Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1037 Skill Development

Su Yuan raised his fingertips, and suddenly there was a little strong wind element surrounding his hot fingers, and the threads seeped into it repeatedly.

The wind assisted the fire, and suddenly a stronger wave came from the fingers.

However, this is just the beginning.

Su Yuan concentrated on controlling the power of fire and wind, intertwining the two in a more reasonable way, and ensuring that they would not be disordered.

After a while, Su Yuan successfully superimposed the power of wind and fire to the current limit and stabilized it completely.

However, this doesn't stop there.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, thunder leaped with a "Zila" sound, and some purple thunder rushed towards his fingers carefully.

But at the moment when these thunderbolts intervened between the wind and fire, the already violent energy fluctuated violently, and exploded at Su Yuan's fingertips with a "bang" in less than half a second.

"As expected..."

Su Yuan watched as blood seeped out from his fingertips and the flesh was slightly broken.

Although it is not an important injury, it is obvious that this process failed...

"Without the coordination of the three elements of wind, fire and thunder by the three-phase god, even this level of elemental resonance is not that simple, let alone the magnitude of the three-color sky god jade..."

Su Yuan smiled and shook his head.

It is true that he can summon the three-phase diagram and use the three-phase god to easily gather the three elements of wind, fire and thunder at his fingertips...

But in this way, it would be like using a cannon to swat mosquitoes. Gang Yanzhi itself is just a handy close-quarters skill.

"Then system, deduce this skill for me!"

The system panel flickered slightly, and soon a new line appeared.

[New skill development: Estimated stardust consumption: 180w, do you want to continue? 】


As Su Yuan responded, the system blurred slightly and a new message appeared:

[Unnamed skill 1]

[Status: Under development (0/100%)]

[Laws: The first level of the law of fire, the first level of the law of wind, the first level of the law of thunder]

[Estimated stardust consumption: 180w]

[Estimated time: 3 days]

On the Stardust system, the 180w Stardust froze immediately and then began to be consumed slowly.

"3 days, 1.8 million stardust, using systematic deduction to replace my own experiment..." Su Yuan's eyes lit up and he nodded secretly.

This has two benefits.

First, it can completely save your own time.

Lower-level skills are okay, but higher-quality skills are more complex. Even if they can be successful, the time spent is unimaginable.

If Su Yuan didn't have the three-phase god-controlling trick, he wouldn't even be able to balance the three divine objects of wind, fire and thunder, let alone develop the three-color sky god jade.

Second, it can avoid consumption and accidental injuries in the process of developing skills.

Blessed by the power of law, any attack has great power.

Just developing low-level skills can injure one's fingers, and developing mid-to-high-level skills can even cause serious injuries.

"I just don't know how effective this deduction is..."

Su Yuan's eyes revealed as he thought, if it were him, the three powers of wind, fire and thunder would come together, and if it really succeeded, it should be at least a second-level skill...

"Since there are still three days left, let's go out first. I have been in seclusion for so long, so it's time to report to the department."

Su Yuan's body flashed with silver light, and he left the Qingming Realm first...

Suzaku Hall.

Jiang Lan, who is already at the king level, is reporting to Fang Qingxiao in the palace:

"Your Majesty, in the past month, all countries, including Qiguang, have been keeping a low profile and trying their best to digest the star veins of the earthly calamity. There has been no action for the time being."

"Okay." Fang Qingxiao nodded slightly, thought for a while and then asked, "Is there any movement at the entrance to the gray world in and around the country?"

Jiang Lan said: "There is no new news from the regiment guarding the Military Supervisory Department for the time being.

A few days ago, we also sent several envoys to select some entrances to sneak in and investigate.

The monster garrison at these entrances is as usual, and the strength and manpower have not changed much compared to the past. "

"Really..." Fang Qingxiao rubbed his chin and raised his eyebrows slightly, "Logically speaking, the barrier between the gray world and our blue starfish should be getting thinner and thinner.

The Gray Realm has locked onto our Blue Sea Star for a long time. For more than ten years, there has been no movement other than the Battle of Heavenly Palace.

