Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1051 Fight Ma Liang again

Ma Liang controls earthworms, which is the summoning technique of his animal incarnation - Huangquan Xingxu!

Huangquan Xingxu has super strong negative attribute immunity and positive attribute restraint abilities, so at this moment, Zhen Shui Earthworm and Ji Shui Leopard are almost immune to fire damage.

"The powerful summoning technique..."

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, even the sword light couldn't cut him off, so he simply stopped the sword in his hand.

"That Ma Liang actually knows such a powerful summoning technique. Even the divine fire can't do anything with those summons!"

"The unknown swordsman has sheathed his sword. Are you giving up? It seems that the level of the Eastern Continent is not good..."


Seeing Su Yuan stop his sword, many Taishang disciples immediately started talking.

I even felt a little disappointed with the performance of the unknown sword cultivator at this moment.

And just as countless earthworms were getting closer and closer to Su Yuan, Su Yuan's eyes were filled with increasingly dark black flames...


In an instant, billowing jet-black flames rose up into the sky, and the powerful impact blew all the water worms around that were immune to fire damage back!

Then, with astonishing power, a huge heretic like the Demonic War God appeared on the scene!

Holding the magic weapon in his hand, he has a deep aura, and his whole body is burning black and red as if he is wearing black and red armor!

"Here comes another big guy!"

"Sure enough, it's not over yet, there is another countermeasure!"


Looking at the terrifying Xu Xie Xian Sheng, Zhuge Xin, Hao Lingyun and other new kings all felt extremely frightened.

And many of the king's disciples were even more eye-opening.

First there was Dongfang Yi's Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques + Fa Tian Xiang Di, and then there was the Six Paths Demon Statue summoned by Ma Liang.

Now, another such amazing heretic has arrived!

Ma Liang's eyes moved slightly, and then he sneered: "Do you think you can block it like this?"

The incarnation of the animal path raised his hand and pointed, and hundreds of water worms around him stabilized their bodies and then quickly rushed over.

Xu Xian Sheng clenched the black and red swords, and with a wave of his hand, he killed the slender and smooth earthworms.

However, there were too many earthworms. Even if Xu Xie Xian Sheng's swordsmanship was superb and he cut off dozens of earthworms in succession, there were still hundreds of earthworms that crossed the sword light and rushed towards Xu Xiesheng!

After a while, Xu Xian Sheng's body was densely covered with a large number of earthworms.


The sound of large areas of corrosion came and went, and a lot of smoke suddenly came from everywhere in Xu Xie Xian Sheng's body.

The body of the earthworm contains extremely rich corrosive liquid, and the corrosiveness of each earthworm is comparable to the third-level skill.

Even a king-level person who is good at defense cannot completely withstand this kind of corrosion.

"Even if heretics are summoned, it's still not good..."

Everyone in the Supreme Sect looked solemn. If this continues, this huge heretic who seems to be unparalleled in power may be completely corroded in a few moments.

Ma Liang watched as the corrosion on Xu Xian Sheng's body became more and more serious, and he slightly smiled at the corner of his mouth.

But at this moment, all the earthworms that rushed over fell down from the evil body one after another as if they were rotten and necrotic.

Before it landed on the ground, it had already turned into pus and blood and was completely burned by the undead evil fire.

On the other hand, looking back at Xu Xie Xian Sheng, the corroded parts of his body were under the rising black flames, but they were restored to their original state within a short time!

"What? Master Ma's waterworm was actually killed!" All the disciples of the Blood Fiend Sect were shocked.

Even Ye Xiaose was a little surprised.

Masters such as Ye Xiaose and Yao Bing naturally saw the key at a glance.

"This heretic actually has a stronger corrosive effect than Ma Liang's earthworms. Instead, he corrupted all the earthworms..."

Lou Zhen, who was next to him, took over and said: "And compared to the corruption effect, the self-healing effect is not inferior. With such magical powers, little brother Su is really powerful."

"Thank you both." Fang Qingxiao smiled slightly.

Where did this go...

Fang Qingxiao's eyes fell on Su Yuan in front of him.

Such methods are just ordinary for Su Yuan...

"Do you want to compete with the corruption of the Scarlet Evil Fire?" Su Yuan chuckled, ignoring the more earthworms behind him. As soon as his mind moved, the two arms above Xuxie Xiansheng had already grabbed Zijie. The bow was drawn!


Thunder bursts from the sky, thunder clouds roll, the purple and gold divine thunder gathers on the strings, "cracking", emitting increasingly alarming fluctuations!

Ma Liang's eyes froze, and the water in front of him rippled with thought...

Within a short while, Zixiao's calamity-destroying arrow had been condensed.


Su Yuan gave an order, Xu Xian Sheng loosened his bowstring.

The unparalleled Zixiao Destruction Arrow suddenly turned into thunder that penetrated the sky, tearing apart the surging underworld water and rushing towards Ma Liang!


Thunder exploded, purple lightning shot out, and the roaring purple and gold light rose from the sky and filled everyone's eyes!

For a moment, everyone, whether it was Tai Sect or the Blood Demon Sect, stared closely at the field, wondering whether Ma Liang had received the blow.

Su Yuan's eyes were filled with sparkles, and his wholehearted intention was already unfolding.

Soon, Su Yuan felt something and his eyes moved slightly.

