Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1007 Collection

"The Fool...is also dead?!"

On the ground, everyone in the Tianxian Division looked at the Fool who exploded into countless pieces in the sky, and they were still a little surprised.

Time was suspended and he instantly killed five resurrected Knights of Truth, and then cooperated with Wen Renfeng to kill the Fool in one fell swoop...

This kind of method is simply astonishing!

It's just that the Fool's omniscience is terrifying. First he was resurrected by the Pope, and then he was able to recover from a broken heart with the help of the God's Coin... Everyone was not sure whether the Fool was not completely dead yet.

Until the rain of blood fell from the sky and fell back to the ground, everyone was finally sure that the leader of the Secret Society of Truth, the omniscient and invincible fool, was really dead!

"Su Zhenjun!!"

He Xianyin, Jiang Lan and others looked at Su Yuan, who was standing in the void above, with the power of time and space intertwined with him, and the wonder in their hearts was indescribable!

Huang Xiang was even more excited: "As expected of Boss Su, you are so powerful!"

Even Xiahou and Fang Yuan had expressions of admiration and admiration on their faces.

In this battle for the Dragon Vein in the Secret Realm of Heavenly Palace, everyone has their own performance, but the shot of this person from high above can definitely be said to have settled the matter in one fell swoop!

"No wonder the higher-ups rated Su Zhenjun as a 'super genius not seen in a thousand years'. Even this is not enough to describe his amazing talent!" Xia Hou praised him repeatedly.

Everyone around him is also convinced that not only is his cultivation talent not seen for thousands of years, but his ability in combat is simply monster!

But at this moment, high in the sky, as the Fool exploded into countless fragments, a golden coin remained in the field.

"God's Coin!" Su Yuan's eyes narrowed.

Su Yuan has deeply experienced the power of this coin.

If the power of this holy weapon can be fully unleashed, it will definitely be the best among all holy weapons!

At this moment, the God's Coin hanging quietly in the air swayed slightly, as if it was guided by something, and the golden light flashed and was about to break through the void.

Although he had failed twice before, Su Yuan would definitely not watch the sacred weapon slip away without doing anything!

"The remaining formation of the Immortal Killer!"

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, red light burst out from all over the formation, and countless sword lights derived from the Azure Four Swords all surrounded the God's Coin. In the blink of an eye, they surrounded it like a millstone and strangled it at high speed in the center.

Golden light overflowed from the God's Coin, and its speed suddenly increased greatly. It flashed at high speed under the infinite red sword light like a butterfly piercing a flower. For a while, no sword light could hit it!

At this moment, a ray of green light shot up into the sky, shooting out a large piece of green light and shining on the God's Coin. The God's Coin, which was flashing at high speed, suddenly slowed down as if it was stuck in a quagmire.

"Su Zhenjun, let me help you collect this treasure!"

Accompanied by the deep voice, it was Zhenjun Xiahou who issued the Qingshen Fixing Light Order from a distance!

The Qingshen Dingguang Ling specializes in defeating the spiritual light magic weapon. Ting Kun's Thunder Accumulating Chain was illuminated by the green light of this treasure and there was no movement on the spot.

Su Yuan's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he immediately controlled the sword formation to kill him.

"Ding ding ding ding...!"

The sound of crisp metal sounded intensively, a large red sword light fell, and the immobilized God's Coin was shaken continuously.

Before this stopped, Su Yuan waved his hand again, unleashing the Immortal Evil Fire, Guixu Divine Wind, Purple Sky Divine Thunder... and even Bing Tong's Ten Thousand Transformations Black Ice!

Wind, fire, ice and thunder, four divine objects rushed out to surround the God's Coin in the center!

The golden light on the God's Coin suddenly shattered and trembled even more violently!

"Divine winds and divine fires... these rare treasures from heaven and earth, it's a rare chance to get one. Su Zhenjun was able to get four of them!" He Xianyin couldn't help but smacked his lips.

Wen Renfeng looked at Su Yuan in the human-dragon state and said, "Three types, Su Zhenjun must have merged with the little ice dragon that followed him before, so he can control the power of time and use that kind of black ice."

However, Tong Xueer crossed her arms and said, "Since they all share the secret technique of merging, and the relationship is already intimate, then of course Little Ice Dragon's can be considered his~ Wen Renci, don't you understand this?"

With that said, Tong Xueer turned to look at Wen Renfeng.

Wen Renfeng's expression froze, and he didn't know how to respond.

Fang Yuan next to him looked slightly condensed: "It's really not easy for a dragon to be able to use the power of time..."

While everyone was talking, Su Yuan, who was high up in the sky, was still concentrating on consuming the power of the God's Coin with the Immortal Killing Remnant Formation and the four divine objects.

