Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1006 Extinction

Su Yuan's body flashed with silver light and he came to the last Fool.

"At this time, I wonder if the time limit of your omniscient defense has been exceeded?"

Su Yuan raised his right hand, and a shining silver cannon appeared in his palm.

After time was frozen, Su Yuan didn't attack the Fool immediately, naturally it wasn't because of Tu Da.

Su Yuan did this in order to delay the attack time as much as possible so as to exceed the "time limit" that the Fool's omniscient defense could predict.

In fact, if you want to break through the omniscient defense and kill the Fool, you must not only use covering tricks to destroy all possible escape futures.

There is another more fundamental and direct method, which is to launch an attack beyond the foreseeable "time limit".

Again, there is no absolute invincibility.

Whether it is the past that Wen Renfeng can reverse by reversing cause and effect, or the future that can be affected by the Fool's Omniscient Defense, such abilities have a "time limit."

Before, he slowly shrank the silver cage, and then used the covering blow of the sword and thunder to kill the fool. In fact, the fool could predict it, but he had no chance to escape.

If you want the Fool to not predict the attack, generally speaking, it is absolutely impossible.

Even if the time limit is small, the Fool can predict the attack a second or two before it comes, and he can also know and dodge it.

But... by freezing time, it is possible to stretch out time and exceed the upper limit that the Fool can predict, making it unable to sense the attack!

In fact, when using the power of omniscience to attack Derivation, the power of omniscience that the Fool can use for defense will be suppressed.

Although Su Yuan didn't know this, in the battle just now, Su Yuan quickly felt that the Fool was obviously much more strenuous and embarrassed than in the previous round of battle, and chose to forcefully bear many of the less fatal attacks. …

This is precisely caused by the shortened “time limit” of omniscient defense, which makes “evasion” more hasty.

Realizing this, Su Yuan immediately changed his strategy, took advantage of the situation, and at the last moment launched the "Soul Fusion and Spiritual Hope" that had never been shown in front of others before.

In the realm of magical powers, the fusion of souls and gods, the harmony of dragons and phoenixes, the interweaving of time and space...

At this moment, a little red light appeared on the soul card that was fused with Luo Bingtong in Su Yuan's body, and it was actually promoted to the level of a half-step myth!

And this "freeze time" move is even more powerful than Luo Bingtong's own use!

Su Yuan raised his hand and pressed an air cannon on the Fool's chest.

The body-protecting aura on the Fool's body quickly shattered, and then pieces of flesh flew everywhere, blood spurted out, and a huge blood hole appeared from his chest on the spot!

As for the heart, it was directly chopped into pieces!

The next moment, the time-stop field disappeared, and time in the field resumed its flow.

Blood flowers exploded in the sky one after another, and many corpses of the Secret Society of Truth fell directly from the air.

"What's happening here?!"

The pupils of everyone in the Tianxian Division below were shaking, and their faces were full of surprise and uncertainty!

Different from the infinite moment, when the time stops, even the memory has stopped for the subject.

Everyone in the Sky Patrol Division felt their eyes blurred as they saw all the Knights of Truth, including Tisa and Phoenix, suddenly die in mid-air!

Such changes, even for super masters like Xia Hou and Fang Yuan, are undoubtedly quite impactful!

The Fool spat out a mouthful of blood with a "wow" sound. Feeling the sudden hole in his chest, his eyes widened.

"...Time stop?!"

Along with the astonishing severe pain, the Fool's vitality and strength were withdrawn from his body at an alarming speed.

"Damn it!"

The Fool looked horrified, raised his hand to seal, and a holy light technique unfolded.

The blood spurting from the blood hole in his chest suddenly stopped, and the wound healed quickly.

Cells are clustered, new meat is gathering, and even the missing heart... actually shows some signs of regeneration!

But... this speed may not be enough to repair the Fool's heart before he dies.

However, the Fool's left hand activated the God's Coin again.

"Su Yuan, you are careless... You will not die immediately if you lose your heart." The Fool's eyes froze, and he forced himself to raise his spirits, "Holy redemption, ten times the healing, that's right!"

With the God's Coin, any ordinary skill can be enhanced into a unique skill!

And the trick... will be strengthened into a trump card!

At this moment, the Fool opened his palm, and on the coin, there was an angel holding a flower... front side!

In an instant, in the Fool's field of vision, an angel holding a vase suddenly appeared above his head.

The holy light above the head suddenly became powerful, and the heart that had been repairing slowly suddenly increased in speed!

"It is indeed a god's coin. Such an ability is really shocking..." Su Yuan stood on the spot and looked at the Fool, but had no intention of stepping forward to hit him. "But, what if it fails?"

When the fool heard this, his pupils suddenly shrank.

At this moment, a mysterious force of cause and effect fell on the Fool...or in other words, it fell on the God's Coin in the Fool's hand!

On the ground below, Wen Renfeng held a plum branch in her hand, with plum blossoms spinning in her eyes...

"Cause and effect are reversed, absolutely reversed!" Wen Renfeng's eyes sparkled with golden light!


The coin that originally had an angel holding a flower and a face-up coin in the fool's hand turned into a demon holding a whip after just a slight blur!

At the same time, the angel holding the flower above the Fool's head suddenly turned into a ferocious punishment demon!

"Is this...?!" The fool's expression froze, and his eyes were still a little dazed. He never expected that Wen Renfeng could do this...


The flesh was cracked, the holy light was shattered, and countless blood-flowing cracks appeared all over the Fool's body. The vitality that was already flowing away rapidly reached the bottom in an instant!

