Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1048 Six Demonic Statues

Dongfang Yi was slapped away, his body cracked, and large amounts of blood dripping down.

"Uncle Dongfang... was also defeated?!"

All Taishangmen disciples were shocked. It was unimaginable that the powerful Dongfang Yi could be repelled by Ma Liang on the opposite side.

Dongfang Yi himself looked gloomy, looking at the six Ma Liang standing on the rolling yellow water opposite!

"He actually has so many incarnations!"

Golden light circulated around Dongfang Yi, and the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques were running rapidly, slowly repairing his body.

With the terrifying defense of the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques, although the injuries were serious, they were far from being seriously injured and difficult to recover from.

But at this moment, the fight with Ma Liang, no matter what the actual situation is, is at least a "discussion and exchange" in name.

As far as sparring is concerned, being beaten like this in public can already be considered a loss.

But as the former chief disciple of the Supreme Sect, he still bears the honor and disgrace of the sect... How can he just let it go?

Dongfang Yi's eyes flashed, and finally his gaze sank. The Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills were activated to the extreme, and once again transformed into a golden light, and suddenly rushed forward!

"Uncle Dongfang is up again, we can fight again!" The Taishou disciples exclaimed one after another.

The disciples of the Blood Fiend Sect sighed with disdain: "That Dongfang Yi from the Supreme Sect is really just sparring. How can he still attack after being beaten like that? Do he have to fight to the death with Uncle Ma!"

Yao Bing's eyes moved slightly, but his expression was as usual, but he didn't say anything to stop him when he saw this scene.

"It seems that Brother Dongfang Dao is still unwilling to admit defeat..." Ma Liang sneered, and with a wave of his hand, he raised the water from the underworld and hit Dongfang Yi.

Dongfang Yi rushed directly into it without dodging.

Eighty-Nine Mysterious Techniques are top-notch magical powers that are comparable to those of the sixth grade. They have an incomparable physical body, extraordinary magical power, and can resist negative states. It is not a problem to bear the water of the underworld!

And that’s not all…

"The laws of heaven and earth!"

Dongfang Yi's body was filled with spiritual light, and his body suddenly expanded several hundred feet, and he hit the underworld like a Xuanmen King Kong.

The Eight-Nine Mysterious Technique combined with the Law, Heaven, Elephant and Earth, the superimposed power of the two Taoist sects can reach the seventh level, overwhelming the surrounding underworld and the flood of water, pressing towards Ma Liang step by step!

Seeing this, Ma Liang had a thought in his mind, and all six Ma Liang raised their hands to form seals.

"Yellow Spring!"

In an instant, the space shook, the underworld transformed, and the endless water of the underworld poured from the void and kept pressing on Dongfang Yi, making his body become much slower...

However, it is just slow.

A bit of a sneer appeared on Dongfang Yi's face, and he waved his hands continuously, and the roar of golden light continued to shatter large areas of underworld water.

Although he is under stronger suppression, Dongfang Yi has great power in every move he makes. It will only be a matter of time before he breaks through the underworld!

Seeing Dongfang Yi getting closer, Ma Liang made another move.

The star power surged in his body and exploded with all his strength, making Dongfang Yi's huge figure hundreds of feet tall even more sluggish.

At the same time, five incarnations flew out together and landed around Dongfang Yi in Fa Tian Xiang Di.

The six Ma Liangs all raised their hands and formed seals at high speed. Gradually, different demon phantoms appeared behind all Ma Liangs.

"Six Paths Demon!"

In an instant, the Huangquan water that was originally surging violently around Dongfang Yi suddenly stagnated, and then the dim light emitted and the yellow light surged!

Accompanied by the deep and terrifying aura of the Demon Court Supreme, a huge six-path demon statue rose from the water of the underworld.

The figure of several hundred feet was even larger than that of Fa Tian Xiang Di's Dongfang Yi, and there were six ferocious-looking demon heads all over his body.

Dongfang Yi noticed the terrifying aura on the demon statue, and was frightened. He immediately turned around and punched the demon statue!

However, with one punch, the demon only took half a step back. The bloody eyes in the six demon gods' heads all glanced at Dongfang Yi.

Dongfang Yi's heart skipped a beat, and he actually felt a little frightened. He raised his hand and a mysterious hundred-foot golden mace fell into his hand and stabbed it towards the chest of the Six Paths Demon Statue!


The golem let out a low growl.

It seemed that some skin was broken, but it was not punctured.


Dongfang Yi's eyes widened slightly. The black light golden mace was extremely powerful and specialized in destroying evil spirits. It could also cooperate with the laws of heaven and earth to greatly increase its power, but it was actually blocked by this demon statue.

Dongfang Yi was about to make another move, but at this moment, the demonic energy on the demon statue twisted, its muscles were tangled, and he suddenly waved his arm and directly grabbed the golden mace!

The terrifying power was such that even Dongfang Yi, who had the Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques + Fa Tian Xiang Di, could not escape.

Dongfang Yi decisively let go of the Xuanguang Golden Mace and was about to retreat.

But at this time, the bloody light in the eyes of the six heads of the demon was extremely intense, and each of them actually had a demon soul condensed by the Soul-Life Divine Water flying up and rushing towards Dongfang Yi.

Dongfang Yi was suddenly shaken, and the golden light on his body kept trembling, as if the Eight-Nine Mysterious Gong was resisting something!

"Not good, Uncle Dongfang!"

"W-what kind of trick is this? It looks terrifying!"

"I don't know. Anyway, it's not the Blood Evil Sect's trick. I've never seen the Blood Evil Sect have such a trick!"


Many disciples of the Supreme Sect looked at the ferocious demon statue high in the sky in inexplicable horror, feeling extremely terrifying.