If they want to advance, the Gray Realm Imperial Court should gradually mobilize more troops.

If we want to retreat, after so many years, we can also reduce the manpower appropriately.

If we don’t advance or retreat now, it doesn’t seem like a good thing..."

Fang Qingxiao thought secretly for a while, shook his head and said, "Then let's do this for now."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Jiang Lan nodded and was about to leave, but after a moment of hesitation, she asked, "Your Majesty, Su Zhenjun... I wonder what the situation is?"

Fang Yuan, Xia Hou and others have already made a breakthrough, but now almost a year has passed, and Su Yuan has not made any move yet.

Jiang Lan didn't believe that Su Yuan would fail to break through, but she didn't know why he hadn't come out yet.

Speaking of Su Yuan, Fang Qingxiao couldn't help but have a smile on his face: "If I guessed correctly, he should have broken through long ago."

"Huh? Have you broken through already?" Jiang Lan was startled.

Fang Qingxiao nodded and said: "He has his own space. Even if he breaks through, we may not be able to sense it. The reason why he has not come out..."

Fang Qingxiao flipped his hand, and a golden-red Junyang True Fire appeared in his hand.

"I think he is using his magical objects to understand other laws."

Jiang Lan was confused: "Other laws, what do you mean...?"

Fang Qingxiao waved his hand to disperse the flames and said with a smile: "Sacred fire and other objects are rare treasures in the world. They are innately carrying the power of laws and help to understand the laws.

When he comes out, he may not only be the king of the space avenue, but maybe... he will already possess many of them! "

Jiang Lan was slightly stunned, could it still be like this?

At this moment, Fang Qingxiao vaguely noticed something, and suddenly chuckled:

"I really mean Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!"

But with a flash of silver light, a young man with a delicate face, silver hair and silver eyes appeared outside the hall.

Then he took one step forward, shrank into an inch and came directly to Jiang Lan.

"Su Yuan, I've seen Mr. Fang." Su Yuan bowed and saluted, and then said to Jiang Lan next to him, "Prince Jiang."

Jiang Lan looked at Su Yuan and found that the other person seemed to have fluctuations in various powers.

Obviously he had to break through first, but instead he felt bursts of pressure from the other party!

Fang Qingxiao smiled and waved his hand: "You and I are both at the king level, so there is no need to bow, just raise your hands."

With that said, Fang Qingxiao stood up and walked to Su Yuan, looking at him carefully:

"Okay, okay! Feng Huo Lei, how can you condense these three laws so quickly?

Counting your own space laws, that is the law of the four systems!

Having just entered the king level, he will be able to master the laws of the four elements within a year...

Don't say I've seen it, I've never even heard of it! "

Su Yuan did not hide it deliberately, and Fang Qingxiao immediately saw Su Yuan's progress.

"The Law of the Four Elements?!" When Jiang Lan heard this, her heart suddenly shook and she looked at Su Yuan in great surprise.

Su Yuan smiled and said: "I also have the divine objects of wind, fire and thunder, otherwise I would not be able to understand these three laws."

Fang Qingxiao said: "It is only because of your ability and opportunity that you can obtain these three divine objects!"

Su Yuan said politely, then asked: "Your Majesty, I have been in seclusion for a long time. Are there any developments in the outside world now?"

Back to business, Fang Qingxiao immediately stopped smiling.

“Right now, all the forces outside are hiding their capabilities and biding their time, and there is no movement for the time being.

However, the gray world makes me a little worried. It stands to reason that the spatial barriers between the worlds are getting weaker and weaker, and something should be done more or less now. "

Su Yuan looked thoughtful, but did not speak casually.

I am new to the King level and have come out of seclusion. I still don’t understand many things.

Although the realm is higher now, the level to be dealt with has also increased, so we should be more cautious.

If there is really a place where you need to exert your own efforts, the company will naturally make appropriate arrangements depending on the situation, and you only need to follow the arrangements.

Fang Qingxiao said: "Su Yuanqi has just broken through to the king level, so he is not in a hurry to practice again. He can take this opportunity to relax and adjust his condition."

