Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 998 Evil Fire, Virtual Evil

The two looked at each other, their golden omniscient eyes facing the silver sky flowers. In an instant, a strong energy swayed from the two of them.

The Fool looked at the silver-haired young man in front of him who looked calm and killed Wendy as soon as he made a move and forced him to retreat. He felt a vague sense of a lingering threat.

This was the second time today that Fang Yuan felt threatened since he was about to turn into a vampire, but it was even worse!

"The Fool, resurrect them!" John suggested again in a deep voice, above the Fool's head.

Not only because Wendy died in front of him, but also because of the threat posed by Su Yuan!

The Fool didn't respond. In the golden vision, a large number of shadows of the future were killing Su Yuan!

However, these shadows of the future have not rushed out very far, but they all fell silent as if they were submerged in darkness.

"When we first met, there was no flaw at all..." The Fool's eyes froze.

Omniscient ability is divided into two parts: defense and offense.

When using omniscience for defense, because for "you", the future you see is a given, it is the future in which you are attacked.

Therefore, separate parallel world lines to avoid attacks without disturbing the current direction of the world.

But when it comes to using omniscience to attack, there are countless possibilities.

Because we don’t know what means the other party will use to deal with it, it is more difficult to predict the future and it is difficult to determine.

And if you don’t even know what your opponent’s methods are, it will undoubtedly be even more difficult!

Only by observing and understanding the opponent's methods more can we conduct more effective deductions in predicting the future, and then use the power of omniscience to attack the opponent with certainty!

The Fool has not launched any violent offensive since he appeared, and it is also for this reason.

Not only is the omniscient defense powerful enough to easily consume and defeat the opponent, but it is also used to observe the opponent's skills and methods.

At this moment, Phoenix had already taken the lead.

Infinite flames like the sun rose from outside his body. In just a few breaths, after Phoenix used the Purifying Flame, his star power, which had bottomed out, was restored to perfection!

"It's Mana Tide!"

The expressions of Tong Xueer and Huang Xiang all changed, and even Jiang Lan, who had just come over to kill Phoenix, also had a solemn expression.

In the past, Wendy restored his star power for him, but now he also has mana tide?

Xiahou had also withdrawn and retreated, and said in a solemn voice: "After all, he was a former Sun Knight. If he wanted to unleash that extremely powerful move just now, even if he didn't rely on [Control], he probably had his own way of restoring star power."

Tong Xueer and others also understood this truth, but as a result, Phoenix, whose condition was greatly reduced, suddenly became troublesome again.

In an instant, Phoenix was already approaching Su Yuan with his sword.

Although golden flames were rising in Phoenix's eyes, his eyes were cold and heavy. He swung the holy sword and slashed it down!

Su Yuan raised his left hand: "Infinite."

The space was slightly distorted, but the knight's sword with the holy flame in Phoenix's hand was difficult to cut!


Phoenix spoke in a deep voice, and the flame runes on the sword suddenly seemed to be burning.

The holy sword Nasir can cut through all tangible or intangible objects and energies... and can even cut through abstract concepts!

Therefore, whoever holds this sword will be invincible in every battle and attack!

The flames flashed, burning with immeasurable power, and the sword fell immediately.

Su Yuan raised the demon sword with one hand and held the holy sword with a clang.

The hegemonic aura is flowing around him, and he has not taken a step back!


Phoenix's eyes froze, but he was not surprised. This was something already in the intelligence.

With a thought, infinite flames rushed out of Phoenix's body and converged on the sword!

With both excessive burst and mana tide, Phoenix is ​​now a humanoid nuclear bomb!


Phoenix's eyes blazed brightly, and flames surged into the sky. The endless golden flames like a ring exploded from the holy sword in an instant, drowning Su Yuan in an instant, and continuously surged to form a large ball of holy flames with a diameter of hundreds of meters!

"Su Yuan?!" Huang Xiang was shocked.

Huang Xiang, who has withstood so many attacks from the opponent, knows how powerful Phoenix's flames are!

Seeing that Su Yuan was drowned in flames and Huang Xiang was covered in black sand, Huang Xiang was about to rush forward!

But there was a flash of inspiration in front of him, but it was blocked by a burst of blue light.

Huang Xiang turned around and saw that it was Jiang Lan's Xuan Mirror Ruler.

"Don't worry." Jiang Lan put down the Mysterious Mirror Ruler and said seriously, "The True Lord is not that easy to deal with!"

Compared to Huang Xiang, whom he has not seen for a long time, Jiang Lan can be said to be the person who has seen Su Yuan’s actions the most...

As long as you take action, there will be no mistakes!

Now, Jiang Lan's trust in Su Yuan has even surpassed Nangong!

At this moment, a deep black light suddenly lit up in the coronal fireball of golden flames.

"Flames... I can also use some."

Following the dull sound, the next moment, strange black flames surged up and directly burned a gap in the huge corona fireball.

But Su Yuan was surrounded by black flames, but he was unscathed!

Not only that, Su Yuan waved his hand, and more turbulent black flames swept out, constantly surrounding the golden flames and eating away!

"What a powerful immortal evil fire!"

Phoenix's eyes narrowed slightly. The information about Su Yuan also included two divine items: divine wind and divine fire.

However, since it has not been used for too long, it is suspected that he is temporarily unable to use these two things due to an accident.

Now it seems that not only is it usable, but its power is much stronger than expected.

After all... Su Yuan's immortal evil fire absorbed two kinds of divine fire, the scarlet evil fire and the sunset fire!

The remaining fire of the setting sun is the last remaining fire between heaven and earth before night and under the setting sun.

Although its power is not outstanding, its tenacity is one of the best among the thirty-six kinds of divine fire.

Coupled with the terrifying recovery ability of the Immortal Evil Fire itself, the powerful combination, 1+1\u0026gt;2, this level of defense is almost as good as black earth and black ice!

Even if Su Yuan doesn't have much fire bonus, the power of the immortal evil fire alone can already compete with the holy flames that constantly erupt under Phoenix's mana tide, or even be slightly better!

The golden holy flame and the black evil fire fiercely fought and annihilated each other. For a while, no one could suppress the other.

But at this time, the Fool also moved.

"Holy Light Demon Sealing Barrier."

The Fool raised his hand, and the huge barrier appeared in front of him again. The runes on the barrier flickered, and the terrifying sword light comparable to the dragon flash struck at the evil fire outside Su Yuan one after another!

In an instant, with the addition of the enchanted sword light, the balance between the holy flame and the evil fire was broken, and large pieces of undead evil fire exploded.

Gradually, the roaring golden holy flames and the golden sword light bursting out from the demon-sealing barrier almost suppressed the immortal evil fire to the surface of Su Yuan's body, as if Su Yuan would be annihilated and torn to pieces in the next moment!

But from beginning to end, Su Yuan's expression did not change at all.

It was only at this moment that Su Yuan made a move and slowly raised his left hand.

"It just so happens that this technique has made some progress, so let's give it a try..."

Su Yuan placed his left hand on his chest, and black flames pulsed outside his silver pupils.

"Xu Xie shows his holiness!"


The raging undead evil fire burst out from Su Yuan's body, instantly shattering the flames and lightsaber outside him, and turned into a huge dark demon!

However, unlike before, the Xu Xie Xian Sheng at this moment has four arms.

In addition to the black Amaterasu and Red Moon Kiri in the left and right hands before, at this moment, the two extra demon gods also hold a thunder bow entangled with purple electricity and with gold strings!


In an instant, a frightening and terrifying pressure came from above Xu Xie Xian Sheng!

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