Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 995 Miracle, White Dragon

Everyone was surprised to see Huang Xiang block the attack of Phoenix's phantom clone and recover from serious injury in the blink of an eye.

Although it was just an illusion clone, it was the illusion of Phoenix after his true form was liberated!

The terrifying strength is definitely better than most Burning Suns.

However, he was blocked by the only Chongyang Realm who was inconspicuous and only provided information.

However... at this moment, Huang Xiang is surrounded by a large amount of green dragon energy, and his star power fluctuations have reached the Three Yang Realm!

The reason why this happened was precisely because of the Azure Emperor Dragon Ball given by Zhenjun Xiahou earlier.

This Blue Emperor Dragon Ball was condensed by Xiahou extracting the majestic star power of his century-old cultivation on the way here!

If someone else had extracted the hundred-year star power, his strength would have been reduced by nearly half.

In other words, Xia Hou's star power was boundless, so it didn't have much influence.

If Huang Xiang doesn't use this dragon ball, then Xia Hou can take it back.

And if Huang Xiang wants to use it, based on his cultivation in the Chongyang realm at this moment, this dragon ball can help him temporarily transcend to the three Yang realms... which is the current state!

"Tian Yu, this guy..."

Wendy frowned, and with a thought, Phoenix's phantom clone moved again.

Holding the holy sword high, raging flames gathered on the sword.

With Phoenix's excessive explosive ability, he raised his hand and struck down one after another with dragon flying attacks!

Wen Renfeng said calmly: "Is it still possible?"

Huang Xiang grinned: "Okay!"

For a long time, Huang Xiang hadn't laughed so happily.

This is in Dayan, in Xuntian Division, in front of the real people, there is no need to pretend!

Huang Xiang rose into the sky, with black sand gathering on his body, and directly hit the blazing fire dragon that was flying towards him!


There was an explosion, and Huang Xiang was knocked back more than ten steps. Even with the protection of black sand and earth, his body was still burned red.

But Wen Renfeng and Phoenix were slightly frightened when they saw this scene.

Just now, that blow could have scorched many parts of Huang Xiang's body, but now it was only burning and red.

This shows that...the threat of this fierce flame to Huang Xiang has been greatly reduced!

After Huang Xiang stabilized his body, he stepped forward and faced the second fire dragon directly.


The flames exploded, and this time, Huang Xiang only took three steps back.

Not only did the burning damage all over his body not deepen again, but it was reduced due to the shockingly high-speed self-healing!

The orange light in Huang Xiang's eyes was extremely bright, and he rushed out again, and the black sand surged from his fist and directly hit the third fire dragon...

"Blow it up!"


With one punch, the fire dragon exploded!

In the raging flames, Huang Xiang flew out and not only smashed the fire dragon with one punch, but most of his injuries had healed, and he arrived in front of the Phoenix illusion in one fell swoop.

Phoenix Illusion immediately wielded the holy sword and struck.

And Huang Xiang directly raised the black sand flowing arm and hit the flaming holy sword directly.

"Clang clang clang...!"

The fists and feet collided with the holy sword at high speed, making a sound like gold and iron clashing.

The sharp edge of the holy sword was unable to cut Huang Xiang, who was protected by black earth and black sand;

The scorching flames were even more difficult to burn through Huang Xiang's fur!

Not only that, Huang Xiang's resistance to flames and sharp weapons is still rising at an alarming rate!

"Rising Dragon Slash!"

The flames blazed, the flames surged, and an extremely bright sword was lifted from Huang Xiang's body in an instant.

But after the sword passed, it only left a moderately deep wound, which suddenly dissipated the next moment.

Huang Xiang grabbed the holy sword and raised his right hand high. A large area of ​​black sand surged up crazily, turning into a huge arm covered with runes, like a demon god.

"Desolate sky collapses!"

Huang Xiang's eyes were full of aura, and he took a picture with his right hand, and the huge arm made of black soil and black sand also took a picture.


The aura exploded, and Phoenix's imaginary body with flowing flames appeared like countless cracks on the ground.

The next moment, there was a "bang" sound, and it turned into an explosion of spiritual light that filled the sky.

"You actually smashed the copy of Phoenix?" Wendy's pupils trembled slightly as she looked at the young man with orange eyes, "A miracle... is this the number one core candidate of the Secret Society of Truth!"

He only relied on some means to temporarily ascend to the Three Yang Realm, but he was able to defeat the phantom clone that had most of the strength of Phoenix!

Wen Renfeng's eyes were bright. She didn't expect that the yellow-haired young man in front of her had such terrifying strength.

In fact, it's not that simple.

That's [Suns] Phoenix!

The reason why Huang Xiang can adapt to the flames so quickly is because when Phoenix used the Purifying Flame, Huang Xiang had already adapted in advance!

So it was okay for everyone else to hide underground at that time, only Huang Xiang was burned like that.


At this moment, Tong Xueer was immediately pushed back.


Tong Xueer, who was already seriously injured, turned pale and clutched her chest.

When Huang Xiang saw this, he immediately flew up and faced Phoenix...

"White Tiger draws his sword...blood colt!"

On the other side, Fang Yuan's blood glow surged and he launched his sword-drawing stance.

The white horse passed by, just suddenly.

