Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1023 Arrangement

The knight breathed a sigh of relief and bowed his hands, still feeling a little apprehensive.

Constantine withdrew his gaze and looked at everyone around the round table again, and said slowly:

“This time the Earth Tribulation fought against Great Yan, the result was a huge defeat, and I, Constantine, have to bear the main responsibility.

However, the battle in the Heavenly Palace and even the entire Dragon Vein War in this Earth Tribulation were the reason why the current situation occurred.

A big reason is that Su Yuan, the Su Yuan of the Tianxuan Division! "

Everyone in the field remained calm after hearing this.

Although not everyone is concerned about the Dragon Vein War, the general situation is still known.

And now, many high-ranking kings have heard of Su Yuan's name.

Reinhard said: "Constantine, so your previous preparations can be started?"

Constantine said: "Yes, Lord Reinhardt."

Since there is such a monster in Dayan, how could Qi Guang think of something to do?

However, every time he takes action, there are king-level masters watching over Dayan. Even if he and others want to kill him, they have little chance.

Therefore, Qiguang is also looking for some other methods...

Less than a year later, I unexpectedly found out the news that Su Yuan actually had a big feud with a king in the southern continent!

Through secret contact, the other party decisively expressed his willingness to take action if given the opportunity.

But even so, there has never been a suitable time...

But now, if the new dragon vein appears in the Western Desert, it is very likely that Su Yuan will be sent there directly!

The old man with a goatee said: "However, the battle for the dragon vein is about to end now. The previous dragon vein has been lost, so what's the use of killing him again?

And if we wait until he reaches the king level and want to kill him again, there will be no need to avoid anything..."

Constantine said slowly: "Before the disaster started, this Su Yuan was just a third-level student.

In the early days of the Earth Tribulation, during the Tiger Vein War, he joined the Sky Patrol Division and defeated the Zodiac Star Envoy in the New World battle, winning the Tiger Vein War.

More than ten years later, during the Dragon Vein War, he became the True Lord of Suzaku and destroyed the Secret Society of Truth in the Battle of Heavenly Palace, establishing the outcome of the Dragon Vein War in one fell swoop...

Until now, he is less than forty years old! Burns, what's the use of killing him? ! "

Hearing this, the goatee-bearded Burns was speechless, and everyone else's eyes also showed a bit of surprise.

Such a growth rate, not only in Great Yan, but even in Qiguang, is definitely a monster genius that has not been seen in thousands of years, and the potential is unimaginable!

Constantine continued: "If such an amazing and talented person can be promoted to the king's level...

Not to mention hundreds of years, maybe just a few decades can pose a threat to you and me! "

"Constantine, your words are too exaggerated!" Burns shouted in a deep voice.

Wei Ni also said coldly: "That is, no matter how talented you are, after only a few decades of being promoted to the king level, you still want to pose a threat to us?"

The rest of the people also looked at Constantine without comment.

Everyone here is king level seven or above. If you want to threaten everyone in the field, you have to be king level five or six, right?

Even if Su Yuan breaks through to the king level, he can still break through several levels in a row for decades!

But Constantine snorted coldly and said:

"Before the Earth Tribulation, who would have thought that a third-level student would be able to decide the outcome of the Tiger Vein War a few years later?

During the battle for the tiger vein, he would not have thought that he would also be the key to the battle for the dragon vein more than ten years later.

And now that the Dragon Vein War is going on, how could we have imagined what kind of impact it would have on us in a few decades!

This is only a few decades... what about hundreds or thousands of years later? "

Constantine's every word was solemn and serious!

No one else knows and values ​​Su Yuan as deeply as Constantine!

The master legion he had cultivated with all his strength was destroyed by Su Yuan twice in a row. In Constantine's view, this guy's growth was simply too monster!

Faced with Constantine's words, everyone in the venue became more solemn again.

For everyone present, tens or even hundreds of years are not too long, but suddenly such an amazing guy appears.

Thinking about it this way, the speed of improvement of Dayan Su Yuan is really terrifying...

At this time, Reinhard said: "Su Yuan cannot be ignored. Even if it is not as exaggerated as what Constantine said, it is still a potentially huge threat to our Qiguang.

It would be best if it could be resolved as soon as possible.

What's more, it's the man from the Southern Continent who wants to take revenge, so we just need to cooperate. "

Seeing Reinhardt speak, Burns, Winnie and others nodded and said nothing more.

Constantine said to Reinhardt: "Thank you, sir."

"No need to thank me, I'm just doing it for the empire." Reinhard shook his head calmly, and then said to Constantine again, "It's not only when the dragon's veins are slowing down, but also in the south, it's when the Great Flame is most relaxed. .

Constantine, then contact that person and prepare to take action. "

"Okay!" Constantine nodded in agreement and said at the same time, "In addition, we must try to attract the attention of the Great Flame King."

Reinhard said casually: "It doesn't matter, I'll take care of it. Besides..."

Reinhard looked at the man next to him whose face could not be seen clearly under the holy robe: "Leviathan, help Constantine and the others to hide their traces from being discovered."

"Yes, Lord Reinhardt..."

Xuntian Division, Zhuque Hall.

Fang Qingxiao looked at Su Yuan below and said with a smile: "The Red Emperor said that since the dragon vein is on the coast of the Western Desert, he will directly give it to you as your true king."

Su Yuan's eyes lit up: "Seriously?"

"I take it seriously, firstly because the Western Desert is your territory, and secondly because you have made great contributions many times."

Su Yuan immediately cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, and the Red Emperor!"

First of all, the effect of the new dragon vein is definitely better than the inherited dragon vein that re-condensed the energy after the death of the king.

After all, as of now, as long as the Three Yang Realm masters meet the conditions, they can directly use the new dragon veins to break through quickly!

Secondly, use the inherited dragon vein of the Tianxuan Division, which still belongs to Great Yan.

But the dragon vein of West Desert was given to Su Yuan, and the subsequent ownership rights would naturally be given to Su Yuan and Qingming Palace.

Once the person who uses the dragon vein dies, the dragon vein can re-accumulate energy, recover again, and continue to pass it on!

Since the Phoenix Vein upgrade, Su Yuan could vaguely feel that when he broke through to the King level, it seemed that he would be able to absorb the new Dragon Vein, together with the remaining Dragon Pearl Dragon Vein, into the Green Underworld, which might have some other magical uses.

Fang Qingxiao smiled and waved his hand: "We will still keep an eye on Qi Guang's movements, so just go ahead."


After Su Yuan respectfully agreed, he left the Suzaku Hall.

"The new dragon vein in the Western Desert..." Su Yuan looked thoughtful.

This dragon vein is in the southwest corner of the continent, close to Dayan and far from Qiguang.

In the past, Qi Guang would not interfere with the dragon vein in this position at all, so it would not be difficult to occupy it.

Fortunately, it's time to go back to Qingming Palace.



Inside Su Yuan's residence, Ruanruan and Aixilia came up to him immediately.

Now, Aixilia has reached the Double Ninth Limit with the help of two or three dragon vein remnants.

It's just that the continuous absorption of the dragon's veins residual essence is too intense, and more precipitation is needed.

However, Ruianruan has the law of devouring, and there is no such restriction at all. After devouring the remaining essence of the dragon vein several times in a row, the star power increases steadily!

Su Yuan said to the two of them: "Let's go back to Yuantong Island!"

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