Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1050 Dare to Discuss Taoism

The Supreme Master comes to the door and Xuannv Peak.

Unlike other peaks where people come and go, there is only one person on this peak.

In addition, it is located in a relatively remote area, so few people visit it.

However, this peak is quite famous now, because the current owner of this peak is the new king of Taishangmen who reached the second level two months ago - Mu Kexian!

On the precious fifth-level treasure ninth-grade jade lotus platform, Mu Kexian practiced as usual.

Suddenly, Mu Kexian slowly opened his eyes, but his unwavering eyes seemed a little uneasy.

For some reason, my mood has been fluctuating these past two days, making it difficult to enter a state of cultivation.

After thinking for a moment, Mu Kexian stood up and walked to the guqin beside him, and started playing the guqin with his jade hands.

The sonorous sound of the piano, combined with the large pieces of Xiao Xiao Bing Jade Mysterious Bamboo planted on Xuannv Peak, makes it even more powerful.

At this time, a flash of sword light rushed from the horizon, it was Huang Yu who had been ordered to come.

"Pastor..." Huang Yu looked anxious and opened his mouth to say something.

But with two "clang" sounds and a sharp sound from the piano, many astonishing sword marks were torn open on the ground around Huang Yu!

Huang Yu's body trembled, but the words that reached his throat couldn't be uttered. He finally swallowed and waited quietly.

After a while, just when Huang Yu became more and more impatient, the song finally stopped.

"What's the matter?" Mu Kexian asked without raising his head.

Huang Yu breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly: "Uncle Pastor, the people from the Blood Evil Sect who came today are extremely dangerous. Yao Lingzun asked me to come over and ask you to come down too."

Mu Kexian stroked the strings and said, "Since Senior Brother Dongfang, Senior Sister Ye and others are here, why do I need to go there?"

Huang Yu smiled bitterly: "Senior Brother Dongfang was also defeated. That's why Yao Lingzun asked me to invite you over."

Hearing that Dongfang Yi was defeated, Mu Kexian's face did not change at all.

Foreign affairs of outsiders have nothing to do with oneself.


In the blink of an eye, the sound of the piano started again, and Mu Kexian started playing again.

Seeing that Mu Kexian didn't seem to plan to have a regular meeting, Huang Yu suddenly looked confused.

There was a delay just now, but now Yao Binglingzun is still waiting at the mountain gate.

Dongfang Spirit Master was defeated. If he hadn't invited the priest uncle over...

Huang Yu was so anxious that he looked at Mu Kexian in front of him, took a deep breath and was about to say something to his scalp.

But at this moment, the sound of the piano suddenly stopped with a "buzz" sound, and Mu Kexian suddenly held down the strings.

Huang Yu said in surprise: "Uncle... Pastor?"

Mu Kexian looked thoughtful and didn't want to go.

But in the past few days, the blood in my heart has been surging, and now it is even worse. I can't even play the piano to relieve it.

Since it’s difficult to practice if you feel restless, you might as well go take a look.

Mu Kexian stood up and without even looking at Huang Yu, he turned into a ray of light and rushed out from Xuannv Peak.

When Huang Yu saw this, he immediately felt happy and quickly followed him...

On the square behind Qunyu Gate.

Ma Liang narrowed his eyes and stared at Su Yuan in front of him, with a strong fighting spirit gradually rising in his eyes.

Back in Qixia Mountain, this was the man who blew up his own avatar!

At that time, I had not yet developed my magical powers in the Six Paths of Hell, and I had only one incarnation walking outside.

This caused many of his plans to be disrupted, so that later in the Yin Gu burrow, the risk of life and death fighting with evil, demons, and monsters like Gu insects was much higher.

Although he finally won and became the king, he still had a narrow escape from death!

Later I heard that this man's whereabouts were unknown after being hunted by the king... Since we meet again now, we can't let this opportunity pass by!

Ma Liang immediately said in a cold voice: "People from the Eastern Continent dare to come to our Southern Continent to steal the dragon vein!"

"That's wrong. I didn't steal Nanlu's dragon veins." Su Yuan smiled and looked up at Ma Liang, "By the way, if I remember correctly... you were the one I blew up in Qixia Mountain. Evil cultivator."

Ma Liang's expression darkened, he looked at Su Yuan carefully, and then sneered:

"I came to Taishangmen today to discuss and exchange ideas with the new king. Seeing that you are already at the king level, you and I are of the same level of cultivation. In this case, do you dare to come down and have a discussion with me!"

As soon as Ma Liang said these words, the three parties in the field were startled.

Ma Liang challenged the Supreme Disciple, but almost no one could challenge him, but now he suddenly pointed his finger at Su Yuan from the Eastern Continent.

Han You's eyes turned quickly. Ma Liang always had no taboos in his actions, and he did not expect that something unexpected would happen at this moment.

However, when these masters from the Eastern Continent forces came over and mingled with people like the Wanjian Shenzong and Taishangmen, they didn't know what they wanted to discuss.

If you can really challenge the opponent and defeat him, or even kill him by mistake...

So, if someone from the Eastern Continent gets into trouble on Taishangmen's territory, no matter what they want to discuss, they can destroy the relationship between the other party and Taishangmen!

On the Taishangmen side, Yao Bing was also thinking rapidly in his mind.

Even if Mu Kexian is allowed to come, but Mu Kexian is at the second level, and he has the cultivation level to suppress him, even if he beats Ma Liang, it is natural, but he just keeps the bottom line.

Mu Kexian has always been guided behind closed doors by Senior Sister Emei, and has never shown his level, and his specific strength is not clear.

