Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1022 The Pulse of the Western Desert

Su Yuan thought about it: "From this point of view, the rarity of the ninth-level king level is no less than that of the emperor level..."

Bai Ze smiled and said: "That's because the emperor level has been accumulated over countless years.

As for the king level... their potential is exhausted, and they will return to dust after thousands of years. "

"But..." Bai Ze changed the topic, "But now, the situation is a little different."

"Oh? What's the difference?"

Bai Ze changed the subject and said: "Now is the time of the earth's calamity, the earth's energy is surging, the star veins are derived, and the star power of the heaven and earth is even greater.

And in order to compete for the star veins, you and I can see and cannot see, and we don’t know how many people died.

Then do you know...why there is an earth tribulation? "

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly: "Because, the growth of the world?"

Bai Ze nodded and said: "Yes, if the world is compared to people, then our Blue Starfish is a state that has transcended youth and is about to enter adulthood.

If you want to grow into adulthood, you have to accept the pain and trials.

The evolution of the star veins and the rise of the Earth Tribulation is exactly this process.

In the next countless years, not only will the earth's energy continue to be generated, but the world energy level of our Blue Sea Star will also continue to improve, and the laws of the world will become clearer and firmer.

The richer star power of heaven and earth will make the king's people practice faster, and the clearer world laws will make it easier for us to understand. "

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly: "So, there may be more high-level kings in the future?"

"That's right!" Bai Ze nodded.

Su Yuan smiled and said: "It seems that we have caught up with the good time."

Bai Ze's expression moved slightly, but he didn't say much.

After the two chatted for a while, Su Yuan left with Ashley.

While watching Su Yuan leave, Bai Ze muttered to himself: "It's an opportunity, but it's also a danger..."

Bai Ze's eyes revealed his thoughts. According to Lord Ming Wang, there is probably another reason for the earthly calamity, and that is that the world feels a crisis.

The reason why there were some extremely talented sages and even emperors in ancient times was because the world needed these people to accelerate growth.

And now, it seems that the time has come again...

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, three years had passed.

In order to cope with the growing dragon veins, Qi Guang used divine blessings to create batches of "Knights of Truth".

But the quality and quantity are hard to compare with the original Knight of Truth.

After all, in order to build the first-generation Secret Society of Truth, not to mention other resources, a large amount of talent reserves were consumed!

Templar knights, five major families, high-risk prisoners, civilian masters...

All the Scorching Sun masters that could be called upon from various places in Qiguang territory were searched.

Therefore, in the past three years, Dayan and Qiguang have naturally captured all the dragon veins in and around the country, each with seven or eight.

As for some neutral dragon veins born between the north and the south, Qi Guang was only lucky enough to capture two of them in many battles with Dayan. The remaining nearly ten were all captured by Dayan!

Including the Battle of Heavenly Palace and previous dragon veins... Dayan has harvested nearly twenty more dragon veins from the Earth Tribulation than Qi Guang!

This kind of advantage is simply terrifying!

In the battles for dragon veins, Su Yuan defeated powerful enemies again and again and made great achievements. The powerful enemies retreated wherever he went, and no enemy in the north dared to challenge him!

Since the Battle of Tiangong, the prestige of True Lord Suzaku has not only not diminished at all, but has also continued to rise with subsequent successive battles.

Until now, it has already shone to the north and south and illuminated the sky!

By this time, the evolution of the star veins had obviously eased a lot.

From the beginning, new dragon veins would be born in one or two months, but now, you may not be able to see a dragon vein in four or five months.

At this point, the Dragon Vein Eruption has entered a stage of decline, and the Dragon Vein War is about to end...

Enlightenment, roundtable.

"This earthly calamity is coming to an end." Reinhardt said.

"So, we are considered defeated?"

"We only have a dozen dragon veins in total, and Great Yan has thirty. Of course we are defeated, and a huge defeat!"


Several people spoke one after another, but their tone was not very good.

The old man with a goatee in a suit raised his eyes and glanced at Constantine in front of him, and said coldly: "Constantine, the higher ups have high hopes for you and your divine blessing, and have allocated so many resources. As a result, you... Handed such a terrible answer?"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone looked at Constantine.

Constantine looked gloomy and had nothing to explain.

Can't explain it!

Judging from the results, Qi Guang's Earth Tribulation battle was really bad to the extreme.

And the reason why this happens is all because of that person!

Otherwise, in the secret realm of Tiangong, it is very likely that the Secret Society of Truth destroyed the Tianxun Division, and the current situation will be completely reversed!

Su Yuan...!

When he thought of this, Constantine couldn't help but have murderous intent in his eyes.


At this moment, the door to the meeting was suddenly pushed open, and a Burning Sun-level knight hurriedly walked in.

"Lord Constantine, we have important information!"

"Round table meeting, can you come in at will?" Before Constantine could speak, the old man with the goatee shouted immediately.

Another lady in gorgeous clothes said: "Even if it's the information about the dragon vein, it's not worth being so anxious about... It's so unruly. If you can't tell anything important, just feed it to my little guys."

"Squeak!" A green mouse on the lady's shoulder suddenly screamed twice.

The knight's face turned pale, he looked at Constantine, and for a moment he didn't dare to speak casually.

Constantine asked: "Tell me, Ain, what's the matter?"

The knight nodded and said: "Sir, there are signs of dragon veins again..."

Before she finished speaking, the lady's eyes turned cold, and the green mouse beside her had a flash of light before it rushed to the knight and bit it.


Although there was no injury, the knight let out a shrill scream.

The lady's name is Winnie, and her mouse is no ordinary mouse. It specializes in eating souls. If the knight is bitten twice more, he may suffer permanent soul trauma!

"Sir, it's related to that Su Yuan!!" The knight was shocked and quickly said the key words.

Constantine's eyes moved, and with a shake of his hand, a demonic red snake with wings shot out and swallowed the green mouse.

Winnie raised her eyebrows, looked at Constantine, snorted but said nothing more.

The Knights of the Round Table of Qi Guang is an organization that only high-level kings of level seven or above can join.

Winnie herself is at level 7, not as good as Constantine at level 8.

Constantine continued to ask: "Ain, tell me what's going on."

The knight turned pale and said, "The opportunity you have been looking for may appear, sir. A new dragon vein is about to be born on the southwest coast of the mainland. It is called the West Desert, and the actual ruler of this West Desert is Su Yuan, the True Lord of Suzaku." Qingming Palace'!"

Constantine understood it after just thinking for a moment, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Well done, Ain!"

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