Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 997: Shoot and force retreat

Yes, it was Jiang Lan who arrived at this critical moment!

At this moment, Jiang Lan, with the water-colored lines on his body having been liberated, was extremely bright with blue light, and he was using all his strength to activate the Mysterious Mirror Ruler to absorb the terrifying flames of Phoenix's Purifying Flame!

For [Devil] Liu Dongming, Xuan Jing Che Tian Ruler really has little effect.

But for such a huge and pure energy attack, the effect that the Mysterious Mirror Ruler can play is beyond imagination!

Water and fire are in opposition, and softness overcomes hardness!

Under such terrifying flames from Phoenix, the energy on the Xuan Mirror Ruler rose sharply, reaching the third quarter in the blink of an eye, and continued to rise without stopping!

The fourth quarter, the fifth quarter, the sixth quarter...

But after a while, the flame of purifying the world began to gradually dim, and in Jiang Lan's hand, the blue water light penetrated the entire Xuanjing ruler...

Section 7!

Instantly, the water light trembled, and the numerous azure runes flickered from the Xuan Mirror Ruler, emitting an extremely brilliant brilliance!

At this time, Phoenix had already noticed the sudden appearance of Jiang Lan and the mysterious mirror ruler in his hand that was emitting astonishing fluctuations.

"This is……?"

Phoenix's pupils shrank and he quickly waved the holy sword in front of him.

"A drop of water penetrates the stone, and the clouds clear the sky!"

Jiang Lan pointed a foot toward the sky, and azure water light like a cloud of sky burst out from the flames, instantly passing over Phoenix's body and clearing half of the sky!

The golden flames collapsed, and Phoenix, who was holding the holy sword, was split open by the rays of light with a look of astonishment on his face... turned into two halves on the spot!

"Kill him!" Huang Xiang whispered.

Tong Xueer was also shocked and confused. Jiang Cixi of Suzaku Royal... killed Phoenix with one blow?

"Is this Jiang Cixi's true liberation?"

Tong Xueer looked at the Xuanjing Chetian Ruler in Jiang Lan's hand. The blue water light on it had completely dissipated after being released with one blow.

Although Phoenix did not understand the liberation of Jiang Lan's true form, the sudden death of such a powerful enemy still made people feel quite uncertain.


Jiang Lan tightened her grip on the Xuan Jing Che Heavenly Ruler and took a few breaths, her face turning pale.

Even with the Mysterious Mirror Ruler, absorbing such a terrifying attack is still not easy.

If there is a slight mistake, I am afraid that I will be burned and killed on the spot!

Not far away, Xiahou was surprised and overjoyed.

It turns out that Phoenix launched the Purifying Flame, and the situation fell into crisis.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Lan suddenly appeared, not only turning the tide and saving himself and others, but also cut open Phoenix in one fell swoop.

"But, how did she suddenly appear? Could it be that..." Xia Hou's eyes lit up, and he vaguely thought of something.

Just as he was about to investigate, he felt something from Phoenix's disconnected body.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple." Xia Hou's eyes moved slightly.

"Second seat Jiang!" Tong Xueer greeted, flew forward and said, "Thank you, it was so timely!"

"True Lord, you deserve it, so do I..."

Jiang Cixi turned around and was about to say something, but suddenly his expression changed slightly and he quickly looked forward.

But he saw Phoenix, who was split in half by a sword from high in the sky. The flowing blood and the falling body suddenly stopped in place as if frozen.

"Illusion!" Wen Renfeng narrowed his eyes slightly.

The next moment, Phoenix suddenly collapsed into a large piece of aura, and it was an afterimage.

Jiang Lan's expression condensed: "Aren't you dead?"

"It seems to be a way to [control] Wendy." Tong Xueer also frowned.

But after a while, the illusion left by Wendy flashed back in the field, and everyone from the Secret Society of Truth flashed back...including Phoenix, who had just been split in half by the Xuanjing Chetian Ruler!

However, Wendy's face did not look good at this moment.

"Phoenix, the scapegoat illusion has also been used up." Wendy said solemnly.

With illusion as the core, Wendy can give it various abilities, such as flashing illusion, fighting illusion, soul storage illusion and even... scapegoat illusion!

However, the stronger the function of these illusions, the greater the consumption and the smaller the quantity.

Flickering illusions can be condensed into hundreds, and can be transferred back and forth between illusions at high speed.

Combat illusion, if it were not a terrifying existence like Phoenix, the illusion that could condense eight three-yang realms at the same level would have almost half the strength of the main body.

You can prepare two of the spirit storage illusions in advance, which can completely replenish the target's star power!

As for the phantom of death... there is only one at most. It can be used on oneself, or it can be used on a marked target in advance.

Just now, Wendy used the illusion of death to block the blow of Jiang Lanxuan's Mirror Ruler for Phoenix.

"Thank you, Wendy." Phoenix nodded, and then looked at Jiang Lan, who was holding a mysterious mirror ruler, "Is Jiang Lan, the second-in-command of Suzaku, actually liberated?"

Wendy formed a seal in her hand and said: "I will restore the star power for you first, and then I will use all my strength to condense the illusion of death."

Illusion runes flickered, and soon, another soul-storing illusion appeared on the right side of Phoenix.

While Phoenix was waiting for Wendy to recover her star power, he was thinking secretly: "Energy absorption can counter energy attacks, so close combat is enough. However, didn't Liu Dongming go to deal with Suzaku Yu's people..."

