Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 996 Omniscient, attack

He Xianyin's eyes condensed, and he was about to gain momentum again.

And Xia Hou's voice came over: "Don't think about using super powerful attacks to defeat him. Fang Zhenjun has already tried it just now."

Even Fang Yuan's terrifying attack couldn't get past the Fool's omniscient defense, let alone He Xianyin?

He Xianyin's eyes moved slightly, and he immediately understood: "Do you mean to expand the attack area?"

Xia Hou looked at the Fool flying towards him, nodded and said, "That's right!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiahou formed a seal with his hands, and a large number of green trees rose into the sky, with branches growing horizontally.

The Fool's body shook and he slashed out with his sword.

With his own terrifying strength, coupled with the spirit of John above his head, the Fool has great power in every move he makes.

Many green trees were shattered under the light of the sword, making it impossible to touch the Fool.

And He Xianyin also raised his hand again, and the spiritual light surged from the dragon's mouth in both hands. After a moment of accumulation, a white dragon beam shot out one after another, hitting in all directions like a machine gun!

Even Xiahou and Fang Yuan couldn't do such a terrifying covering blow!

The Fool swayed and slashed with his sword, but many beams of light still fell on him.

However, the power of omniscience was deployed, and all attacks did not cause any damage to it.

He Xianyin's eyes moved slightly, he raised his hands, the dragon's mouth aura flourished, and more violent attacks shot out like a barrage.

For a moment, all you could see was the endless scattering of white dragon beams covering most of the sky. The buildings collapsed, the ground exploded, and everything they passed was a mess!

"This White Tiger Yu, besides Fang Yuan, He Xianyin is actually so strong!" Above the Fool's head, the spirit-possessed John was greatly shocked, "But such a terrifying offensive, even if it is the power of the soul, it will only consume the star power. Not too small."

After just a moment, the flesh and blood on He Xianyin's hands had cracked, and his face became a little pale.

Even if it is Gatling, high-intensity continuous output will cause red temperature and overheating, let alone He Xianyin's body?

"Got more!"

Xia Hou's voice came from the side, this alone is not enough!

He Xianyin's eyes condensed, and the white light on his body became stronger, and more dense white dragon beams rose into the sky.

The brilliant white dragon beam almost drowned the Fool's body, and even He Xianyin himself couldn't see clearly.

Suddenly, he suppressed the Fool again after Fang Yuan!

The price is that He Xianyin's star power, which was still quite abundant, is plummeting like a dike at this moment.

"Sure enough, his star power has become a lot weaker!" John, who was originally a light energy body, immediately felt the change in the star power on He Xianyin's body.

The Fool dodged while waving his sword and said, "Really? It seems that there is no need to waste any more effort."

John was about to say something else, but his expression changed slightly, and he felt that the star power fluctuations in He Xianyin suddenly surged like star veins.

"Huh? This is...?"

"Mana Tide!" He Xianyin shouted, the mana tide unfolded, and infinite star power surged out of his chest.

As the only person in Baihuyu who has mastered the double stunt, this second stunt is the mana tide!

At this moment, under the blessing of the mana tide, He Xianyin's hands seemed to be pumped with chicken blood, and more white dragon cannons roared out, with full firepower!

Xiahou's eyes were filled with green light, and thousands of wooden dragons followed his control to surround and kill him.

With such an offensive, anyone else would have fallen victim to it long ago.

But facing the omniscient fool, it is still impossible to hurt him...?


At this moment, the Fool was hit by the White Dragon Cannon again, but was suddenly pushed back, with some blood splashing in front of him.

Although it only took two steps to stabilize his figure;

Although only the skin and flesh were broken, there was no serious injury...

But, the Fool was really hurt!

"You are hurt……!"

Looking over the Fool's head, John's expression condensed.

The power of holy light immediately came down, and those injuries were repaired in just a blink of an eye.

But the Fool narrowed his eyes slightly, and his aura became dangerous.


He Xianyin kept firing the white dragon cannon with both hands, but he felt happy in his heart, knowing that he had hit the Fool.

Although it does not cause any effective damage, it will be the key to cracking the opponent's ability.

He Xianyin glanced at Zhenjun Xiahou who was not far away.

At this moment, Xiahou's eyes were filled with sparkle, and it was clear that he had a unique skill, Yi Xin Wu Chen!

While controlling the Azure Dragon Giant Tree to attack, he was also observing the situation on the field.

He Xianyin continued to release the White Dragon Cannon, not even bothering with his arms being torn apart and blood vessels bursting due to the overload of the offensive.

At this time, Xia Hou suddenly became calm and shouted: "Be careful!"

Before he finished speaking, the sword light was seen tearing apart the blockade of the white dragon beam.

"It's endless. Let's stop with these crude methods!"

With a cold voice, the Fool suddenly appeared in front of He Xianyin and slashed him with his sword!

He Xianyin's pupils suddenly shrank and he wanted to retreat.

But in this state, his hands are quite heavy, and his movements are much slower than his usual agility and speed.

With the sword light standing, blood burst out from He Xianyin's chest, and he was directly knocked away!

Before the Fool could swing his sword again, a large green dragon roared out, stopping the Fool and simultaneously saving the severely injured He Xianyin.

"I understand, your ability." Xiahou raised his eyes and looked at the Fool.

The Fool was about to start, but he stopped when he heard this: "Oh? Really..."

"If before, you could predict the danger, open a parallel world line to avoid the attack, and then jump over, then now..."