Yao Bing seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Han You coldly and said: "The magical power of the underworld demon sect is really extraordinary..."

Han You smiled and said: "Yao Lingzun deserves the award."

Yao Bing's expression darkened, and the secret passage was indeed the magical power of the ancient Underworld Demon Sect.

As an ancient demon sect that could once be compared with the Demonic Heaven Palace, its inner secret skills are by no means ordinary!

Now that there is a disaster, the Blood Evil Sect has been inherited by the Huangquan Demon Sect, and I am afraid that it is really possible to take advantage of the opportunity to rise and revive some of the power of the Huangquan Sect.

From this point of view, today's move is not just Ma Liang's personal wish, but it is probably the beginning of the rise of the Blood Evil Sect.

Yao Bing calmed down her thoughts after thinking. She will talk about the future later. At this moment, Dongfang Yi's situation is quite bad...

On a guest-welcoming peak outside Taishangmen Mountain Gate, the ninth-level king of Taishangmen was waiting here quietly at night.

At this moment, Ye Xiaose suddenly opened his eyes and looked up to the east.

Not long after, several rays of light were seen flying from a distance and falling. They were the people coming from the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect.

This time the group came to Tai's house, and Lou Zhen also brought Linghu Yao and Fu Chaosheng to accompany them, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

"Brother Ye, I've been waiting for a long time." Lou Zhen said with a smile, leading Su Yuan and others forward, "I didn't expect that Brother Ye would greet me here in person."

Ye Xiaose smiled and said: "First the Sword Emperor sent a message, and then the Sword Master came in person... Emperor Xuan personally ordered me to come, so naturally I can't neglect it in the slightest."

As he said that, Xiao Se's eyes fell on Fang Qingxiao and others, and his eyes moved slightly: "Are these fellow Taoists from the Eastern Continent?"

Fang Qingxiao cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Fang Qingxiao from the Great Yan Kingdom in the Eastern Continent has met Xiao Lingzun."

Ye Xiaose nodded: "Your Majesty, Ye Xiaose, would like to welcome some fellow Taoists."

"Usually, only distinguished guests come out to welcome guests, not to mention that today Brother Ye is here in person. Fellow Daoist Fang, I have benefited from your favor today." Lou Zhen said with a smile.

Fang Qingxiao smiled again: "Thank you for your trouble, Lao Yelingzun."

Ye Xiaose said: "Fellow Daoist Fang, you are so polite. Several people have come across the continent, so naturally we have to show enough courtesy.

But this is not the place to talk, I will take you back to the sect first. "

In the bleak night, a large swath of colorful clouds gathered at the feet of everyone as they waved their hands, lifting everyone up and heading towards Taishangmen Mountain Gate.

Wherever he passed, the sky was filled with colorful clouds, and it didn't take long before he entered the mountain gate.

"Huh? There seems to be a lot of movement over there." Linghu Yao looked behind the Qunyu Gate and suddenly said, "There seems to be the aura of the Demon Sect."

Ye Xiaose took a look and said, "Someone from the Blood Evil Sect came to the door today."

Fang Qingxiao was quite surprised: "Oh? People from the Demon Sect still dare to come to your sect?"

"He said it was a competition between the new kings and he even issued a challenge."

"Really, there is such a thing." Linghu Yao showed some interest in his eyes.

Su Yuan, Fu Chaosheng and even Yuchi Zhan were also quite curious.

Seeing this, Lou Zhen smiled and said: "It's better to come early than to come by chance. Brother Ye, I wonder if it's convenient for me to go over and have a look?"

"Of course, no problem." Ye Xiaose nodded, just in time to see what was going on, and immediately urged Caixia to go over there...

On the square, Yao Bing, who was staring closely at the field, suddenly noticed something and looked up at the colorful clouds in the sky.

"Has Senior Brother Ye come over...and there seems to be a few auras on it. It seems that it has received guests from the Wanjian Shen Sect and Donglu."

Although Caixia blocked the exploration, Yao Bing could still vaguely feel some tyrannical auras.

As Yao Bing was thinking, Dongfang Yi's spiritual light became increasingly dim under the soul attack of the Six Paths Demon Statue.

After a while, in a flash of spiritual light, the Heaven, Earth, Heaven, Earth, and Eight-nine Mysterious Arts were all released.

Dongfang Yi's pupils trembled, his eyes were blank, his eyes widened and stopped motionless in mid-air.

Ma Liang squeezed the seal with his hand, and the six-path demon statue shook slightly, and slowly sank into the endlessly turbulent underworld water around it.

Looking at Dongfang Yi in the "soul-departed" state, Ma Liang sneered, and with a wave of his hand, Huang Quan's big handprint condensed and slapped Dongfang Yi again.

"Bang!" With a sound, Dongfang Yi fell to the ground again, and there was no sign of waking up.

"Fellow Taoist Master, I accept the concession." Ma Liang smiled, and with a thought, the five incarnations also sank into the water of the underworld.

"Oriental Spirit Master?!"

All the disciples of the Supreme Sect cried out in surprise. Dongfang Yi was slapped back by Ma Liang again!

Yao Bing's face was also very ugly, not that he was worried about Dongfang Yi's safety.

Everyone in the Taishangmen can kill Ma Liang, but unless Ma Liang wants to die, it is impossible to do anything to the people in the Taishangmen.

I just can’t lose anymore, especially Senior Brother Ye above, and even the guests from Donglu are watching!

If he is truly invincible, wouldn't he lose face to the monks in the Eastern Land?

Not only the Southern Continent, but also the Eastern Continent will be embarrassed!

"Bring him back!" Yao Bing said solemnly.

Ye Shuying immediately jumped out to Dongfang Yi's side and brought him back.

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