Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1049 Qixia Mountain Sword Cultivator

Yao Bing quickly checked Dongfang Yi's body, and it seemed that his soul was unstable and slightly affected.

As he turned his hand, a glimmering ice needle landed on his fingertips, and shot into the Dongfang Yi Shenting acupoint with a flick of his finger.

Dongfang Yi was shocked, his eyes widened in excitement, his thoughts were still stuck in the fierce battle, and the star power in his body was about to explode subconsciously.

"Senior Brother Dongfang!" Ye Shuying shouted in a low voice.

Dongfang Yi came back immediately and understood the situation in front of him at a glance. His face was alternately green and red, and his fists were clenching!

Ever since the Earthly Tribulation, Dongfang Yi felt that he had been in trouble.

Originally, in the earthly calamity, he should be the first one to ascend to the throne!

In the battle of Qixia Mountain, once he reaches the king level, he will overpower the devil and become the number one king of earthly tribulation, earn face for the sect, and at the same time become famous in the Southern Continent.

Just when he was about to succeed, he was plotted by a vicious beast, and his success failed and he almost died!

After he was promoted to the king level, he was overtaken by Mu Kexian, who was originally of low strength, but came up from behind.

But at this moment, facing the challenge from the Demon Sect, he was finally able to use his methods to regain his prestige, but he was beaten to the point of vomiting blood and defeated in front of everyone in the hall!

Since the Earth Tribulation, it can be said that everything has gone wrong and suffered setbacks one after another!

Dongfang Yi's heart became more depressed when he thought of this, and with a "pop", another mouthful of blood spurted out!

Everyone in the Supreme Sect was speechless when they saw this, while the monks of the Blood Evil Sect were greatly boosted in morale.

Han You laughed loudly and said loudly: "Yao Lingzun, my nephew Ma has fought three times in a row. If there is no one left to fight again, then this is the end of the day."

"Wait a minute!" Yao Bing said coldly, "Since we said we wanted to have a good discussion, why did it stop here?"

Han You raised his brows: "What about Han Lingzun? Do you want to send a veteran king to fight, or... do you want to force us to stay here?"

There was a faint cold light flashing in Yao Bing's eyes, and finally he snorted coldly and said:

"Mozun Han is joking, since Taoist Fellow Ma wants to discuss the Dharma with a master, I won't hide it when I come to visit you.

In fact, although Master Nephew Dongfang is quite good, he is not the strongest new king after the Earthly Tribulation of my great master. "

"Oh?" Ma Liang was already interested before Han You opened his mouth, "Who else is coming to visit?"

Yao Bing said: "Wait a moment, I'll call her over right away."

"Okay, then I'll be waiting."

Ma Liang nodded. Since the completion of the Six Paths of Underworld, he has never met an opponent.

I originally wanted to defeat Taishangmen Dongfang Yiye Shuying first, and then go to Dugujiu of the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect.

Looking at it now, could there be any surprises in this visit?

Han You's eyes moved slightly, and he suddenly remembered something.

Although he did not attend the new king's gathering before Dao Sect, Han You also vaguely heard that there was another rising star in Tai Sect.

In fact, everyone in the Demon Sect really had no impression of Mu Kexian.

During the battle at Mukexian Qixia Mountain, he was only in the Chuyang realm, and he followed Su Yuan and didn't appear much after that.

After the Dahuang Ridge, he went into seclusion directly. After the storage tank, he broke through to the king level with the help of the dragon veins obtained by Emei Lingzun on his behalf, without any achievements at all.

If Mu Kexian hadn't suddenly broken through to the second level two months ago, he would not have had a higher reputation than Dongfang Yi and Ye Shuying in Taishangmen.

However, Han You also knew that since he had gone to the Supreme Court, he and others would not be able to leave if they wanted to until the end...

"Huang Yu." Yao Bing called.

A female cultivator from the Three Yang realm at the back immediately flew forward: "Master Yao!"

Yao Bing ordered: "Go to Xuannv Peak and call the priest's nephew over."

"Yes, Master!" The female disciple agreed immediately, and then turned into a wisp of spiritual light and flew deep into the mountain gate.