If this continues, God's Coin will never escape.

But at this moment, the God's Coin, which had been hit all the time, seemed to be angry.

The spot turned around and a golden light flourished. He relied on his own strength to temporarily lift the seal, and the angels and demons on both sides flew out from the coin!

The angel took out the flower from the bottle with a pious expression, temporarily blocking out the surrounding wind, fire, thunder, ice and sword light.

The devil waved the punishment whip with a ferocious expression, and the whip flew far away and directly flew away the Qingshen Dingguang Ling that released the cyan brilliance.

Then the golden light flashed across the void!

"Huh?!" Xia Hou's eyes flashed with a bit of shock. The green light calming order was actually knocked away by the god's coin?

Su Yuan's eyes also froze, and with a flash of silver light on his body, he was about to teleport forward to stop him.

"Master, I'll come!"

At this moment, Ruanruan, armed with divine blood, suddenly flew out from the side, and the swallowing black light flowed from the slime's body and directly swallowed the god's coin!


Golden light rushed through his body, and he rolled on the spot for a few times with a soft expression on his face in pain before barely steadying his body and stopping.

The dazzling golden light of the God's Coin was also suppressed by the devouring black light on Ruan Ruan's body and continued to be devoured.


Su Yuan's heart tightened, fearing that something would happen to Ruanruan.

But soon, Su Yuan restrained himself.

Unlike the Holy Sword of Narsil and the Scepter of Dagon, at least the Coin of God itself is not a sacred weapon, so it should not pose much of a threat to Ruanruan.

The reason why Ruanruan did this was to use the power of devouring to consume the energy of the God Coin for Su Yuan!

Compared with using tyrannical attacks to fight against the God's Coin, the power of using the Devouring Law to directly swallow the God's Coin is undoubtedly more clever... As long as Soft can bear it!

The black light and the golden light fought fiercely. In order to suppress the coins swallowed into the body, Ruanruan's unfathomable majestic star power was also consumed at an alarming rate.

Just as he was about to lose his support, his soft blue body became more transparent, and a vast and endless wave of star power suddenly spread out!

"Huh??" Fang Yuan was stunned, and even rubbed his eyes, "Slime, knows mana tide?!"

Tong Xueer said: "Have you not heard of Fang Zhenjun? In the Hongmeng Realm, Su Zhenjun's beast-controlling slime has learned a special skill... By the way, it seems that Fang Zhenjun did not perform well in the Hongmeng Realm and failed to master a special skill. ~”

Speaking of this, Tong Xueer smiled slyly.

Fang Yuan's face darkened and he snorted.

Jiang Lan and others next to him heard this, and the corners of their mouths were slightly smiling.

At this moment, Qi Guang's enemies were all killed, and everyone felt much more relaxed.

High in the sky, with the blessing of the mana tide, Ruan Ruan's star power quickly filled up, and relied on the continuous star power to fully activate the Devouring Law to suppress the Holy Light.

Gradually, the golden light of the coins coming from Ruanruan's body became increasingly dim, until finally it completely dimmed...

The water on Ruan Ruan's body flashed, and she transformed into a girl with long sea-blue hair, and she was holding a golden coin in her hand!

"Master!" Ruanruan flew to Su Yuan and handed over the coin excitedly, "It's done!"

Su Yuan looked at her soft and pale face, took the coin and rubbed her head: "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"Hee hee hee!"

After being praised, Ruanruan smiled happily, then transformed into a slime and returned to Su Yuan's shoulder.

Su Yuan carefully looked at the God Coin in his hand. Half of it was an angel holding a vase, and the other half was a demon holding a whip.

The system opened, and a piece of information came into Su Yuan's mind:

【Prayer Coin】

[Quality: Legend (under seal)]

[Introduction: Throwing a coin of fate has fulfilled countless wishes and brought countless disasters...]

"Prayer coin...good!"

Su Yuan was very happy, this was the first holy weapon he owned.

Even if it is a sealed holy weapon, it is a genuine holy weapon!

Regardless of cultivation level or star weapon, the higher you go, the bigger the gap becomes.

A true holy weapon can only be activated by the king level.

And king-level masters rarely possess sacred weapons!

This sacred weapon is indeed quite useless to ordinary people. It may only be used when you are desperate and need to give it a try.

Even for myself, it is difficult to use this sacred weapon.

But there happens to be one person under him who can exert the full power of this thing... even more suitable than the Fool!

Su Yuan stroked the coin in his hand and put it away for the time being.

At this time, everyone from the Tianxian Division had also flown up, and they all bowed their hands to Su Yuan:

"The true king is so powerful that he can kill all his enemies with just a wave of his hand!" (End of this chapter)

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