On the other hand, Ma Liang, who defeated three people including Dongfang Yi in a row, showed some unfathomable strength, and he didn't know what other methods he had.

It would be fine if Mu Kexian defeated Ma Liang, but if the second-level Mu Kexian also lost to Ma Liang... then if word spread, the consequences would be unimaginable!

And if the new king of the Eastern Continent takes action and defeats Ma Liang, then it will not be so ugly if there is still a "final master" who has not appeared in Taishangmen.

Even if he is defeated, he can still find out more of Ma Liang's methods, and he can be more confident when Mu Kexian comes on stage...

Ye Xiaose's eyes also moved slightly. According to what Emperor Xuan said, Fang Qingxiao and others came from the Eastern Continent and seemed to have something to ask for. Through this new king, they could also see the level of kings in the Eastern Continent...

However, the visitor was a guest. Ye Xiaose chuckled and said, "Fellow Daoist Fang, you don't need to pay attention to this person from the Demon Sect. There will be disciples from the sect coming later, and we can handle it ourselves."

Fang Qingxiao glanced at Ye Xiaose and Yao Bing and roughly guessed what the other party was thinking.

If he can defeat the demon sect for Taishangmen and others, he can also take this opportunity to build a relationship so that he can discuss matters in the gray world.

In addition, he can also use Su Yuan's hand to show Dayan's strength.

Fang Qingxiao could feel that unlike Lou Zhen and others, although Ye Xiaose was still polite, his behavior seemed to be a bit superior to others.

First, because one's own realm is lower than the other's.

Secondly, because the Southern Continent is the Holy Land of Blue Star's cultivation, and the Supreme Sect is vaguely the head of the ten sects, it is inevitable that the forces in the Eastern Continent will feel that they are inferior to others.

Thirdly, fighting against the Gray Realm is not a matter for a continent, nor is it a matter for a sect.

If you want to talk to the Supreme Master, the Demon Sect cannot push him away.

Although he had just arrived, Fang Qingxiao was so keen that he quickly saw the situation clearly.

If the person who comes out from behind Taishangmen really defeats Ma Liang, he will most likely not let him go!

This is not a good thing for the collective resistance to the gray world, and Su Yuan may be able to make a difference in it.

As for whether Su Yuan can beat Ma Liang... in Fang Qingxiao's opinion, there is no need to consider it.

While thinking, Fang Qingxiao smiled and said: "It's better to come early than to come by chance. People who practice are happy to have grudges. Since there was some grudge at the beginning, it would be good to have a discussion. Su Yuan, what do you think?"

Su Yuan naturally understood what Fang Qingxiao was thinking, nodded and said with a smile: "That's fine, we need to solve it."

Turning to look at Yao Bing, Su Yuan said: "Yao Lingzun, you may have to occupy the Guizong's venue. I wonder... is it convenient?"

Yao Bing laughed and said: "Fellow Daoist Su is too polite, just come forward.

In addition, Fellow Daoist Su does not need to worry about his safety. In my territory, those from the Demon Sect will not dare to do anything ruthless! "

Su Yuan nodded and said with a smile, "Thank you very much."

Then, Su Yuan raised his eyes and looked at Ma Liang, who was looking at him with his hands behind his back in the distance, and slowly flew up in a sway.

"The unknown sword cultivator from Qixia Mountain is really going to take action!"

Many disciples of the Supreme Master in the field were looking forward to it and were extremely curious about Su Yuan.

He is both the new king from the Eastern Continent and the once-famous unknown swordsman from Qixia Mountain.

I don’t know what kind of strength he has now, whether he can compete with Ma Liang of the Demon Sect!

"Eastern Continent Great Flame, Su Yuan, please enlighten me." Su Yuan said calmly.

Ma Liang looked at Su Yuan, wondering if it was because he had been defeated by the person in front of him before, but at this moment he felt a bit of danger from the other person...

"Xuesha Zong Ma Liang, come on!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ma Liang took action directly.

As soon as he raised his hand and waved, the torrential yellow spring water outside him suddenly surged towards Su Yuan!

Su Yuan's expression remained as usual. When the water came, he stepped on his feet. Suddenly, boundless black flames surged up and swept across most of the sky, directly blocking the surging underworld water!

"It's his divine fire!"

Ma Liang's eyes slightly condensed, and as soon as his mind moved, an incarnation suddenly rose up from the water of the underworld next to him.

Su Yuan looked at the incarnation of Ma Liang and said with a smile: "It's really hard to distinguish between true and false, just like before..."

This incarnation gave Su Yuan the same feeling as the Ma Liang incarnation during the previous fight in Qixia Mountain. It was impossible to tell whether it was true or false.

At this moment, the incarnation of Ma Liang raised his hand to form a seal, and ripples appeared on the turbulent water of the underworld.

Soon, terrifying Ji Shui Leopards rushed out of the underworld water, charging into the undead evil fire without fear of the burning fire, and rushed towards Su Yuan!

"The fire element is almost immune, but there are such summons?" Su Yuan was quite surprised.

Seeing that many Ji Shui Leopards were about to rush forward, Su Yuan took out his demon sword and slashed with his sword, but the sword light crossed the space and fell on the numerous Ji Shui Leopards that were rushing towards him!

Blessed by Taixu's sword intent, the extremely sharp sword light instantly shattered these Ji Water Leopards into pieces!

However, Ma Liang's incarnation showed a sneer, and the seal in his hand changed again, and the entire surging underworld water seemed to be squirming.

Immediately, densely packed, noodle-like black and blue earthworms were seen jumping out of the underworld water and rushing into the immortal evil fire! (End of chapter)

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