Xiahou paused, his expression became a little heavy:

"Now, after you foresee the danger, you can open up more world lines, find ways to avoid attacks and directly kill the threat in the future, and then feed it back to the current body...

So you're still uninjured and don't have to move at all.

At a certain moment just now, after He Cixian's offensive blocked all opportunities you could avoid, you were hit. "

Xiahou's eyes were filled with green light, and he said in a deep voice: "So, as long as we block all possible escape opportunities and extend the attack time as much as possible, then... we can hit you!"

"Amazing... Such amazing insights, almost all of them are correct!"

The Fool clapped his hands and looked at Xiahou with admiration in his eyes.

"However, although you were right, you didn't tell the whole story."

"Didn't you tell the whole story?" Xia Hou raised his eyebrows slightly, and suddenly there was a bad feeling in his heart.

"Do you think that the power of omniscience can only be used for defense?" The Fool tightened his sword and smiled, "Actually... it can also be used for offense."

At this moment, in the Fool's gilded vision, countless Fools who may appear in the future are killing Xiahou with his sword.

In response, countless Xiahou dodge, retreat, or summon Aoki to defend... as if they can see the future in advance!

But at this moment, a Xiahou was beheaded...

In an instant, the fool's eyes were filled with golden light, the corners of his mouth raised, and he flew out!

Just like a simulation, everything is as previewed by the Fool's Vision.

But for a moment, blood burst out, and a long sword wound suddenly tore open on Xiahou Qingdilong's hard body!

Xiahou's pupils shrank suddenly and he was immediately sent flying.

"Azure Dragon Transformation!"

The blue light on Xiahou's five fingers flickered, and he touched the wound one after another. After a while, a strong vitality appeared on his body, sealing the wound.

However, in a moment, the Fool flew over and slashed with his sword.


Blood splashed, and another streak of blood splashed up.

Xiahou activated his vitality and healed his body again.

But Xiahou's expression became more and more serious. Under the Fool's omniscient eyes, it seemed that all his retreats were noticed by the other party!

"Chi... chi... chi!"

The sword light connected, and the Fool struck Xiahou faster and faster!

With splashes of blood, Xiahou was suddenly struck to the ground by a sword.

Even if he has the power to continuously heal his body, the impact on his body after being hit hard one after another is still not small, and the consumption of star power is not low!

Moreover... the previous extraction of a hundred years of cultivation to Huang Xiang had already damaged some vitality.

If this continues, even if you can resist for a while, you will definitely be defeated in the end...

Xiahou pressed the wound and quickly thought of countermeasures while preparing to continue to attack the Fool.

But at this time, they found that the Fool did not fly to kill again, but instead the afterimage flashed and Wendy flew over.

Xiahou suddenly noticed something, turned his head and looked towards Phoenix, and couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

"not good!"


Blazing flames burned the sky, Phoenix's domineering Blazing sword slashed out, blood splashed everywhere, black sand shattered, Huang Xiang fell to the ground like a rag bag, there was no movement and no breath at all!

"Huang Xiang!"

Tong Xueer and Wen Renfeng were both shocked.

But soon, like a candle burning again, a weak aura reappeared and became stronger and stronger!

However, after a moment, Huang Xiang stood up again, and the horrific sword wound on his body that almost cut his body in half recovered at a high speed at the speed of a super-speed regeneration version.

"As expected of Lord Phoenix, you are really awesome..."

Huang Xiang smacked his lips, and the orange-red light in his eyes was much dimmer than before.

Phoenix also raised his eyebrows: "You have already died, can you still come back to life? No wonder you can break free of the mark planted on it, but..."

Phoenix slowly raised the holy sword in his hand: "This time, I will turn all of you into ashes!"

Along with a burst of scorching and terrifying fluctuations, the dazzling golden flames swayed from the sword again!

"No, it's the trick from before!"

Tong Xueer and Wen Renfeng were both shocked.

Turning his head and looking into the distance, he saw that Xiahou Zhenjun was also in a very bad state and was suppressed.

Huang Xiang took a deep breath, and the turbulent black sand roared up and was about to cover Tong Xueer and Wen Renfeng.

"Do not bother me."

Wen Renfeng clenched the Yiming Xuanzhi, the power of cause and effect in his eyes lit up, and he prepared to fight back against Phoenix with the little strength left in his body.

Although Wen Renfeng knew that since Phoenix dared to use this move, there must be a way to avoid his own causal counterattack.

But at this moment, it was difficult for him to maintain his true form of liberation. Even if he couldn't kill Phoenix in one fell swoop, he had to get rid of his life-saving means first!

Wendy had a sudden flash of inspiration and appeared directly behind the Fool, and the afterimage of everything moved out with the Fool.

"The flame of purification!"

Phoenix swung his sword and it exploded like a golden sun.


Xia Hou, Wen Renfeng, Tong Xueer and even Huang Xiang...the pupils of all of them were filled with dazzling golden flames!

Seeing that the golden flame was about to drown everyone, the space was slightly distorted for a moment. There seemed to be an additional figure in front of the golden flame...

Accompanied by a flash of water, the bursting golden flame did not sweep up and down in all directions as before, but was absorbed by the sudden light of water like an oval funnel...

"Second seat Jiang?!"

Tong Xueer and others looked at Jiang Lan holding the Xuanjing Chetian Ruler in front of them and frantically absorbing the power of the Purifying Flame. Their eyes widened in surprise.

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