While Phoenix was thinking, he suddenly noticed something. His expression changed and he turned around and yelled: "Be careful!"


Almost at the same time, Wendy felt an extremely strong sense of death coming over her heart, and her heart suddenly started beating violently.

Without hesitation, Wendy stopped to replenish Phoenix's star power, and the phantom aura began to flow around her body.

In a flash of lightning, a beam of silver light suddenly shot across Wendy's forehead.

However, the next moment, Wendy's aura changed from real to imaginary, and what was penetrated was a flickering illusion left behind.

And it itself, at the critical moment, flickered to the distance with the help of illusion.

Everyone in the field was shocked.

A trace of cold sweat flowed down Wendy's forehead, and her heart was beating violently. If her reaction had been slower, she might have been penetrated on the spot!

However, at this moment, Wendy felt a mysterious force falling on herself.

Wendy's pupils shrank, and she vaguely realized something. She looked up and saw Wen Renfeng holding the black branch tightly in the distance, with plum blossom-like eyes staring at her!

"not good!!"

"Reverse cause and effect!"

Wen Renfeng spoke coldly, and in an instant, Wendy, who had just exchanged places with the illusion, returned to the same place again!


Brains burst out, blood splashed, Wendy's beautiful blue eyes trembled, and a blood hole the size of an egg suddenly appeared on her forehead... and her head was suddenly penetrated by silver light!

"Fei... Ni..."

Wendy continued to seal the spells in her hands, and finally tried to mobilize the spirit storage illusion for Phoenix.

But the divine light in his eyes quickly dissipated, and after one more glance at Phoenix, he closed his eyes and fell down...

On the left side of Phoenix, the illusion of soul storage that was about to replenish his star power suddenly collapsed.

Phoenix looked at Wendy who was slowly falling in front of him, and was slightly startled.


Phoenix has been on the battlefield for a long time and has seen countless lives and deaths, but now when he saw Wendy falling, he couldn't help but feel a little absent-minded in his eyes.

Although at the beginning of the team formation, the other party had a rather cold temperament and did not care much about the life and death of others.

But he always tried his best at work and was a reliable partner to himself, and even gradually changed a lot...

In the distance, the Fool raised his eyebrows when he saw Wendy's sudden tragic death.

Although he can predict his own danger, he cannot predict the danger of others.

There is no doubt that Jiang Lan is not the only one who came to support.

"Wendy is dead?!" John above his head turned pale and couldn't help but exclaimed in shock, "This move? Could it be that person...!"

The fool's eyes moved slightly: "Who?"

John took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Zhenjun Su Yuan, Su Yuan!"


The Fool's eyes narrowed slightly, and golden light overflowed from his omniscient eyes as his mind whirled.

Suddenly, the Fool of the Infinite Future rushed towards Xia Hou, who was pale and breathless below.

Since Phoenix failed to kill the people of the Tianxian Division in one fell swoop, no matter who came, he had to get rid of the True Lord Qinglong before he arrived!

The golden light in his eyes was certain, and the Fool suddenly flew out!

However, when he was about to rush to Xiahou, his prediction of the future suddenly changed.

But he saw a bright sword light appearing in the sky in front of him. Suddenly, it flashed down from the top of his head and killed him!

The Fool raised his eyebrows slightly and immediately waved his sword to resist.


The two swords clashed, and the Fool accurately resisted the sword light, but was still knocked back several steps by the power of the sword!

And before the Fool could stabilize his figure, three more extremely fast sword lights followed him down to kill him!

The Fool hurriedly waved his sword to resist again...

"Kengkeng... Dang!"

Even though the Fool's sword skills were extremely superb, these sword rays were too fast and too strong. After the Fool blocked two more blows, he was still hit by the last sword ray.

With a flash of inspiration, the Fool was unharmed, but was knocked back dozens of meters by a sword!

The space in the field was slightly distorted, and a figure wearing a red bright red bird robe suddenly appeared in the field.

Flowers bloomed in the sky, the four swords around him flew back, and a powerful aura came from his body.

"Everyone, I'm late."

Su Yuan stood in front of everyone in Dayan and spoke slowly.

"It's really Mr. Su Zhen!" Tong Xueer and others were all pleasantly surprised!

Jiang Lan suddenly appeared, and Wuliang Dongxu, who had just killed Wendy in one fell swoop... everyone had already guessed that it was Su Yuan!

Xia Hou looked at Su Yuan in front of him and his eyes lit up: "It's not too late, it's just the right time!"

As Wen Renfeng thought, the plum blossoms spinning in her eyes stopped completely.

The Yiming Xuanzhi in his hand and even the black robe turned white. With a muffled groan, the liberation of the true form that had been difficult to maintain was finally released.

"With this person here, it will be enough to support the situation..." Wen Renfeng's face turned pale, but he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Su Yuan glanced at everyone and nodded slightly towards Wen Renfeng.

With the help of the other party just now, Wendy was killed in one fell swoop, otherwise it would have taken a lot of effort...

"Truth killer, Su Yuan..." The Fool narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Su Yuan, and spoke slowly.

Su Yuan also raised his head to look at the Fool in front of him, raised his hand to hold the demon knife, and chuckled:

"Suzaku Yu Su Yuan has seen the head of truth."

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