Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1024 Helper

Southern Continent, Yinfeng Valley in the center of Yinming Mountain.

Thousands of mountains and ravines, rugged black rocks, howling wind, not even a blade of grass growing!

At this moment, a group of green clouds came from a distance, fell in the valley, and turned into a skinny old man wrapped in a green robe.

It is none other than Curse King Wen Yun!

Wen Yun looked around, but saw no one for a moment, and immediately shouted:

"Gou She, I'm here to find you!"

The dry and sharp sound spread rapidly in all directions through the criss-crossing passages between the stone walls.

And soon, there was movement in Yinfeng Valley.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

If you look from above, you can see a black wind roaring in all directions at an alarming speed.

After a while, the black wind came close to Wen Yun, whirling and turning into a fat middle-aged man with sharp eyebrows and small eyes.

"Wen Yun, why are you here?" Gou She asked.

Wen Yun said: "I came to ask you a favor. I want you to accompany me to the Eastern Continent and kill someone!"

Gou She raised her eyebrows: "Eastern Continent? Why do you still have enemies in the Eastern Continent? Moreover, the Eastern Continent is not our territory. If we start over there, there will be too much noise, and I am afraid it will cause interference from the forces in the Eastern Continent."

"Don't worry, the person I want to kill is not a king, so I won't waste much effort."

"Not a king?" Gou She was startled.

Wen Yun immediately told Gou She about the situation.

"So, the unknown swordsman from Qixia Mountain who killed three heroes in Dahuang Ridge and helped the monster obtain the dragon's veins turned out to be a master from one of the two major countries in the Eastern Continent?" Gou She said thoughtfully.

Gou She had heard a bit about what happened a few years ago.

Now is the time of the Earth Tribulation. Even king-level masters will occasionally pay attention to the external situation and will not go into deep retreat as before.

"Since you are not king-level and you have made an agreement with the forces over there, you should be able to solve it yourself. Why are you coming to me?"

Wen Yun said: "He is good at moving in space. I need you to help me trap him."

As a third-level king of the Law of Wind, Gou She is good at using the "binding" power of wind.

Even against space-based enemies, it can use its large-scale wind-based abilities to disrupt space, thereby blocking space movement.

"Is this so..."

Gou She's eyes revealed her thoughts, although it was not difficult to kill a Zhuoyang, but she did not want to go to other continents unless necessary.

Forget it for the king's people to cross the continent for activities, the king-level cross-continent, at this time, it might be more troublesome if they are targeted.

"Don't worry, I won't let you run away in vain." Wen Yun turned his hands, and a wind seed that glowed like a firefly appeared in his hand, spinning like a vortex, "You also covet this tornado firefly It’s been so long, if you help me kill that man, I will give this thing to you!”

Gou She opened her eyes slightly, surprised!

This tornado wild firefly is a treasure that Wen Yun found from a secret realm that contains the power of wind laws.

If he could refine and absorb it, he would probably be able to break through the bottleneck of thousands of years and reach the fourth level in one fell swoop!

Before, Wen Yun refused to give anything no matter how much he begged. That was because Wen Yun also minored in the law of wind and planned to use it himself in the future.

Unexpectedly, the other party now took it out so generously.

Gou She asked: "Seriously?!"

"Seriously!" Wen Yun said in a deep voice, "I only have Jiuhua, my only son...I will kill him!"

"Okay! Then I'll let you go!" Gou She smiled lowly and immediately agreed readily.

The two of them took action together to deal with a mere Burning Sun. As long as they eliminated the target in a short period of time and then returned directly, they would not attract the attention of the kings of the Eastern Continent.

When Wen Yun heard this, he couldn't help but nodded with a twinkle in his eye.

In fact, the reason why Wen Yun was so attached to Su Yuan was that in addition to avenging Wen Jiuhua, he also felt threatened by Su Yuan.

Because Constantine also "incidentally" informed Wen Yun of Su Yuan's evil deeds over the years.

Now it is certain that Su Yuan will ascend to the king level. With his terrifying combat power and the power of the great powers behind him, he will definitely be a huge threat to Wen Yun!

Wen Yun was not lucky enough to think that even though he almost killed Su Yuan, the other party would still "ignore past grudges."

The opponent is such a genius and his strength has grown by leaps and bounds. Sooner or later, he will come to the door, so he must solve it as soon as possible!

Therefore, Wen Yun would rather give up the tornado and wild firefly, and this time he would call Gou She to completely kill the opponent!

On the coast of the Western Desert, Yuantong Island.

On the island, headed by Yang Yifeng, Murphy, Antonis, Situ Bai, Li Su, Teng Jinghua and other core members of the Qingming Palace, as well as all the gang members of the Qingming Palace, were all looking at the east sky in the square.

Everyone's faces were filled with strong joy and anticipation, because today, the Palace Master is about to return!

The earth calamity has been going on for such a long time, but no one knows that their mysterious palace owner is the Suzaku Lord, who has unparalleled combat power in the Great Yan Xuntian Division and is famous throughout the Eastern Continent!

After all, Su Yuan didn't even hide his name.