At this time, the colorful clouds in the sky also flew down, and many figures headed by Ye Xiaose appeared.

"Senior Brother Ye, Master of the Lou Sword!" Yao Bing stepped forward immediately and said respectfully.

Dongfang Yi and all the king-level and supreme disciples around him were also shocked when they saw Ye Xiaose and others, and they quickly bowed.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zun suddenly appeared here, and Lord Ye Sword of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect was also there.

The strong are respected. Ninth-level kings like Lou Zhen have already stood at the pinnacle of the emperor. Such figures will receive the greatest respect wherever they go.

Han You from the Blood Evil Sect opposite him had his eyes fixed, and he secretly wondered why Lou Zhen from the Wanjian Shen Sect came to visit him?

Moreover, looking at the people behind them, they seem to be neither members of the Wanjian Shen Sect nor members of the Supreme Sect...

Ye Xiaose nodded slightly and said to Yao Bing: "I am passing by with a guest this time, and I just happened to come over to see the situation."

"Thank you for your trouble, senior brother." Yao Bing nodded, his eyes falling on Fang Qingxiao and others behind him, "I think these are fellow Taoists from the Eastern Continent, right?"

Fang Qingxiao nodded and said with a smile: "Fang Qingxiao from the Great Yan Kingdom in the Eastern Continent."

The other party's aura was stronger than his own, and Yao Bing did not neglect him. He immediately bowed his hands and said, "Your Majesty, Yao Bing, has met fellow Taoist Fang."

"Are you actually a monk from the Eastern Continent?!"

Many disciples from the Supreme Sect and the Blood Evil Sect looked at Su Yuan and others with curiosity. Even the tense atmosphere due to the competition was diluted by the arrival of a few people.

It is really rare for a king-level monk from the Eastern Continent to come to the Southern Continent.

But when Ye Shuying, Dongfang Yi and other new kings laid their eyes on Su Yuan, who was at the back of the crowd, their eyes suddenly widened.

"Huh?? It's him...!"

When Yao Bing heard the low cry, he turned back to look at Ye Shuying and others, and found that several people had shocked expressions on their faces!

"Shu Ying, Dongfang, do you still know these fellow Taoists from the Eastern Continent?"

"Uncle Yao, he...he is the unknown swordsman from Qixia Mountain!" Hao Lingyun looked at Su Yuan in surprise.

"What?!" As soon as he said this, Yao Bing had no reaction, but many disciples in the field exclaimed!

The unknown sword cultivator first defeated the evil demon in Qixia Mountain, and then killed the three heroes of the Taoist sect in the Dahuang Ridge. Finally, he was suddenly chased by the Rogue Cultivator Curse King, and his whereabouts are still unknown.

This unknown sword cultivator had a mysterious identity to begin with, and since he hadn't come out for so long, everyone thought he was dead.

Unexpectedly, when we meet again today, we will meet as a king-level expert from the East Continent!

The Earthly Tribulation had just passed, and most of the disciples of Qixia Mountain's Wuming Sword Cultivator knew that, for a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Su Yuan!

Fang Qingxiao smiled and said: "Because of some things before, our Ambassador Su came to the Southern Continent. It seems that he caused a lot of trouble. I apologize for that."

Dongfang Yi, Ye Shuying and others looked at Su Yuan with complicated expressions.

Strictly speaking, although Su Yuan took away the dragon vein of Qixia Mountain for Fu Chaosheng, that was only after everyone in the Taishangmen failed and fled.

And if the other party hadn't taken action to kill the chasing culprit, it's hard to say whether he and others would have been able to leave Qixia Mountain in the first place.

As for Ye Xiaose and Yao Bing, they immediately understood Su Yuan's identity.

Ye Xiaose waved his hand and said: "It happened more than ten years ago. The disaster has passed, and there is no need to mention the past."

At the same time, Ma Liang, who was waiting for the battle, also recognized Su Yuan.

"It's you!"

It was this person who destroyed his own incarnation in Qixia Mountain!

Seeing each other again at this moment, Ma Liang couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly...

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