Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1052 The Six Paths of Underworld

"As expected of Brother Su, even if he is promoted to the king level, he is still as powerful as before!" Fu Chaosheng exclaimed with joy in his eyes.

After Ma Liang showed another powerful incarnation one after another, Su Yuan once again used the secret technique of space to complete the counterattack and injured Ma Liang!

In the field, the bodies of the three Ma Liangs were torn and bruised, with some blood flowing down from them.

Even with the resistance of Niu Jinniu, who has outstanding defense in Huangquan Constellation, he can't stop the terrifying power of Kongshen Jade!

"It's really amazing..." Looking at Su Yuan in front of him, Ma Liang formed a seal with his hands with a solemn expression, "The Way of the World, the Flowering Technique of the Other Side!"

Ma Liang opened his hands, and blossoming flowers of the other shore condensed by the water of the underworld flew out and landed on the three Ma Liang.

A trickle of water overflowed from the flowers, the skin healed, the blood disappeared, and the injuries on the three Ma Liang's bodies recovered visibly to the naked eye.

At the same time, the animal path also formed seals again, and the water from the underworld suddenly emitted waves of powerful fluctuations.

Accompanied by the strong and evil demonic energy, three huge stars like black devils emerged one after another above the underworld...

The Kangjin Dragon is hundreds of feet long, the Horned Wood Dragon is covered with thorns, and the Tail Fire Tiger is dozens of feet tall and only has one eye!

If the twenty-eight constellations in the secret realm of the Star Palace are majestic and solemn, then these underworld constellations summoned by the animal path at this moment are as ferocious and terrifying as the darkness and demonization.


Zhu Shengdao gave an order, Kang Jinlong swooped down, the Horned Wood Dragon shot out, the Tail Fire Tiger jumped up, and the three astonishingly powerful Huangquan Xingxu rushed towards Su Yuan!

"They are both twenty-eight constellations, but they are completely different styles from the secret realm of Heavenly Palace..."

Su Yuan chuckled lightly, raised his hands, and silver light gathered into the air cannon and landed in the palm of his hand, and threw it out one after another.

"Bang bang bang...!"

The power of the exploding space roared in all directions, causing the entire space to tremble.

In the roaring tide of silver light, it was difficult for Kang Jinlong and other three-headed Huangquan stars to get close, and from time to time, an air cannon would be thrown towards Ma Liang.

Hungry Ghost Road raised his hand to absorb the incoming Sky God Cannon.

"What a fierce force of space, what a powerful star power!"

Ma Liang's eyes narrowed slightly. Although this move seemed to be of low quality, it was not too subtle.

However, the energy contained in it is very high, making the power not low, and the corresponding consumption is also high.

A glimpse of the leopard reveals that this opponent's star power may not be as strong as his own!

Just when Ma Liang was thinking, his eyes suddenly flashed. Su Yuan had teleported over and slashed down with his sword!

Ma Liang's expression changed slightly, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

But he saw the water surface undulating beside him, and another white-robed Ma Liang appeared rising from the water.


With a crisp sound, Shura Dao raised his gray-white left arm to block Su Yuan's demon knife, and at the same time, a cold bone blade stabbed straight towards Su Yuan's chest!

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and with a flash of silver light, he teleported directly behind the human world at the beginning.

However, white light flashed in front of him, and the Shura Dao had already followed him among the lightning and flints, swinging his bone blade to slash!

Within a short distance, ultra-high-speed movement may not be inferior to teleportation!


The two swords clashed, and the white air roared!

Su Yuan looked at Shura Dao in front of him, opened his left hand, and with a flash of light, the glazed azure fell into his hand and was about to be chopped off.

The bones of the Shura Tao's left hand flowed, and another white bone rushed out from the palm and turned into a bone blade to meet the attack!

The four swords clashed, and the two sides attacked at high speed.

The sword energy shot out in all directions, and Su Yuan stepped back.

Looking at the shallow sword wounds on Shura Dao's body in front of him, Su Yuan was thoughtful.

"The Way of Shura, the Way of White Bones? The strength, speed, and defense are all top-notch. Is this incarnation specially prepared for close combat..."

While Su Yuan was thinking, the expressionless Shura Dao had already waved his two bone swords, took one step forward and charged forward again at an astonishing speed.

At the same time, Kang Jinlong, Jiaomu Jiao and Taihuohu, who were blasted away by an air cannon from the rear, were already coming from behind again!

Su Yuan had a thought in his mind and was about to teleport out. At this moment, the surrounding underworld turned into a vast sea of ​​blood and suddenly rose into the sky.

Countless bloody runes shot out in all directions, criss-crossing in all directions. Su Yuan, who was about to teleport out, suddenly stopped in place with a flash of silver light.

"Sealed and imprisoned?"

Su Yuan raised his eyebrows and looked down. The last two avatars beside Ma Liang had also appeared.

Among them, the Hell Dao wearing a blood robe is raising his hand to form a seal on the Yellow Spring River, using the water of the Yellow Spring to instantly open up the bloody seal realm.

This seal does not restrict anything else, it only blocks the sky and the earth and cuts off movement.

Star power surged around Su Yuan's body, and immeasurable power surrounded him and immediately blocked Shura Dao and others from the outside.

Shura Dao directly threw away the bone blade and opened his hands.

"The bones are coming!"

Infinite thorns and white bones shot out from between his hands, but in the blink of an eye they almost covered half of the sky!

Even so, there is still no way to cross the infinite barrier.

Those who are good at physical attacks, such as Chariot and Shura Dao, are the most difficult to break the limitless limit.

