Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 983 The Fool

Under the starlight in the secret realm.

Ruan Jinglun, Meng Zhaiyue, Yang Ming and others from Qilin Yu have also noticed the situation on Wen Renfeng's side and are rushing to provide support.

Ruan Jinglun's expression suddenly changed slightly, and he shouted in a low voice: "Be careful, there is someone in front of you."

Under the night sky, in the slightly drooping night, there was a vague white figure standing in front of him.

Yang Ming and others all stopped and looked ahead intently.

This man has black hair and eyes, an ordinary face, and does not have any powerful, strange or transcendent aura about him. He looks like an ordinary young man in society.

And in his hand, there was still a shining golden coin flicking.

If they met in the city, Ruan Jinglun and others might not take a second look.

But at this moment, everyone, including True Lord Ruan Jinglun, felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Just because the person in front of me is not only wearing a cloak of truth, but the pattern that lights up on it is...


Ruan Jinglun and others' expressions were extremely solemn.

So far, the other Knights of Truth have basically appeared.

And [The Fool], the nominal leader of the Secret Society of Truth who has never shown his face, suddenly appeared in front of him!

"Sure enough, it's this time, friends from the Tianxuan Division."

The Fool smiled slightly, put away the coins in his hand and bowed slightly.

Facing the three masters of Qilin Yu alone, the Fool behaved calmly and looked as normal, as if the two parties were not enemies, but wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with the Qilin Yu people under the starlight.

"I didn't expect to meet the leader of the Secret Society of Truth here!"

Ruan Jinglun, Yang Ming and others looked at the Fool with great vigilance, while Meng Zhaiyue closed her eyes slightly, made seals with her hands, and a strong mental wave quickly moved in all directions.

This is a technique that uses mental power to detect. It is called spiritual recall. Not only is it more detailed than ordinary detection techniques, but it can also detect invisible objects.

After a while, Meng Zhaiyue frowned slightly.

Ruan Jinglun stared at the Fool in front of him, and at the same time asked Meng Zhaiyue in a low voice: "How is it?"

Meng Zhiyue frowned and continued to investigate, while saying: "We have explored more than 20 kilometers in a radius, and no one else has been found yet."

The Secret Society of Truth basically operates in teams of two, so after seeing the Fool, they immediately investigate the traces of the other person.

Before the communication was disconnected, [Star] Stella, who had super long-range attack capabilities, had been killed by Wen Renfeng.

But the Fool smiled and said, "You don't have to look, I'm the only one."

Yang Ming snorted coldly: "According to what He Cixi said, the previous [world] also said that he was a person, but in the end there was a [moon] hidden in the moon."

The Fool's face was slightly dull, and then he smiled and said: "Wood? Although he is capable, he has a lot of thoughts..."

Meng Zhaiyue explored carefully for a while, opened her eyes and said, "I found nothing."

Ruan Jinglun nodded slightly. No matter what, having one less person is a good thing after all.

I just don’t know if this means that the [Fool] in front of me is more difficult to deal with...

Qilin Yu and everyone looked at the fool up and down, but the fool was not in a hurry to take action.

But no matter how everyone looked at him, he was different from the many truth knights they had seen before who had their own personalities and characteristics. He seemed ordinary, like a real "fool".

Yang Ming said solemnly: "You can't tell anything just like this, let me give it a try first!"

Ruan Jinglun nodded slightly and reminded: "Okay, don't get close."

Yang Ming is good at thunder spells. When faced with enemy leaders who don't know their depth, it's perfect to use it to test him from a distance.

"The tiger roars and the dragon roars!"

Yang Ming formed a seal with his hands and shouted loudly, purple and green thunder intertwined, and rushed out in the shape of an exploding dragon and tiger.

The Fool's black eyes dimly lit up, and he snapped his fingers: "Wall of the Chant of Holy Light."

Angels sing praises and the holy light descends!

In the blink of an eye, a beautifully carved jade wall and extremely gorgeous wall of holy light had already stood in front of the Fool.


The dragon and tiger thunder crashed into it, and a burst of dragon roars and tiger roars exploded on the wall of chanting, turning into thousands of violent purple and green thunder and lightning that spread to the entire wall in an instant!

However, no matter how the lightning destroyed it, the wall of chanting stood there firmly, as if it were indestructible!

"The spell is cast so quickly, such powerful star power!"

Yang Ming's heart was slightly frightened, but he didn't expect that the Fool would block his thunder method casually.

Seeing this, Ruan Jinglun and others nearby also froze in their eyes.

As soon as the Fool took action, he knew that the other party was anything but simple!

Most of the Knights of Truth rely on tyrannical soul power. If the Fool's soul power were not enhanced by magic, then his star power would be simply frightening!

However, although the Wall of Holy Light's Ode takes both defense into consideration, it is only one-way, while Thunder is obviously much more flexible!

The seal in Yang Ming's hand changed: "Tingflash Thread Snake!"

The purple and green thunder and lightning that climbed all over the wall of chant gathered together in small streams, turning into more than twenty electric snakes as thick as the mouth of a bowl and scattering in all directions.

This kind of electric snake is extremely fast. After bypassing the wall of chant, it continues to change directions around the Fool like refraction. It is difficult to catch with the naked eye!

