary rock wall. Baili Ge's accompanying black soil came from him when he was shining star.

However, Baili Xu's accompanying black soil has been refined to the extreme, and it is not much different from the real black soil.

However, under the gray light emitted by Liu Dongming's five fingers, the rock wall only persisted for a moment before being penetrated like tofu and sand.


Jiang Lan shouted, and everyone in Zhuqueyu dispersed!


He Zheng just moved a little slower, and a piece of flesh and blood was wiped off his arm.

"What a clever attack!" Everyone's eyes froze.

Although Liu Dongming was not very prominent before, everyone was a member of Zhuqueyu, so they knew a little about him, and knew that he definitely did not have such strength before.

Divine blessing!

Everyone understood that Liu Dongming's soul power must have improved again.

And in fact, it is the same.

In the past, Liu Dongming's ability could "transform" the objects he came into contact with, making them brittle or lighter, etc.

But now, after the divine blessing, Liu Dongming can use this power on himself to make his skills stronger!

Although it was a casual blow just now, after modification and strengthening, the penetration was fully stretched.

After Liu Dongming emitted five rays of spiritual light, another ferocious gray ball of light slowly condensed out of his palm.

Even a random flash of spiritual light can penetrate a rock wall, let alone the ball of light that is gathering momentum at this moment?

Penetration strengthening, explosion strengthening, gravity strengthening...

In the blink of an eye, the gray ball of light emitted shocking fluctuations and shot towards Jiang Lan from Liu Dongming's hand!

"Triple Rock!"

Baili Xu slapped his hands on the ground in a hand seal, and suddenly two more rock walls gathered in front of him.

But the gray light flashed past, and the rock wall only played a small role, and then it was penetrated one after another with "bang bang bang"!

Jiang Lan's eyes condensed: "Shui Jing!"

As the water light circulated, a three-foot-tall water mirror stood in front of him.

The gray spiritual light suddenly struck, and as soon as it touched the water mirror, it suddenly reflected back.

Liu Dongming's eyes froze, and he immediately turned away.

The next moment, the back-reflected black light passed by Liu Dongming's side and wiped a bloodstain on the left side of his face.

"Oh? It seems that you have indeed made a lot of progress..."

Liu Dongming rubbed the side of his face with his left hand, and as his fingertips brushed against it, the wound healed automatically.

Skin repair!

"You can reflect my power back. It seems that you have really improved a lot." Liu Dongming narrowed his eyes slightly.

Jiang Lan said coldly: "I don't know how much progress I have made, but I just need to be able to deal with you!"

"Can you still deal with me? Really?" Liu Dongming chuckled, "It seems that the original concession caused you to have a lot of misunderstandings and illusions.

In my eyes, you are just an insignificant girl. You were before, and you are even more so now... "

As he spoke, Liu Dongming placed his left hand on his chest, and a strong black light swept up and enveloped his whole body.

Just in the blink of an eye, accompanied by a violent and evil cold aura, a demon man with two horns and northern flesh wings appeared in front of the Suzaku Yu people!

The green flames in his eyes were beating, and his hands were like claws. He really looked like a high-level demon from hell.

"The true form has been liberated, Liu Dongming's true form has been liberated!" Bai Lixu and the others in Suzaku Yu all looked condensed.

Jiang Lan's voice turned cold: "You just fell into the devil's path, Xuanjing Chetian!"

Blue water light rushed up from Jiang Lan's body, and Jiang Lan's body had a large number of blue lines.

In his hand, there is also a jade ruler with shimmering water. There are seven sections on it. The shimmering water is very mysterious.

"Sure enough, liberation has been achieved, and it is a rare liberation in the form of an object..." Liu Dongming's eyes froze, and a deeper and terrifying black light suddenly condensed in the palms of his hands, "Then let me see how powerful this true form is. Be strong...Devil Cannon!"

Liu Dongming threw his hands away, and two groups of trembling black light cannons flew towards Jiang Lan at high speed!

But Jiang Lan did not dodge, and waved the Xuanjing Ruler to block the two demon cannons.

The expected explosion and reflection of spiritual light did not appear. The black light ball was about to explode with great spiritual light, but at the next moment, it was suddenly absorbed by Xuanjing Ruler!

With a "squeeze", the blue water light in the Xuan Jing Ruler suddenly rushed to the third quarter!

Then, Jiang Lan held the Xuanjing Ruler and raised her hand to point at Liu Dongming.

The Xuanjing Ruler's brilliance flourished, and a layer of azure rays of light that was more condensed than the devil cannon released by Liu Dongming flew out from the Xuanjing Ruler and shot directly at Liu Dongming!


Liu Dongming raised his eyebrows and raised his hand to grasp the blue glow.

However, after just a brief contact, Liu Dongming's expression changed slightly...


There was an explosion and water splashed everywhere.

When the light dissipated, the epidermis of Liu Dongming's right hand was torn and a little blood remained.

"Absorb energy, purify and fight back..." Liu Dongming narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Jiang Lan holding a jade ruler in front of him, "I'm looking down on you."

As Liu Dongming said, Jiang Lan's Mysterious Mirror Ruler can not only directly reflect, but also absorb energy and efficiently compress it within the ruler and then release it together!

You can choose to return to the original attributes, or you can choose to convert them into water star power to gain water amplification and strengthen your counterattack!

For the previous blow, the power of the two demon cannons was transformed into a stronger water attack, so it was possible to hurt Liu Dongming!

However, the Mysterious Mirror Ruler also has limitations, and the energy within the ruler will gradually dissipate over time.

The higher the charge, the stronger the power, but the energy will dissipate faster.

Liu Dongming's eyes turned cold: "This ability is indeed very strong and can overcome all energy systems, but..."

The next moment, with a flash of black light, Liu Dongming suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Lan, raising the iron sword high.

"How do you respond to a close attack?"

Not only the star power is strengthened, but the physical body... is also transformed and strengthened!

Jiang Lan's pupils shrank, and she immediately raised the Xuan Mirror Ruler in her hand to block it in front of her.


There was a loud bang, a wave of air exploded, and Jiang Lan was immediately thrown away!

"Mo Net!"

He Zheng waved his langhao pen and drew, the brush and ink intertwined, and an ink net instantly fell behind Jiang Lan, helping him stop.

Liu Dongming raised his eyes and looked around at the people in the field, and raised the corners of his mouth: "Well, rather than die in the hands of others, it would be better for them all to die in my hands... my former colleagues!"

Liu Dongming shouted low, and the demon's wings spread out behind him. In a flash, he wielded his sword to kill everyone in Zhuqueyu...

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