Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1038 Method of improvement

The next day, Murphy and Antonis returned to the Green Underworld to continue practicing.

After the breakthrough, Su Yuan stayed at home to relax and spend a few days with his parents.

Ruanruan and Aixilia coaxed Tang Shiyan into smiling and happy for the past two days.

On this day, Su Yuan was rubbing the slime soft in his arms and playing chess with his father Su Yang.

Next to them, Ashelia and Tang Shiyan were watching the battle seriously.

But at this moment, Su Yang frowned and kept groping his chin, seeming to be at an impasse.

"Brother Yang, try this move..." Seeing Su Yang's indecision, Tang Shiyan couldn't help but interrupt.

Su Yang's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he pretended to ponder for two seconds before taking this step, but said:

"Honey, you are a true gentleman watching chess without speaking. I have already thought about this move, but I just need to think about it more!"

"You have a tough talk..." Tang Shiyan snorted coldly, "You are no match for Xiao Yuan. How about you ask Xiao Yuan to give you a ride?"

At first, Su Yuan originally wanted to let his father take over.

However, Su Yang thought he was quite capable and confident, and with several ladies at home watching, Su Yuan had to go all out!

As a result, he has been defeated in three consecutive sets so far, and this is already the fourth set.

Even though Su Yuan is not good at chess and has no skills, as a king-level master, his computing power is far beyond that of ordinary people... Dealing with ordinary people is a complete dimensionality reduction attack.

It was rare to see his father being so deflated, Su Yuan found it interesting and didn't give in~

At this moment, Su Yuan was about to move the chess piece, but suddenly he noticed something, his eyes lit up, he glanced at the chess game and then dropped the chess piece.

"Hey!" Su Yang's face suddenly lit up with joy, and he immediately took a step forward, "Son, you've fallen into a trap!"

It turns out that Su Yuan's move just fell into Su Yang's trap.

In this way, in just a few rounds, Su Yang seized the opportunity to reverse the situation in one fell swoop, and finally made a comeback.

It has to be said that among ordinary people, Su Yang's chess skills are really very high.

"Finally won!" Su Yang laughed, his face full of excitement.

Su Yuan sighed, shook his head and said, "One careless move and one step behind. Dad is awesome!"

Su Yang said proudly: "That's right, I have very few opponents in Zongheng Community. It's no joke..."

"Okay, okay," Tang Shiyan next to her couldn't stand it anymore, "My son asked you to do it, and you're still working hard!"

"Give? Where did you give in!" Su Yang glared and was about to say something.

Su Yuan quickly smiled and said: "No, dad is indeed a good chess player!"

Ashley also said: "I didn't see Uncle Yang's skills. I didn't expect the boss to lose like this. Uncle is so awesome."

Ruanruan: "Puff!"

Su Yang's complexion became better again when he heard Ashelia and Ruanruan say the same thing.

Su Yuan stood up and handed Ruanruan to Ashley to hold, and said with a smile: "I have something else to do, Ashley, please stay with my dad for a while."

"Okay, boss."

Sitting in Su Yuan's seat, Ashley felt the residual warmth under her body, and her face turned slightly red...

After Su Yuan returned to the bedroom, he entered the Green Underworld.


Su Yuan called out in his heart.

The system panel is immediately displayed in front of you.

Su Yuan pulled it directly to the bottom...

Sure enough, the skills being developed have taken on a new twist!

[Unnamed skill 1]

[Quality: third grade]

[Introduction: Quickly condense the three elements of wind, fire and thunder on your fingers, and use the violent reaction of the energy of the three elements to cause an instant high-burst single-on-one attack! 】

"It's actually a third-grade skill!"

Su Yuan's eyes lit up and he was very surprised.

It's not that a third-level skill is very important to Su Yuan, but that the development ability of the system skill module is too strong!

Su Yuan estimated that if he created this skill himself, he might be able to complete it in a few days, but it should be at the second-grade level.

To strive for excellence from the second level to the third level, even if you spend half a month and a month, you may not be able to do it!

"It seems that this skill module is like a computer, deducing almost all possibilities at high speed and finding the optimal solution as quickly as possible."

After just one experiment, Su Yuan almost figured out the functions and efficiency of the new module. He nodded secretly and was quite satisfied with it.

"Then let's give it a try."

Su Yuan raised his right hand, and the fragments of the law of wind, fire, and thunder in the origin of the star sea lit up, and then the star power transformed into the elements of the three series of wind, fire, and thunder and rushed out, converging towards his fingers in a carefully designed and perfect trajectory.

By the time it reached the fingertips, most of the wind, fire and thunder had already merged, and they only staggered slightly before they came together like water and milk.

Whether it's consumption, time, or stability... everything has reached the point of being picky.

At this moment, Su Yuan's right index finger seemed to be turned into energy, causing wind, fire and thunder to emit, faintly emitting a violent and unparalleled wave!

Su Yuan poked out a finger, and a small hole suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.

But it wasn't over yet. The wind, fire and thunder outside the small hole suddenly became extremely bright, with black, gold and purple colors crawling in all directions like spider webs!


There was a muffled sound, and the void in front of Su Yuan was directly transformed into a void by the fusion and explosion of the energy of the three systems!


Su Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly and his gaze fell on the index finger of his right hand.

Without the power of space, it would be several times more difficult to destroy the void.

Although the attack range of this finger is limited, it can be said to be quite practical due to its quick energy accumulation, low noise and full explosive power.

If it were used directly with divine fire, divine wind and divine thunder... the power might be close to that of an ordinary fourth-level skill!

According to what Yang Yifeng said at the beginning, intermediate skills are almost within the scope of magical powers.

Fourth-level skills are already comparable to ordinary supernatural powers.

The sixth-grade skills are top-notch magical powers.