"Now, let's see how you hide!" Yang Ming's eyes froze and he clenched his hands, "Kill!"

The electric light flew, and electric snakes suddenly surrounded and killed each other from all directions!

"Sizzling, sizzling!..."

For a moment, all that could be seen was a large area of ​​lightning flashing across the field.

But in the radiating electric light, the Fool's expression remained normal. As his body swayed, the electric snakes that were shooting out from all directions were dodged one after another.

Those extremely fast and ever-changing electric snakes always miss them by a hair's breadth, making it difficult to bite them!

When Yang Ming saw this, he was frightened and the alien power surged up from his body, and a large amount of powerful thunder power surrounded him.


The seal in Yang Ming's hand changed, and lightning flashed over the many electric snakes that were constantly shooting in the field, but they were divided into two, doubling their number!

"Divide again!"

Yang Mingzhi took the thunder seal and shouted loudly, and the many electric snakes that had just split split again and doubled, reaching hundreds at once!

For a moment, only countless electric snakes could be seen flashing around in the field, and everyone outside could barely see the figure of the Fool.

"It's really a bit difficult..."

In the midst of the thunder, the Fool smiled slightly, and an increasingly bright brilliance lit up in his dark eyes.

At this moment, the Fool looked at the thunder in front of him, but there was something else in his bright eyes.

It's still the roaring electric light, it's still the flying electric snake... But, it's not the present, but the future!

Knowing the future, the Fool flashed around, always avoiding the electric snake when it was about to come.

The number of electric snakes around them increased dramatically, but they were still unable to harm them at all!

"what happened!"

Yang Ming was shocked, but after a while his face turned pale, and a large amount of sweat dripped down his forehead.

Compared with the consumption of star power, to effectively control so many extremely fast electric snakes, the consumption of mental power is even more intense.

Even Yang Ming can't support it for long.

Not only Yang Ming, but also Ruan Jinglun, Meng Caiyue and others next to him were also shocked.

Ordinary people, even if they could block these thunders, would not be able to easily dodge under such thunder!

Ruan Jinglun said: "Just explode it."

If such thunder could hit the Fool, it would have already hit him.

At this moment, Yang Ming was obviously interested in "fighting", so he decided to hit the Fool with the electric snake.

After all, not to mention the power, there are so many electric snakes that can't even touch each other's heels, which is simply a joke.

Yang Ming's face looked a little ugly, but he also knew that it was pointless, so he immediately put his hands together and clapped: "Come together, explode!"

All the flying electric snakes connected end to end, forming a huge net of thunder snakes and compressing towards the Fool in the middle.


In the blink of an eye, the thunder exploded, turning into a sea of ​​thunder and submerging the figure of the Fool inside.

Everyone was staring closely into the sea of ​​thunder, wanting to see how this blow would go.

"No..." However, Ruan Jinglun noticed something and looked up to the sky, "It's up there!"

But high in the sky, the holy light flashed out and the figure of the Fool appeared, and he had already rushed forward without knowing it.

The Fool lowered his head and looked down, smiling: "It seems that all your attacks have failed..."

"Damn, this guy...!"

Yang Ming's expression suddenly turned extremely ugly.

At this time, Meng Zhiyue, who was slightly bowing her head, had a light in her eyes, and she had already been preparing secretly.

At this moment, the Fool was avoiding Yang Ming's offensive one after another, looking quite proud. It was the time to relax, and at this time... he gave him a fatal blow!

"Flying Soul Kill!"

Meng Zhiyue closed her eyes and concentrated her energy. A large amount of invisible spiritual power surged, and her spirit suddenly emerged from her body.

However, Meng Zhaiyue had just opened her eyes when she discovered that there was an eight-winged angel holding a flaming holy sword and a cold expression standing in front of her, as if she was waiting for her here!

The Fool's eyes were bright in the sky and he said: "Kill him and your soul will take revenge, Sariel!"

"not good!"

Meng Zhiyue's expression changed drastically, and she quickly gathered her spiritual sword to block it above her head.

However, as soon as the holy flame flashed, the eight-winged angel had already swung the holy sword in his hand and slashed through her body!


Meng Zhaiyue, who had closed her eyes tightly, suddenly widened her eyes, her face turned as pale as paper in an instant, and the light in her eyes was gone!

"Fellow Daoist Meng!"

Ruan Jinglun's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately took out a golden square seal and offered it to him.

"Calm down!"

Under Ruan Jinglun's urging, Jinguang Dasheng tried to illuminate Meng Zhaiyue's soul to stabilize his condition.

But the next moment, the light in Meng Zhaiyue's eyes dimmed, and she completely lost her breath!

Yang Ming and the others at Qilin Yu all had their pupils trembling.

Although some of the other four emperors had died in the Earthly Tribulation, Meng Zhiyue, the chief of the four great hermit sects, was the first to die!

Ruan Jinglun's expression darkened to the extreme, and he immediately shouted: "Li Fang, Han Lin... you go notify other colleagues and inform them of the situation here. Others, follow me to fight against the Fool!"

Everyone dispersed, and in a blink of an eye only Ruan Jinglun, Yang Ming and a few other masters of the Three Yang Realm were left.

The Fool watched this scene with great interest, but did not stop it.

Because in his eyes, these are just minions...

Including, the vast majority of the rest of the field!

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