When cast under the power of a spell, this is a sword-drawing technique that is so fast that people cannot even think about it!

The blood in Fang Yuan's eyes surged, and a red light flashed across the Fool's body in an instant.

Instantly blood flew up...

The fool held his sword horizontally, and drops of blood dripped from the sword.

Not far behind him, a bloody wound opened on Fang Yuan's body.

"I said, you can't hurt me." The Fool turned around, the golden light of the omniscient pupils in his eyes flowed, and said with a faint smile: "Because your offensive is all in my eyes...there is no escape."


As the wound opened, blood overflowed, and many blood curse marks spread on Fang Yuan's body, and his aura became even worse.

But at the same time, the consciousness in Fang Yuan's eyes became more and more chaotic, the crimson color in his eyes surged violently, blood flowed all over his body, and the blood curse runes on his body were twisting strangely, as if something was about to break out of the shell!

"Kill you!"

Fang Yuan raised his head, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he was about to rise into the sky and attack again.

However, at this moment, five pieces of green wood rushed out from the side and quickly turned into green dragons and wrapped around Fang Yuan's body.

"Xiahou? What are you doing!"

Fang Yuan's eyes surged with blood, and his ferocious look increased instead of falling!

Xia Hou said in a deep voice: "Fang Yuan, if you continue, you will turn into a vampire again..."

Fang Yuan's expression froze for a moment, and then was replaced by fierce ambition.

"I'm going to... kill him!"

Fang Yuan licked the corner of his mouth and stared at the Fool in front of him. A bit of darkness gradually appeared in the blood in his eyes, and a vertical pupil was gradually forming between the black flow!

In an instant, a strange and evil aura suddenly spread out.


The Fool narrowed his eyes slightly, and for a moment, he felt a vague sense of threat.

The turbulent blood light outside Fang Yuan's body gradually turned towards a deep and sticky dark red color. The green wood dragon wrapped around him trembled and was about to be shattered by the dark red blood light.

At this time, Xiahou raised his hand and struck out a green order.

"Qinggami Dingguang!"

The green order was inserted into Fang Yuan's body, and with a burst of spiritual light, countless green runes rushed out.

The dark vertical pupils that had just appeared in Fang Yuan's eyes trembled briefly and then suddenly dissipated, and even the power of the killing blood curse on Fang Yuan's body was rapidly fading.

"Xiahou, you can't deal with him like this!" Fang Yuan said solemnly.

Xia Hou looked solemn, Fang Yuan was definitely the top combat power.

But there is no other way. If Fang Yuan enters the "vampire" state, let alone rescuing him, he will even pose a threat to everyone in the Tianxian Division present!

The vampire has lost his mind and cannot distinguish between friend and foe.

The Fool can avoid attacks, but he, Tong Xueer, Wen Renfeng... can't avoid them!

"You should rest first!"

Xiahou raised his hand to form a seal, and the five green wood dragons expanded in size, biting Fang Yuan's body and dragging him down.

Fang Yuan's heart sank, but at this moment, a figure came to his side. It was He Xianyin who had a pale complexion and had been injured earlier.

"Zhenjun, let me do it." He Xianyin looked at Fang Yuan, who was constantly being eroded by the power of the blood curse, and said, "You have a good rest."

Fang Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Are you okay...?"

"At this time, if you can't do it, you have to do it!" He Xianyin raised his left hand to his chest, with a bright light in his eyes, "The python swallows the dragon!"

In an instant, an extremely powerful white light swayed from He Xianyin's body.

The white-robed Gudang's slender and flexible hands that were originally used to hold the dagger now turned into two ferocious dragon heads.

And the slender, white arms, now like a muscular man, turned into two big arms with knotted muscles and dragon patterns!

"Are you finally willing to be liberated?" Fang Yuan snorted.

Looking at He Xianyin who was gaining momentum in front of him, Fang Yuan thought for a moment and then allowed the five green wood dragons to lead him away from the battlefield quickly.

And He Xianyin raised his left hand that turned into a dragon's head, and the star power surged around his body, flowing into the dragon's head along the dragon's arms, and turned into a ball of extremely bright white light.

"White Dragon Cannon!"


The dragon roared, and a huge white beam of light shot out from the dragon's mouth. The space it passed shook, and its power was heart-stopping!

This is He Xianyin's true form of liberation, the python swallowing the dragon's cannon!

Unlike his usual snake-like nimbleness, dodge, and high-speed assassination, He Xianyin at this moment turned into a fort with full firepower.

Although it is very powerful, it can destroy everything.

But the huge movement of the White Dragon Cannon is undoubtedly completely contrary to He Xianyin's usual combat beliefs and style.

Therefore, this liberation was not liked by He Xianyin, and was even regarded as a shame. After he understood it, he almost never used it... even in life and death crises!

However, now facing a powerful enemy and everyone in the Tiantian Division was in crisis, He Xianyin finally picked up his true form and liberated himself again.

In mid-air, the Fool's expression remained normal, and he immediately swung his sword and struck down.


The sword light fell, the spiritual light exploded, and the severed white dragon light pillar collapsed.

"The power is pretty good..."

The Fool emerged from the aura, holding his sword and looking at He Xianyin and Xia Hou indifferently.

"However, it is not enough."

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