"Yes, thank you, Your Majesty, for reminding me."

"Also, since you have made a breakthrough, you can go to the Treasure Hall whenever you are free. After all, the reward for your Earth Tribulation Technique has not been fulfilled yet."

"Yes." Su Yuan agreed with a smile, but almost forgot about it.

After another exchange with Fang Qingxiao, Su Yuan and Jiang Lan left together...

In the imperial capital, the family courtyard of the Tianxian Division.

While Tang Shiyan was cooking the vegetables, he said, "Hey, Brother Yang, our neighbors have become more and more polite to us in the past two years.

Xiaolin next to us knew that we like to eat native chicken, so she made a special trip to send two more. "

Su Yang said: "After all, my son made great achievements in the first few years!"

"It's a pity that Xiaoyuan hasn't been back for a long time. It must have been a year..." Tang Shiyan sighed and even stopped cooking in his hands.

Seeing this, Su Yang stepped forward and patted her back gently, comforting: "The very polite young man who came here twice before is in the same department as my son. His name is Xiang, Xiang..."

"My name is Xiang Dingqian."

"Oh yes, Xiang Dingqian!" Su Yang said suddenly.

Tang Shiyan rolled her eyes at him angrily: "That's still classmate Xiaoyuan, you can't even remember that!"

"There are so many people coming..." Su Yang laughed, and then said, "Didn't my young man say last time that my son is now in retreat to break through a key realm? This is a good thing, right?"

After hearing Su Yang's words, Tang Shiyan was a little worried.

"It's been almost a year, nothing will happen to Xiao Yuan..."

Su Yang said: "You are really worrying...it's okay. How can anything happen if your son is so powerful? Don't worry!"

Tang Shiyan reacted and quickly said "bah bah bah" to the side, secretly cursing himself for not being crow-like.

At this moment, there was a faint knock on the door.

"Huh? Did someone knock on the door?" Tang Shiyan asked doubtfully.

Su Yang said: "It seems there is."

The two stopped what they were doing and looked out of the kitchen.

Sure enough, there was another "dong dong dong" sound at the door. However, the sound was very small.

"It was so quiet that I thought it was a thief." Tang Shiyan smiled, stepped forward to open the door, and saw a tall, black man over two meters tall standing at the door!

Tang Shiyan was slightly frightened at first, but he quickly recovered.

"Are you...Murphy?"

"Yes, I'm Murphy." Murphy scratched his head shyly, "A-aunt...you still remember me."

The taciturn, cold and fierce Master of the Black Scale Hall of Qingming Palace, Mo Fei, was full of restraint and caution when facing the defenseless woman in front of him.

If someone from the Western Desert saw such a posture, they would probably be so shocked that their eyes would pop out!

"Hey, look what you said, how can I not remember this!" Tang Shiyan smiled and recalled, "That year, monsters appeared in Guangchuan City, and Xiao Yuan went to work with the army. Thanks to you, Xiao Ai, and Xiao An They are protecting us, the couple, and many people in Guangchuan City."

"Hello Aunt Tang." At this time, Antonis also poked his head out from behind.

"Xiao An is here too, why are you all here?" Tang Shiyan looked surprised and greeted quickly, "Come in quickly, come in quickly!"

Antonis smiled and said: "We have been in the imperial capital a long time ago, but we have been retreating in Yanting with the boss, and we only came out today."

"Really, then Xiaoyuan..."

Antonis smiled and said: "The boss is coming back today, but he went shopping with Ruanruan and the others."

"Really?!" Tang Shiyan was immediately pleasantly surprised, "This kid, just let him know in advance when he comes back. What kind of food should he buy..."

Tang Shiyan said with a smile, but his eyes were full of smiles.

Antonis smiled and said: "So, uncle and aunt, please stop cooking for now. Today, the boss and the others are going to cook in person."

"Okay, okay!"

Tang Shiyan was also very happy.

In the evening, Su Yuan cooked a big meal himself with the assistance of Ashley and Ruanruan.

Afterwards, the whole family, including Mo Fei and others, had a happy meal together...

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