Not long after, the thunder gradually dissipated...

Two steps in front of Ma Liang, another incarnation suddenly rose up.

This incarnation opened its hands, and the underworld vortex with flashing runes swirled in front of it, slowly absorbing the last purple lightning from Zixiao's Destruction Arrow.

And Ma Liang in the back was unscathed!

"To be unexpectedly...absorbed like this!" The disciples of the Supreme Sect all stared wide-eyed.

Even though he thought that Ma Liang could take this terrifying blow, he didn't expect it to be so easy.

Just relying on an incarnation, I easily took it down without any effort!

Ye Shuying glanced at Dongfang Yi next to him and whispered: "This should be the kind of absorption power he showed before."

Dongfang Yi nodded and said solemnly: "That's right, but it's much stronger than before!"

Zhuge Xin's eyes revealed his thoughts, and his eyes froze: "Maybe it's because it was used by the original body before, but now, it's used by the incarnation itself!"

Zhuge Xin guessed well.

The incarnation in front of Ma Liang is the incarnation of the Hungry Ghost Path in the Six Paths of Hell. It can decompose and absorb most energy, and is extremely restrained in energy-based moves!

"I'm sorry." Ma Liang looked at Su Yuan who was in Xu Xie's Manifestation, and slowly raised the corner of his mouth, "Such a result, I let you down."

Su Yuan nodded and praised: "Such an incarnation is indeed quite powerful..."

Such a reaction made Ma Liang raise his eyebrows.

With the incarnation of the Hungry Ghost Realm here, the powerful heretic is of no use, but he is still so calm?

As Ma Liang's thoughts moved, the hungry ghost in front of him, Ma Liang, suddenly squatted down and slapped his hands on the surging underworld water at his feet.

A large number of runes spread out from under the palms of both hands. Within a moment, the entire underworld water was rippled by the laws of formation. Even the immortal evil fire roaring in front was slowly swallowed up!

"It's really an amazing absorption capacity..."

Seeing this, Su Yuan raised his hand and put away the immortal evil fire.

Without the obstruction of the divine fire, the originally turbulent Huangquan River suddenly surged forward and crashed into Xuxie Xiansheng.

Even the body of Xuxie Xiansheng with astonishing defense was continuously decomposed and absorbed by this power!

Instead of using powerful attack power to break through Xuxie Xiansheng's defense, he would break it down into basic star particles and absorb them!

"This heretic was actually counterattacked again! Being submerged by such a torrent of water, there is no way he can escape!"

Everyone watching the battle was shocked.

The situation changed so fast. Unexpectedly, Xuxie Xiansheng, who had just counterattacked strongly, would be in danger again in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Xu Xie Xian Sheng, who was constantly melting, turned into black flames and dissipated directly... But it was Su Yuan who took the initiative to dissipate Xu Xie Xian Sheng!


Such a change immediately shocked everyone.

What is he doing? Isn't this like falling into the surging waters of hell?

If it weren't for the top physical strengthening techniques like the Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques, I'd probably be defeated in the blink of an eye!

Ma Liang's eyes also moved slightly. Although he felt that Su Yuan would not give up just like that, he did not stop and immediately controlled the underworld and water from all directions to surround him!

But just when the raging underworld was about to hit Su Yuan, it suddenly stopped, as if blocked by something, and stopped in place, unable to close!

Looking carefully, the square inch of void outside Su Yuan seemed to be expanding infinitely!

The raging underworld water pouring down from all around did not stop, it was still rushing, but it was still unable to cross the short distance and hit Su Yuan!

"The laws of space in terms of distance!"

Ma Liang suddenly remembered the scene when Su Yuan of Qixia Mountain crossed the space and slapped him with his palm.

Now that the other party has achieved the king level and understood the law, this ability is far more powerful and mysterious than before!

Everyone is a first-level king. Although the underworld water has the ability to absorb it, it cannot overcome the immeasurable force with such brute force. Other means must be used.

At this time, Su Yuan raised his right hand, and silver light gathered at high speed.

At the same time, in the left eye, there was also a bright silver light swirling and surging, sending out frightening fluctuations in an instant!

Ma Liang, who was about to launch other powerful spells, suddenly felt a frightening sense of danger, and Hungry Ghost Dao stood up straight again to block him.

The next moment, the hole shot out, and the silver light that penetrated everything instantly hit the underworld whirlpool with flashing runes in front of Hungry Ghost Dao.

The attack was condensed to the extreme and almost penetrated it!

However, the underworld vortex rotated violently, but it was slowly blocked.

Ma Liang secretly breathed a sigh of relief and looked into the water again, only to suddenly find that Su Yuan had disappeared!


At this moment, there was a flash of silver light behind the three Ma Liangs, and Su Yuan stepped forward and appeared behind everyone, with a shot of Kong Shen Jade in his hand emitting powerful waves!

Ma Liang's expression changed. At the critical moment, Ma Liang clasped his hands together and said, "Niu Taurus!"


With a roar, a strong and powerful bull like a king rose from the water and stood in front of the three of them...


The silver light exploded, the space surged, and the extremely bright silver light roared across the audience!

And when the spiritual light dissipated, the three Ma Liang were all in an extremely embarrassed state, and the Niu Jinniu they had just summoned turned into a puddle of rotten water and fell back into the Yellow Spring River... (End of this chapter)

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