As for advanced skills above level seven, they are similar to the ‘pseudo-sacred weapons’ in epic star weapons, transcending legends and approaching myths.

Only a very few legendary skills can reach the seventh-level skills, such as [Sword Controlling Thunder God].

As for the ninth-level skills... they may be comparable to myths.

Su Yuan was very satisfied and his eyes returned to the panel.

"Unnamed...its power is pretty good, so let's call it Xiangjie Finger."

[Confirmed to name ‘Unnamed Skill 1’ as ‘Xiang Jie Finger’? 】


The system panel blurred slightly, and then the new skill appeared under [Silver Cage].

[Xiang Jie Finger]

[Quality: Level 3]

[Introduction: Condensing extremely destructive three-series elements into the fingertips to cause instantaneous super destructive power, no cooling down]

[Upgrade: Space Law: (Level 3)]

"Can the developed skills be upgraded later?"

Su Yuan's eyes lit up, this was a good thing.

Moreover, the third-level space law can be upgraded, and the requirements do not seem to be too high.

After resting for a few days, Su Yuan also began to practice at the king level.

Through the transformation of the king-level body from the origin, one can perceive the laws of heaven and earth and understand the beauty of them...

But it is different from the time when he was promoted to the king level, where he accumulated a lot of experience and improved the laws of space by several percentage points.

At this moment, if I want to understand the law again, my speed is extremely slow.

In the blink of an eye, ten days and a half month passed.

Su Yuan woke up from his meditation, and after a while he opened his eyes.

"System." Su Yuan called out the system.

【Su Yuan】

[Level: King Level 1]


[Space Law: First Order (4.1%)]

[Law of Fire: Level 1 (3%)]

[Law of Wind: Level 1 (2%)]

[Law of Thunder: Level 1 (2%)]

"4.1%? It's finally a little progress." Su Yuan shook his head and smiled, "If it weren't for the Stardust System, I wouldn't even be able to feel the progress of the power of the law..."

It seems that the system is still helpful for this.

Compared to others, I have a system and can at least clearly observe the growth of the power of law.

But this speed is really like a turtle crawling...

For the king level, the origin of birth is no longer so dependent on how strong the star power of heaven and earth is.

As long as the law grows and the realm rises, the star power will slowly grow.

Therefore, the current Phoenix Vein has almost no advantages for cultivation.

Even at the current speed, it would take at least ten years to grow to the second level of the king level, not to mention that the further you go, the slower your cultivation becomes.

In fact, with the power of the [Infinite Black Phoenix] Soul Card and his clearer perception of the power of space, Su Yuan's cultivation speed is not slow among king-level players.

Those who can cultivate to the king level are basically masters who have evolved their soul cards into legends during the Burning Sun stage.

Everyone is a legend, and the gap is no longer that big.

"We have to find a way to quickly improve our cultivation..."

Su Yuan thought for a moment, then stood up and left the Qingming Realm.

In the living room, Aixilia is accompanying Tang Shiyan in sorting out teaching materials.

Ruanruan is still making final preparations to break through to the king level in the Qingming Realm.

"Boss." Seeing Su Yuan come out, Ashley stood up and said.

Su Yuan nodded and said to Tang Shiyan: "Mom, I'm going to Yanting first."

"Okay, Xiaoyuan, please be safe."

Su Yuan smiled and shook his head, and immediately went out to Yanting.

Suzaku Hall.

Fang Qingxiao motioned for Su Yuan to sit aside.

"I expected that you would come to me." Fang Qingxiao smiled.

Su Yuan got straight to the point: "Your Majesty, King-level cultivation is different from that of the King. Is it really just such a slow accumulation?"

"Of course not. If this is the case, all the kings will have no desires and needs. They can just find a deep mountain and old forest to retreat all the time."

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly: "Please give me your advice."

Fang Qingxiao said slowly: "If a king wants to speed up his cultivation, there are usually three ways.

The first is a treasure that can directly absorb the power of the law.

If its own law is the same as that of the treasure, refining the law will naturally improve the progress of its own law. "

Su Yuan looked thoughtful, the tornado firefly he got from killing the Cursed King was such a treasure.

Fang Qingxiao continued: "The second is the elixir.

After all, treasures that can directly absorb the power of the laws of heaven and earth are rare. However, through alchemy, many treasures that cannot directly enhance the power of the laws can be used to refine the fifth-level holy elixir of laws, so that the power of the laws in it can be more or less. How few can be absorbed by the king level! "

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, is it alchemy...

Speaking of which, although he later promoted alchemy to the level of a master, he never used it.

"Elixirs are also the most common method. Qigong Si Dan Palace has developed a large number of elixirs, which has greatly increased the utilization rate of fifth-level treasures.

Apart from some opportunities, the holy elixir from Qigong Division is indispensable for the fact that I have been able to cultivate to this level. "

Su Yuan nodded, feeling the benefits of "power" again.

If you rely solely on yourself, even if you are lucky enough to get some kind of fifth-level treasure, it may not be suitable for you and you will have to exchange it with others.

Even if you are lucky and can exchange for the treasures you need, you still have to find other alchemy masters to refine the holy elixir...

Among them, the energy and cost required are quite large, and it is also full of surprises.

And in Dayan, whether it is the Tiantian Patrol Department, the Military Supervision Department, the Education Department...

No matter which department you are in, as long as you perform meritorious service, you will have the opportunity to obtain the holy elixir of law that suits you!

Supplementary explanation of the approximate strength of the ninth-grade skills, and slight adjustments based on suggestions from book friends in the comment area:

The Sky God Jade and Silver Cage in front were changed from the fourth level to the fifth level, and Yang Yifeng's Blade Storm was adjusted to the seventh level unique move.

The values ​​​​are not sensitive enough/hold your fists/hold your fists

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