"Are you going to...die?" The Fool's pupils trembled.

Not to mention the terrifying backlash of the God Coin, which is ten times stronger. Even if there is no backlash, it will be impossible to survive if your heart is broken!

"After borrowing so much, you have to pay it back one day, right?" Su Yuan stepped forward and came to the Fool.

Hearing this, the Fool raised his head and looked at Su Yuan in front of him.

Wearing a red bright red bird robe, gold and silver are intertwined in the eyes, and wind, fire and thunder are intertwined around the body. She is rich and handsome, and extremely dazzling...

"I lost." The Fool spoke slowly. Death was imminent, but his tone calmed down unexpectedly. "There are people like you in this world..."

There was some admiration, admiration, regret and...relief on the fool's face.

Su Yuan said: "Actually, there are many masters in this world. No matter how big the world is, at least there are many masters on Blue Sea Star."

The Fool said: "I may have been non-committal before, but just because we are in the Eastern Continent, there is an existence like you... I believe...!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Large areas of blood on the Fool's body exploded one after another, and death was imminent. Even his eyes became trance-like, and he couldn't help but think of the past like a revolving door.

I was born in an ordinary second-level city in Qiguang.

However, because his father is a rare waning moon-level knight in the city, and his mother is a young and promising star instructor in the academy, so... his birth also attracted much attention.

However, the one who attracts so much attention is actually a born "intellectual disability"...

Because he is born with too much mental power, his consciousness is congested, and his thinking and actions are always slower and more difficult.

It was okay at first, but as I got older, when I was only five or six years old, "the mentally retarded young master of the Hart family" soon spread throughout most of the city.

Because of this, my parents were criticized and received a lot of criticism.

But even so, they have never regretted giving birth to themselves, they are extremely gentle to themselves, and they continue to encourage themselves to be strong and grow up well.

At the same time, the parents continued to take risks and inquire around, trying to find a way to cure their "mental retardation"...

However, even after spending most of the money, even after going to big cities, there has been no effect, and the root cause has not even been found...

When he was ten years old, he entered a private aristocratic college and took two-year lower courses...

"It's that big stupid Lenny Hart guy."

"He's the same age as my brother, and he's actually in the same class as us."

"That's because he is mentally retarded...hahaha."


One day, while he was riding on his head while the dog was barking at school, he was caught by his mother who came from get off work early.

The mother, who had always been extremely gentle, cried on the spot. She slapped the children away and took herself home.

"I'm sorry, Hart, it's all mother's fault..." Mother hugged herself tightly and sobbed.

And his father, who had returned from a mission, took him from house to house overnight...

Until later, his father died unexpectedly during a field mission.

And my mother...just one year later, she disappeared while looking for medicine...

He became an orphan and entered an orphanage with the help of his father's comrades.

I have been like this my whole life, a retard.

Unexpectedly, due to the growth of the sea of ​​consciousness, the huge mental power gradually cleared up and returned to normal on its own.

And later, because he was well-behaved and obedient, he was liked by the dean, and he successfully obtained the Soul Enlightenment Card like others, and successfully awakened his abilities...

After that, he left the orphanage and studied in a special academy like other orphans with Star Card Master talents.

After graduating from school, he joined the army like his father.

In the first one or two years, everything was fine. He became the king of recruits and made many military exploits.

But once he achieved great success and became famous, everything changed.

I was inexplicably suppressed and made all kinds of difficulties, and later I was transferred to the city guard of a remote city for long-term support rotation...

And during the mission to eliminate star beasts in a dangerous area, mercenaries actually came to ambush him!

Because of his ability to predict danger, he was alert in advance, and although he was seriously injured, he killed everyone!

When I ran out of strength and was about to escape back to the camp outside the city, I saw the captain of the city guard coming towards me...

I was overjoyed, thinking I was waiting for reinforcements, but the captain of the Shining Star suddenly drew his sword on me!

Just when he was desperate, someone suddenly appeared and killed the captain!

When he uncovered the mask, it was his father's comrade in the early years.

From then on, I learned everything.

It turned out that one of the students who rode on his back and forced him to bark like a dog had a father who was a master of the full moon, and his grandfather was a general in the military.

First, he was slapped away by his mother, and later his father came up to him and asked for an explanation, and he had already formed a grudge.

Therefore, when my father was on a high-risk mission, he was killed by someone who was traveling with him.

And the mother... was also targeted by the other party because she was young and beautiful. In the process of finding a cure for herself, she was captured by the mercenaries and sent away...!

According to his comrade-in-arms, if he had been doing nothing, he would not have told himself this... he would have only taken care of himself secretly.

But he didn't expect that he not only regained his intelligence, but also became a star card master, and his strength became stronger and stronger, which attracted the attention of that family.

The uncle took him to escape from Qiguang, and slowly grew up anonymously...

Later, he took the opportunity to assassinate the student and his father, and found his imprisoned mother.

And her mother looked at herself, feeling both happy and ashamed, but she suddenly committed suicide in front of her...

"What a tiring life..." The Fool came back from the revolving door, and his aura was extremely weak.

"Lanny..." Suddenly, the Fool looked at Su Yuan intently, with a bit of hope in his eyes, "My name is Lanny Hart."

Su Yuan pondered for a moment, then nodded: "I remembered it, Lanny Hart."

The corners of the Fool's mouth raised slightly, and then with a "bang" sound, the coins turned into countless fragments and exploded...

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