At first, some people were slightly grudged, but as Su Yuan's increasingly terrifying achievements and his invincible appearance shone like a true sun across the continent, everyone was filled with only fanaticism and admiration!

That's his own palace master... He's actually so awesome!

"I wonder what our palace master is like?"

On the square, some newcomers to Qingming Palace were even more curious.

"Let me tell you, the palace master is very young and very easy-going." said an older man.

"real or fake?"

The man said: "Of course it's true...but the palace master doesn't show mercy when he kills people!"

A few years have passed, and with the growth of star veins, Qingming Palace has more and more star veins!

There are more and more newcomers, not only the huge Yuantong Island, but also the other Seven Star Islands have already reached considerable scale.

"Ma Hui, you actually dare to talk nonsense about the palace master!" The hall master leading the team immediately scolded him, "If you are caught by the people of the execution hall, you will not be polite!"

The two immediately fell silent, and Ma Hui, who said "Kill without mercy", immediately slapped both of his mouths.

Upon seeing this, the hall master withdrew his gaze and continued to look eastward excitedly.

And just when he looked back, some spatial fluctuations suddenly appeared in mid-air.

Then there was a flash of silver light, and a silver-haired young man was already standing in the void.

Hunting in a black robe, with fluttering sleeves, and brilliant silver eyes overflowing with energy!

"Long time no see, everyone." Su Yuan looked at the people in Qingming Palace below and said with a smile.

There was a slight silence in the field, and then, loud shouts resounded throughout the world.

"Palace Master!!"

Antonis, Li Su, Teng Jinghua and other hall masters led many members of the gang to bow in unison.

Yang Aoshan, Situ Bai, Situ Hao and others were also very happy when they looked at Su Yuan!

Su Yuan flew down and landed in front of Yang Yifeng.


"I'm finally back, Su Yuan!" Yang Yifeng looked at Su Yuan in front of him and laughed.

Su Yuan looked at Yang Yifeng in front of him. The look on his face was much better than before.

If you were a dying person before, now you are a dead tree that springs back to life!

Su Yuan smiled and said: "Thank you teacher for guarding Yuantong Island for me."

Yang Yifeng said: "I can't help you in the dragon vein dispute, so I naturally have to look after this place for you.

However, in fact, it’s the same with or without me. I’m just here to take care of myself.

Antonis and Li Su manage this place very well, and coupled with the awesome reputation of your Lord Suzaku...

Not to mention the local forces in the Western Desert, even the surrounding forces from the Fire Luo Kingdom and Xunyang Territory did not dare to offend in the slightest. "

Su Yuan smiled and said, "No matter what, thanks to the teacher being here, I can feel at ease."

Yang Yifeng stroked his beard and laughed.

And Su Yuan glanced at Murphy, Antonis, Yang Aoshan... and even everyone in Qingming Palace behind him.

"Let's go back to Qingming Palace!"

Inside the Qingming Palace.

Everyone above the level of palace master is there.

In addition to the original core members, there are also three new Zhuoyang Palace Masters. Looking at Su Yuan on the master's seat, they are all enthusiastic and nervous.

Su Yuan releases Aixilia.

After each hall summarized it, Li Su finally said:

"Palace Master, during the Earthly Tribulation, five tiger veins were produced in the entire Western Desert. We have two in Qingming Palace, and there are nearly a hundred other wolf veins and dog veins!"


Su Yuan nodded. Before the earth catastrophe started, the star power of Yuantong Island was very strong. Now, as expected, more earth energy has gathered to form the tiger veins.

On the eight islands with one master and seven assistants in the Qingming Palace, two tiger veins can be born, which is enough to support the practice of twenty Burning Suns.

Su Yuan glanced at everyone present and directly explained his purpose:

"The reason why I returned to Qingming Palace this time is because dragon veins are about to appear in the Western Desert!"

"Dragon Veins?!"

Everyone in the field was shocked. Western Desert actually had dragon veins!

The five northern regions, such as the Xunyang Region and the Black Wind Region, had already had dragon veins born during the Earth Tribulation.

Although the West Desert occupies no less than any of the five regions, its star power is sparse compared to the central five regions.

Now that dog, wolf, and tiger three-level star veins are being born one after another, and the star power is getting stronger, is it finally laying the foundation for the birth of dragon veins?

This is definitely good news for West Desert!

And for Qingming Palace, it is even better news.

Li Su swallowed his saliva and asked excitedly: "Palace Master, that, that dragon vein..."

Su Yuan said: "This dragon vein will belong to us."


Everyone was overjoyed and excited!

In addition to Su Yuan who will definitely be promoted to the king level, there will be other king levels in Qingming Palace in the future!

And Antonis, Li Su and other core members knew that although Yang Yifeng had never made a move, he was still king-level!

Everyone was overjoyed.

At this time, Teng Jinghua said thoughtfully: "Is it Jianjia Island?"

Li Su's eyes also lit up, and he quickly said: "Palace Master, the star power on Jianjia Island has changed drastically before. I think it is Jianjia Island."

This is the difference in background between the forces.

As early as many days ago, Dayan had predicted that the dragon veins in the West Desert were about to form.

As for Qingming Palace itself, it was located near the dragon veins. As a result, no one noticed it until the dragon veins were about to form.

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