And behind, the golden light surged from Kang Jinlong's mouth and gathered the real dragon's flash, and the black tail of the tail fire tiger ignited a terrifying crimson flame...

Several powerful attacks hit Su Yuan, but they were not enough to overwhelm the boundless barrier.

Seeing this, the Beast Dao raised his hand to form a seal. Kui Mulang, Lou Jingou... more underworld stars were constantly summoned from the water. Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, light and darkness, powerful attacks of various attributes were all over the sky, all attacking together. On the infinite barrier!

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. Such a huge momentum will break through the infinite barrier and fall on Su Yuan in a short while.

However, Su Yuan was also prepared. His ten fingers moved together, and the silver threads in his hands quickly intertwined.

"Silver cage!"

The immeasurable barrier was broken, but a bright silver cage spread out with itself as the center, instantly pushing away all the surrounding Shura Dao and even many underworld stars headed by Kang Jinlong!

Su Yuan opened his hands, and the surging power of space gathered in his palms to condense the Sky God Jade again. At the same time, his eyes swept across the six Ma Liang in front of him.

"The animal path summons powerful summons, the hungry ghost path can absorb energy, the Shura path of bone is unparalleled in close combat, the hell path of blood seals and restrains, the body of the human path has flowers blooming on the other side for healing and recovery...

So what kind of abilities does the God of Heaven have? "

Su Yuan's eyes fell on the last black-robed Tian Shendao who had not yet made a move, and he could vaguely feel that this incarnation was different from the other incarnations.

The body under the robe is slightly blurry, and the breath is even more obscure and dangerous.

And as if in response to Su Yuan, the dim light in Tian Shendao's eyes suddenly began to flow.

A wisp of black light shone into Su Yuan's eyes, and Su Yuan was shocked. He felt that he fell into the netherworld for an instant, and the boundless darkness swept in and submerged him in the blink of an eye.

The body gradually decayed in the cold darkness, and the spirit became more and more withered and decayed.

"Psychic attack!"

Su Yuan understood immediately, and with a thought, the three-flower mark between his eyebrows lit up, and gold, silver, and lead three-color lotuses bloomed from beneath his feet.

The mysterious three-flower aura blocks all the darkness and prevents it from entering!

In an instant, Su Yuan regained his energy, his eyes shone brightly, and the scene in front of him returned to normal.

"Blood, bones, soul, is it really the law of the soul that is used in the final divine way..."

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly. Compared with blood and bones, the way of the soul is more bizarre and unpredictable, and it is impossible to guard against it!

Ma Liang, the human being in front, was also very surprised. He looked at Su Yuan and frowned slightly.

"Such a strong mental defense? It even prevented the 'Trembling Underworld' of the God of Heaven!"

The Six Paths of the Underworld are cultivated with the help of the Great River of the Underworld, but Ma Liang also has the Soul-Born Divine Water, so among the Six Paths of the Underworld, the Heavenly Way blessed by the Soul-Born Divine Water is the most powerful!

The underworld trembling just now is a fourth-level skill. It is silent when activated, directly drowning consciousness and extinguishing the soul.

If it weren't for the defensive skills of level 4 or above, it would be difficult to block even an attack from the God of Heaven at the same level!

This is also the horror of the way of the soul.

But Su Yuan broke free from the trembling underworld in just a blink of an eye. The defense strength of this kind of spirit alone is definitely at the fifth level.

"Go ahead and suck it up!"

The human Taoist Ma Liang gave an order, and the Hungry Ghost Tao immediately flew up.

Although the Silver Cage is stronger than the Infinite Barrier, it is also more tangible.

Hungry Ghost Dao pressed his hands against the silver cage and spread out the underworld whirlpool to absorb it at high speed.

The power of space among the hundreds of silver threads that weaved the silver cage was suddenly absorbed into the whirlpool of flashing runes, visibly dimming to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, Su Yuan nodded secretly.

"It seems that Ruanruan will only be more powerful than this in the future."

The law of water - the law of absorption - the law of swallowing.

The Law of Absorption is a higher law extended from the Law of Water, and the Law of Devouring is the ultimate law extended from the Law of Absorption.

At this time, along with a strong fluctuation, the Sky God Jade in Su Yuan's palm had been condensed again.

"Energy attack, but there's nothing you can do against the Hungry Ghost Path!" Ma Liang sneered.

I was a little careless before, but now that the Hungry Ghost Dao is here, not to mention the fifth-level energy attack... even the sixth-level skills can block it!

But it wasn't over yet, Su Yuan made another move.

The three-phase diagram outside the body unfolds, and the golden wind, black flame, and purple gold thunder rise from the triangle.

"Huh? Three kinds of divine objects!"

For a moment, everyone in the field widened their eyes.

Not to mention the many disciples of the king, even masters such as Dongfang Yi, Zhuge Xin, and even Yao Bing and Han You looked shocked!

In addition to the divine fire, Xu Xie had already shown some power of wind and thunder before, and everyone was not sure yet.

But at this moment, as the three-phase diagram unfolds, the power of the three divine objects of wind, fire, and thunder embedded in the triangle is undoubtedly revealed.

Ye Xiaose's eyes narrowed slightly, and he turned to look at Fang Qingxiao: "It is difficult for ordinary people to find even one kind of divine object. I didn't expect that the new king of your country actually possesses three kinds. He is really the only one in the ages."

Even at the king level, divine objects possess considerable power.

Fang Qingxiao smiled slightly: "Envoy Su, there is indeed some chance."

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